Chapter 5 - Mean Keen Girl

Mean Keen Girl

Silence! breathing is echoing in the atmosphere. One, two, three- He wakes up! Neil (laughs weirdly since it just happened as he expected) " wow! I am here again, oh my God! so, this is true power!" He reaches his future; he turns round and look around him seeing this all again made him happier. He picks up his pillow and see if even the letter was there, but it was not there so, it is thus concluded that his letter is still remaining under his old pillow, he is now believing in everything that is happening, but then too he is not that sure, a feeling of resentment on if this is just a dream or fake, maybe just a feeling. So, he got up from his bed and today he made his mind to go to his workplace, it was important for him.

He dressed himself, he wore a black formal pant with white formal shirt and a black suit upon it, holding his leather office bag again on his left hand, and his watch too on his left hand's wrist. He cooked today pancakes, since there was flour and eggs the main ingredients. He then topped his pancake with chocolate syrup, since all that he had to top was a fruit jam, not apricot, honey and the chocolate syrup. After eating his breakfast, he left his plate unclean, without washing it, now his whole house was a mess since he didn't even clean his house and wash the dishes and the clothes, from yesterday. It was 7 (seven) in morning by the time he had cooked and ate his breakfast. Now he was already ready to go, he took everything important with him, like his phone and wallet, he looked inside his wallet and he got to know that he didn't have much money, so he just closed it and kept it inside his back pocket. He opened his door and gasped, he was again hesitating to go out but today he had courage to change and decide he is going outside and see what's there, before going Neil said to himself "okay! I am ready, Neil you are ready!" He took a deep breath and then started walking out to the downstairs, he again did not take the elevator.

He then walked out of his apartment in confidence. He tried to act normal while walking along with the crowd and not be a jerk. He started walking his way to the metro station, he was walking uniformly since he doesn't want to get late in first day of work, actually not the first day but for our 16 (sixteen year old) Neil. He reaches the metro station and he sees that there are very less people total in the station, he was able to walk freely today without getting stuck and squeezed between the crowd. There were very few people, he was astonished and he had this doubt, but he never minded, he took this opportunity as an advantage. Guess it was some local holiday for that some community of people, so that many people didn't go to their work today. Neil gets on the metro and when he steps inside, he see that the metro was nearly empty, everyone was sitting, there were a lot of places to sit such that one person could sleep on the seat. Everyone was sitting far away from each other, since plenty of space was available, so even Neil took a seat just beside the door way of metro. While sitting he was looking at the people in metro. Some were college students, some were office men and women, and very few were the middle age people. Everyone was sitting quietly, with a straight face, he was looking left and right side of the metro inside and he suddenly spotted the girl. Yes, the girl he yesterday dashed. She was sitting on opposite side of seat to him at very corner. Today she was wearing a blue slim-suit with golden buttons on it and a exact matching skirt. Her heels were medium size, she wore a brown polished heel. Her watch was slim and it was full of crystal which gave it a feminine look. Her hairs were red, which is rare but she has a beautiful red hair. Her hairs were straight and reached till her chest and there were some cute curls around her ears, curling down till her neck, he was so fair, her lips were natural pink but her make up made it look brighter like red! Her eye make up was one to appreciate, it was one of a kind. She had a soft, elegant touch on her whole body and face. She sat on the seat like a royal princess. Neil looked at her for some while , he got up from the seat and was straight walking toward her and he went near her and tried to talk to her.

Neil stood in front of her and bent his head to look at her face and said (shamelessly) "Hello! aren't you that girl, I dashed?"

The girl (looking weirdly at him, trying to understand what he was talking about, then she got to know that he was the same jerk who dashed her yesterday, she was angry at him and did not like him) So, with hesitation she said "hmm.... No, I don't know you" (trying to ignore him by looking away from him by turning her head)

Neil shamelessly again asked "Yeah you are that girl!" (the whole freaking metro is silent and Neil was talking like that without even whispering, he extended his right hand to greet her) The girl was seeing all around and saw everyone was seeing them because of this jerk, his talking to her loud and trying to greet her so, she too extended her left hand and they greeted each other by shaking their hands and she gave a really weird fake smile on her face.

Neil then came and sat next to her, for instance the girl thought within her "oh no! why the heck he sitting next to me?" she was angry inside but her temper would never match her elegance so, she kept quiet.

Neil again began (he now whisper to her) "why there aren't much people today?"

The girl (turned her head towards him and saw him doubtful) "because it is a local festival for a community!"

she looked at him like, didn't he know? but what does she knows actually, that Neil is from past generations just a sixteen year old boy accidentally switched his place and time.

Neil says "By the way, I am Neil"

The girl nods her head looking at him and turn away and ignore him, she doesn't want a new person to know her name so, she never minded to say it.

Neil waited for her reply but knowing she is not going to reply so, he asked her boldly "hmm.... what's your name?"

The girl was now down, she had to say her name "My name is Casey, Casey Ves" (she said it with a simile especially while saying her name)

Neil said "Hi! Casey" (in a really cute manner)

Neil said (he randomly explains) "hmm... I am new here so, I don't understand things that are going here now"

Casey nods her head and thinking in her mind " Why the heck is he saying this to me?"

And then their station comes and Neil had to move out, so before leaving he bid Casey "goodbye" and went out, she was still there in the metro since her stop is next one. While Neil leaving, she saw him walking out of the station through the window. She felt that he was too nice, he was the first person to ask her name that casually in a good way.

Neil on the other hand was walking his way out of the station, back to his office. He walked all the way to his office since it was not that far from the metro station. On reaching the campus, he felt that the building was massive and tall. He was astonished by seeing it, the whole building was covered with glass windows. He entered the campus, it was sure that his working floor was on the 11th (eleventh) floor, so there was no way to take stairs, you would be so dead climbing till 11th (eleventh) floor and you must cripple your whole like after that. Neil was just about to the stairs but suddenly, His office friends in the lift that was about to close said-

Companion 1 "Neil are you going to climb till 11th (eleventh) floor"

Companion 2 " What the....? you are taking stairs?'

Companion 3 "May be he is dieting, body builder!", Neil became pause for a while, just processing in his mind whatever his friend told just now and he just imagined it and realized it, So, he for first time got into the lift before it got closed. The elevator started moving, inside the lift a soft jazz music was being played till they reached their floor, the lift also stopped at some floor for people to get in and out to their respective floors. On reaching his floor he got out of the lift, he felt it wasn't that bad experience, just stand like a statue for a while but that did not change his opinion on taking the stairs again, he liked stairs just like the old fashion. He stepped in and went to his cabin which had flat, old fashion white tables, typically office cabin table and with a rotating chair. His table was neatly arranged, he was amazed by seeing it since he never like cleaning, and arranging thinks in order, he have that problem. His table had some files and a desktop and on the sides of the dividing wall he has stuck some post it notes. So, he sat on his chair comfortably and opened his leather bag took some things out of it and kept his bag under his chair. He saw and looked at his companions and he remembers them, and their names but not the memories with them he had before, and within him he wants to again recall all this experience again , it is in his mind.

The whole office day was fun for him, it wasn't worse as he thought it would be, he talked and laughed with his friends in the office, talked to some female staff, having fun with them, but in a good way. He went to the cafeteria and ate some food with his friends, he was lucky that his friends paid for his food, already he didn't have much money so, he was happy about it that not even a single penny got lost from him.

After his office work it has already been 4.30 (four thirty) in the afternoon and he had already his lunch. So, he thought today he will go to the arcade and play some games. He thought for a while because he has a little money but he finally decided that he will go into the arcade since money goes and comes, why take stress, any way he is actually a sixteen year old teenage boy. He went to the arcade and he played the games like a psychic. Every kid in the arcade was little astonished by seeing a adult man in suit playing video games. But kids never mind, they actually liked it.

He played till the evening, it was nearly 7 (seven) on the clock, the arcade just closed 30 (thirty) minutes early. He was lazy to go to the home so he went into a night restaurant, mostly men like him were chilling out in the night hotel and their where some women too. He ordered a long island iced tea cocktail. He was tired by now, a kid stuck in adult body not typical. While drinking he was thinking that this place is actually unusual, he can't get along with it all alone, he needs some to help him.

After drinking he came out of the hotel and started walking, he thought if by chance he got a taxi he would go to his home through it or he will walk his way back to the metro station and wait till the next metro arrives. His eyes were droopy, he was devastated. He is walking in the street; a very few people are passing by. Then suddenly he sees Casey (the girl) on other side of the road. She is also walking her way back home.

He rush to Casey and says "Hey, why are you here?"

Casey step back and think why is he following her, she says with a straight forward face "home!"

Neil says "me too! I am also going my way back to home its far but I will get a taxi, I hope"

Casey nods here head in hurry,

Neil again speak "You.... where is your home?"

Casey actually do not want say where she lives but to end the conversion she just says in hurry "it's near" and nods her head and start walking right away from him, he then walks along with her, Casey thinks now she is so done.

Neil ask her again "hmm... I am from the past and I don't know to get along here, Can I get your number?"

Casey gets triggered now she is really going to explode, nobody ever asked her number any before and she does not like asking her too personal.

Casey (explodes) "are you mentally challenged? why are you following me? I don't even know you, and why do need my help?"

Neil (astonished but held himself back and talk calmly) "See this is crazy, you won't believe me I from the past, believe me, this weird occurrence got me in here, but you can help me out, since I don't know this feeling here, you are the only one I think will free to help me, I have no affair with you, I mean I don't want to trouble you, but..."

Casey "okay! why are you telling me that you are from past, it's concluded that you are not, look at yourself, how can someone believe you like that? if such then go to a psychiatrist, don't follow me!"

Neil "what's a psychiatrist? but I am not lying, please!,"

Casey walk away without any word. The argument has now ceased. Neil looks her walk away. Then he turns back and go back his way home.

It was not that good day for him since he was not able to catch a taxi, so he is now waiting in the station for the metro to arrive. It's 8.30 (eight thirty) at night now and the whole metro is empty with a very few countable people waiting along with him.

As soon as his metro arrives, he gets on to it and take a seat and wait till he reaches his destination. He is a little upset since, Casey didn't believe him and he now had to get through this situation all alone, which is going to be difficult. He sits quietly in the metro thinking about how to get rid of this unusual situation, he sits there Idle without any expression in his face until the metro reaches the station. when the metro stopped at the station he gets out to the station and then he walked out of the station to the street. He was clueless about his feelings he doesn't understand what is happening with him but he must believe whatever is happening but for now he is going his way back home.

When he reached his apartment, he took the stairs and climbed up to the first floor to his house and then unlocked his door with his key and then entered it, he was tired today so, he did not take a bath nor changed his clothes, he just jumped on to the bed. He was so tired that he wasn't even able to think any more about his feeling so, as soon as he came, he slept calmly and in deep, deep sleep and then snap! again he woke up in his present real world instantly, it was already morning here because he had slept late in the future. He is feeling much less tired since his body here in present reality world wasn't awake, it was around 6:30 morning and his mom (Kendy) and dad (Matthew) had already woken up. He glanced at his environment around him and now he was kind an upset because at first, he thought this feeling was endless and cheerful because he saw a world beyond time and now, he is experiencing this thing all alone there is no one he can share his feelings with. He don't know how to get rid of this so, for now his is feeling a little upset, he control his emotion and then he get up and go to the bathroom and refresh himself and do all his daily chores and then goes to the kitchen for the breakfast with his mom and dad, today everything seems to be normal and he tried his best to act normal too because he don't want his mom and dad know that he saw a world beyond because they would probably laugh or make a joke causally about it and would say it was a dream, Neil won't take it as harsh, but he knew they weren't going to believe him so, there is no actual reason saying it to them.

After having lunch he took all the essential things he needed and went to spend time with his loving dog Peach, he had spent the time usual with Peach- roaming around, talking and laughing and eating their treats but today he said all the experiences he felt in that world to Peach because he knows that Peach don't give a bad opinion on his experience so he felt free to tell him. Peach acts like he understands but actually he doesn't understand anything at all and that is what make Peach a better companion.

Neil knows what she (Casey) was thinking about him, the girl, Casey, he met today. He thinks it wasn't her fault for not believing him that he is from past, it's typical that nobody is going to believe anyone like that. Without even having a sense of trust so, he thought if ever again he met her then he will explain everything to her at once, but for now all he knows is that he is again going into the world of future, when he will go to sleep tonight because it is not ended yet, it is long, long journey...…