Chapter 4 - My Mind!

My Mind!

Neil after sitting for a while in the park and thinking about this unexpected event he now is returning his way back home, he instead of going through a metro to his city he picked up a car and went back his way home through a taxi. He was first time sitting in the taxi, he was a kind of afraid by seeing the traffic since he is only used to sit in his dad's mini cooper mini truck and modern vehicle all round him, big running machines. He then reached his street and then he paid the taxi driver and then started walking his way back to home, on reaching his apartment he was not quite that happy, it was highly congested and it had stained paint, then he went to his house, in the apartment, it was on the first floor in a slight dark corner.

He took the stairs instead on going by the lift since he is used to take stairs and not a lifting machine. On reaching his door he opened it by using his house door key and then he entered in and slam! closed the door. He stood by the doorway and did a glance of his whole house at once, he started slowly walking in his house and touching its wall and the things that were in his house like furniture or other decorative stuff. He didn't clean his room today, since he was in a hurry, he didn't even close the jam lid and half of the bread was still on the table. He never minded it so, he came and sat on his bed, it was fluffy. He didn't have a T.V and couch in his house like he had in the old house. his mom's and dad's house, because it maybe cost more for a new freshman at work. He looks side, right and left and up and then down examining each and every corner of his house. It feels like he has been living here for years but now does not even like this place and thinking how dare he lives in such a place.

It's already 12.30 (twelve thirty) and now it's early afternoon. He spread himself to relax his body, he is tired. He then decided he is going to stay at home the whole day and talk to himself about the things happening to him.. He went to the toilet to take shower and changed his clothes; he usually changes his clothes and take a shower or bath after coming out to the home after a long hour. So, he stepped in the bathtub, left leg first and then the right leg it was slippery and he was scared since what if he slips and fall and hurt his head. He didn't lay on the bath tub but took a shower in it. After taking the shower, he stepped out of the toilet in a white bath towel around his waist and he was completely naked expect for the towel around his waist, you get it right! Then he went near his cupboard to wear a dress, he was looking at his wardrobe, it was a quite okay fashion type, it mostly consisted of casual outdoor clothes and some T-shirt, he wore a gray regular full length pant which was grey in colour and a plain olive T shirt. He after wearing his clothes, he left his old clothes inside the washing machine without even switching it on! He then looked inside his fridge to see what was there to eat, there was a salmon, eggs, bread, milk, cold drink and common vegetables, a few fruits and some ready to eat food products. but he took a cookie dough from his fridge; his fridge was not that small but agreeable size. So, he took a cookie dough, since he has tasted it before too, while making cookies with his mom back then. He tasted the cookies dough, it tasted the same, so it never bothered him and he started eating it continuously since he was hungry.

He then sat on his bed, pushing his bed sheet and pillow to the other side. His bed was in the corner, so, close to it that its edges were touching the wall on one side. He sat on the corner of his bed, resting his back on the wall. He crossed his leg and sat on his lap. He was catching the cookie dough in his left hand. He stared at his alarm clock which was on the table beside his bed. He looked at it like it was something alien like thing, a country boy never need an alarm clock to wake up.

Then an unusual sound comes from inside the washing machine, he looked at the toilet and just sat there with his eye wide open, then again the weird sound came, this time he was scared, he kept the cookie dough on his bed and then walked slowly his way to the toilet where the suspicious sound was heard. He peeped through the toilet door and looked at the washing machine. The sound again came two times in a row, he jumped back and then he thought what if a bomb or something else danger was there inside the washing machine. Even he has a washing machine in his house and it used to make a typical sound while it was used but, he knew he didn't even switched it on and the sound was really alien like. He then held himself back and walked to the toilet fearless though he was scared, he was walked slowly and then opened the door of his washing machine and took his clothes back out and kept it on the floor. The sound again popped, he got to knew that the sound was coming from his pants pocket, he put his hands in his pant's pocket and took out the thing that he was thinking was a bomb! It was his smart phone! just the notification pop up sound, Neil got to know that it was nothing to be scared, he then gasped heavily, he looked at his idiotic phone and saw there were so many unnecessary notifications, he was angry so he switched off his phone and kept it on his dining table.

He again jumped to his bed and took the left-over cookie dough and again started eating it. Now he was thinking about only the way to get out of this hell situation since he has never been so triggered and he is provoked for no actual reason, it was now 3 (Three) and his stomach is filled and he do not know what to do. He go to the kitchen and looks out of the window in the kitchen and see people walking, some children, some vehicles moving here and there, it's all noisy. He now sits on the chair of his dining table, keep his arms on the table's surface and rest idle. Then he switches on the phone that he kept on the dining table before and switch it on. He scrolls up and down, moves each slide. He then finds a game app on his phone. He clicks it and then he tries to play it, at first, he was not quite good but after a few games he quite enjoyed it and started playing like an addict, all the feeling inside him can be expressed in this word "wow! man" He was so into the game that he forgot about his feeling, he is no more depressed and he did not even mind the time and kept on playing the games in the phone like an immature adult, he became so childish. After playing for hours, he saw his wall clock, the time was 7 (seven) now and he now felt more tired, he didn't even mind to eat the lunch and jumped on his bed and slept clumsily, leaving his phone switched on and the cookie dough box laying on the floor. He is sleeping, something unusual is going on, it is in the atmosphere, One, two and three Neil gets up again! He is shocked, he didn't understand what just happened when he looked around, he saw that he came back again to his place, his house in the farm and now he is looking again normal in his sixteen year old body everything was alright and now here the time was 5.30 (five thirty) in the morning. He was amazed that he is again back to his normal place. He touches his face and feels, he has no beard and he is happy with his adolescent face. He finally thanked that everything he is now normal.

But little he got to know that whenever he sleeps at night in this present world his soul teleport to his future and whenever he sleeps in his future, he returns backs here again. He was totally excited and was laughing loud with his eye wide open knowing the fact he everything is all right, he is really astonished. He felt that it was cool. His mom and dad just got up and they are thinking everything thing is normal but they don't know what as just happened to their son, he just saw the future and came back. Neil whisper (with slight laughter) "Oh my God! shit what just happened? oh my God!" He gasps heavily, he keeps his mouth a little shut to make his voice sound low because, he does not want to make his mom and dad know that he was actually awake for most of the time, but travelled through the time! He thought of sharing this feeling with some, because he cannot keep it with himself so he though when he would go to play with Peach at that time, he would explain everything to his loving Peach. So, he got of his bed and greeted his dad who was just coming out of the toilet, Neil "Hi dad!"

Matthew (dad) felt that Neil was hyperactive and he felt it a little weird since Neil rarely got up this early in the morning. After refreshing himself again even though he did it in the future, he came out of the toilet and went to kitchen for breakfast, even Kendy (mom) was amazed that Neil got up soon today so, she asked "Neil, you are early today, anything special?"

Neil "No mom, I just felt like to get up soon!"

Kendy (mom) "OK! the breakfast is just ready"

Kendy (mom) serve the food on the table. Matthew (dad) sees Neil and still feels that he is hiding something special. After eating Neil went out to spent time with Peach, he took the basket with his and Peach's treat. Peach and Neil then again went and sat down under the maple tree and Neil starts talking "Hey, Peach I was something just amazing "

Peach stare at Neil clueless

Neil "okay! you may not believe me but this is true, trust me, it is amazing"

Peach still don't understand anything and just turn his head

Neil "I went to the future "

Peach just staring like a silly dog

Neil (nodding his head) "ah... yes, I went to the future, I was leaving in an apartment, you, mom, dad, nobody, literally no one was there. I was living alone in that apartment. It was in the city, there were bakery, an Italian restaurant, an Indian restaurant and the park, I went into a park. I played a game on my smart phone and it was just awesome, (whispering) I also went to the metro and had a taxi drive"

Peach have absolutely no expression since Peach thinks that Neil just dreamed about something at night and now he is talking about that. Peach so, simply nodes his head to not make Neil upset, making him know that Peach was not really believing, anyway Peach is just a country dog, what can it know about time traveling.

Neil says "isn't that amazing!"

Peach howl happily.

Neil similes looking at Peach and he gain start talking about the thing.

While his dad, Matthew is in the field farming the apricot, morning he works alone but in the afternoon Neil comes to work with him and help him till the evening. Kendy was doing her daily house chores like cooking, cleaning, washing which is pretty important too for their living and well being. It feels like everything is pretty normal and good going but there is something cold in this sunny day, though it may be a bright pleasant day but not for everyone, for some they are going through a totally different phase in their life. Everyone thinks that Neil just woke up after a sleep, but the truth is that Neil just woke up from the awareness. He was awake all time but going through the time between the future and the past. Neil just saw something close to unbelievable or impossible.

Neil is happy seeing his place again, especially the maple tree since it was the one which he missed the most, he is happy getting back this good feeling. At afternoon during the lunch when Neil and Matthew came out and entered their house to eat the lunch, while eating Matthew reminded Neil that will he work with him?

Matthew "Neil, you are helping me out right!"

Neil "yes, dad!"

They were already eating their lunch and after eating the lunch, Neil and Matthew got up and went out to just work in the field. So, they started working in the field with his dad. It was tremendous but they somehow managed to do. After coming from the field they both went to shower, while again he was waiting for his turn to bath, he went into his room and lifted his pillow and picked up the letter which he wrote and kept it under his pillow. He looked at it with a kind smile, he knew this thing was much more powerful than it was actually.

He then opened the letter again and read it inside his mind. He again folded it and kept it under his pillow again in hope that this simple letter will take him back to the future again. After his dad coming out, he went to refresh himself. Then after having his regular night bath, he came out of the bathroom and then sat on the couch in front of the T.V watching along with his mom and dad, tonight he was watching some random T.V show or program and they were laughing and enjoying at it, since the spiritual show is only on Saturdays. After having their dinner again, they all went to sleep in their bedrooms. Neil the clever boy was fascinated and was waiting to sleep from the whole day, now he is fascinated, excited and he feels whatever is happening to him is just so amazing. So, he again lay on the bed and sleep upright. He glanced his room quickly and his young present body since he knows that he is going to see the opposite, his mature body, and a new house in an apartment, then he slowly closed his eyes. Silence! he is sleeping...…