Chapter 6 - She Wasn't Bad

She Wasn't Bad

The magic was already happening in the atmosphere and he was asleep and again he was about to wake up in the future, in his future, then again- one, two. three and snap! Neil again woke up in his future, but after being wake he noticed that this time he wasn't sleeping in his pajamas but he was sleeping in his office suite, then soon he realizes that yesterday he was so tired that he didn't even change his clothes and slept tiredly on his bed. Now he sees all around him, his house and see that it was so unclean and untidy.

It was already early in the morning, it was 5:30 (five thirty) in the morning and he thought to set up his house, clean his house. At first, he started cleaning his dishes or plates that he left unwashed and then he changed his clothes and put them in washing machine and this time he switched on the switch, for sure! He multi tasked and at the same time he also cooked his breakfast, after even cooking his breakfast, he was ready for his work today soon and this time again he wore a new formal shirt not yesterdays one but, a new one along with it a matching formal pant which was grey in colour.

Today he was prepared for everything that was about to happen, he had already had this experience in this world before since past two days. He was also prepared that he would have some unexpected situations, since everything is not predictable but he will overcome it since he is a man with a plan. He got out of his home and then started hitting the streets all again, he went back straight to the metro station to get in his metro going to his workplace. Today there was the same crowd since the holiday is officially over and everyone was get going and went to their work today. He was again stuck and squeezed between the crowd but he somehow managed to get through all of it since an experience made him strong, practice make a man perfect, even rushing into the metro pushing each other back is an art of living. Today he was well planned but again he did not get any seat in the metro since all the seats were taken by heartless people who have a butt to sit. So, he stood, as he stood he held the stability bar tightly so that he does not push or kick or hit anyone near him since every action has a reaction, the people can take revenge over you, Neil got to known this by seeing the old lady's face when he accidently hit her on her left arm a day before yesterday.

On reaching this station he got out of the metro along with the rushing crowd and then walked his way out to the street to reach his office or workplace. When he arrived at his campus, he again took the lift or elevator, he felt that the lift wasn't bad but it wasn't even that good as he still loves the stairs, the old school boy style, and no idiot is going to climb the stairs till the 11th (eleventh) floor, you would reach dead then.

Working his whole day like a typical office man today, he soon got out of his office because he was planned that he will do his work soon today so that he will get time to find the girl if he met or at least think about her, anyway So, after work he went into a nearby restaurant it was a family restaurant and some seats were left empty, he went to such a seat and sat there like a single guy, oh! Loner. He saw that everyone came with a partner or had a family to bring in and they all were having happy talks but he was the only one sitting all alone, he was singled out, he had hesitation but he never minded it and ordered a French toast with Turkey! He was waiting for his food to be served until then he took a new notebook and pen from his office leather bag and kept it on the table and started writing whatever was in his mind but then suddenly, he saw the girl, Casey. He saw out of the glass window of the restaurant Casey walking by the restaurant and he was at first, amazed and astonished that he saw Casey, her again just out of the restaurant, he got up from his seat and then rushed straight to the doorway of the restaurant and he came out to the street's footpath and everyone near him was thinking that he was crazy and really weird and did not understood what he was doing or what was going on so they ignored him then they started doing whatever they were doing pretending that they do not know about what the heck was happening around them.

Neil went to the girl, Casey and greeted her

Neil "hi! Casey"

Casey turns around to see who it was and recognize that it was Neil. Even she was shocked on see him unexpectedly but here is the climax that is going to happen

Neil then again speaks out "I am sorry about whatever I said to you yesterday, it's okay if you don't believe in me but I don't know where to start"

This time Casey didn't walk right away from him, usually as she has always done to him, while she said (spontaneously and in hurry with emotion in front of the public) "I was sorry about what I said to you, I know I was rude. You know, that you were the first person being nice to me and I want to ask you apology for all that argument I have done with you. It was all spontaneous and I didn't understand how to react, I am really sorry for you. Yesterday after arguing last night, I went back and again thought about it for a while and I felt really sorry for you, so, please can you forgive me?"

Neil was really amazed by hearing that she thinks so good about him and he didn't see that coming, he though she hated him but actually now she feels bad for him and he got to know that she was thinking about him all night, so there is a catch.

You know when girl fall in love with a man then he is meant to be her whole world, so she thinks about him all day. Neil knew that the flame is growing in size and it is getting hot!

Neil was happy and he actually never took her words so deep but he forgave her.

Neil said "I was in the restaurant so; would you like to join me"

Casey (exclaimed) "Yes! I just completed and got my work done today soon so, I have time and I would really like to spend time with someone like you!" So, Neil took her back into a restaurant and when they entered the restaurant in again the waitress of the restaurant came to him and said "Sir your food is served, take the seat, please!"

Neil said to the waitress "Thank you!"

Neil and Casey went to their seat and sat facing each other opposite, a few minutes ago Neil was feeling like a loner but now he has a partner, a girl!

Casey saw the notebook on the table and asked Neil "Why is this book here?"

Neil said "hmm... well I was writing my thoughts, in my mind!" (Smiling at her)

First, she was not believing in him but this instant she thought that she will just keep quiet and listen completely to him and see what he is saying, she knows very well that by looking at his eyes it was true that he needed help but she is doubtful because it is for sure no one is going to approach you saying that they time travelled or they are from the past, it's really impossible and unbelievable but for now at least at that instance she thought she will completely listen to him and then react.

Neil stated his story, he said "I am from the past and I had written this letter to myself for my dad and, ah… and now I didn't realize the true power of the letter and now I am stuck in the future. You know my dad had a wish and I want to fulfil it so, I wrote the letter about it."

Neil also said to her "Whenever I sleep in my present world, the reality, original present moving world I wakes up in this future world, in my future."

Casey did not understand him much well but she was ready to help him since she will anyway get to know what is actually happening if she moves along with him.

Neil says" I feels like this is a dream within a dream, if I would have said it to my parents back then they wouldn't have believed me, this is why I am only saying it to you, Casey, because in this world I am new and has never spoken too close to anyone than you". (Then she smiled at him)

Casey said Neil "I will help you in any way possible, Neil"

Neil asked her (hesitating) "Can I get your number"

Casey said "Okay, I can give you"

After eating their food, he invited her that would she like to come to his house,

Neil asked (hesitating) "Would you feel free to come over my place"

Casey watched doubtful at him at first, because she has never been to anyone's place, especially a person she met new, but she trusted her instinct and decided that she will go to his place. So, they both walked along the way, in the street and they both caught a taxi, lucky enough and then the taxi driver drove them to their destination.

Neil showed her his apartment and said "This is where I live for now, just for now, my door is no.016, it is in the first floor, not too much to walk"

Casey didn't feel this place was good, it was old, smelly and gloomy, so congested, in fact actually even she lives in a small home but it is far better than his, so, she kept her vinegar feeling within her and acted like she never minded.

Neil took her to his house in that dark, gloomy corner and unlocked his door. They both entered into the house, on entering the house Casey felt that his house was clean actually, and she likes things arranged in an order, but in fact Neil just had cleaned his house today morning. Neil in his mind thinking "thank god"

Casey felt that his room was bright and was better than the outlook of his apartment.

Neil said "take a seat, I will bring something to eat"

Casey sat on one of the chairs in his dining table and said "Thank you, it's okay!"

Neil on the other hand want to make a quick good impression on her, he does not want to treat the guest bad so, he took a cup noodle from his kitchen shelf and served it in his own bowl removing the outer cup, making one to fall for it, that he actually prepared the noodle. Neil has never seen a cup noodle nor tasted it any before but, reading the label on the cover "Ready to eat cup noodles, in just 4 (four) minutes", he got to know that it was the catch and it can save his reputation.

He served her Cup noodles in a bowl so that she doesn't know that it was ready to eat food.

Neil randomly said "So, this is where I live, it's my future house but I kind a don't know why am I living in this house?, I never planned to live in an apartment, I am from the country side, living with my mom and dad and my dog too. We all live their happily, we have acres of land and we own the apricot farm. I don't know why I am living here? I want to go to the university and now I am doing an office job here in the city."

Neil is upset with his future and wants to know why is he doing things that never fascinated him? But at least he can try to avoid mistakes, since he knows about this and can get rid of it but for now, he needs to go back and returns as normal to his real, present world.

Neil later says "I don't even know where my mom and dad is? Since I actually never met them here, in this world. Is in this world my mum and dad are still living in the country side and only he came here for working?".

While Casey eats the cup noodles that was served to her early, sniffling the noodles in to her mouth, though she may look elegant and pretty but she was a 'foodie'.

But for now actually Casey started little more believing in him.

Again, Neil starts (with an over expressive feeling) "I never thought of come to the future instead actually I want to go to the past to fulfil my dad's late dream of going to past and seeing his dad or my grandfather. But whatever is happening is unbelievable because it is for sure it has never happened to anyone or this is like a dream but I cannot believe it is a dream because you are talking to me, I can feel you and when I return back to my original world, I can recall all the memories without forgetting any of them and feel what I touched, felt and spoke, this is for real, Time travelling is real!"

Casey says (after sniffling all the noodles in the bowl and talks, praising herself)" I have never encountered anything or any person who says that they are from the future or past, it is really unusual for someone to believe you. But you are lucky to get me because, if you would have said this to someone else, then they wouldn't have believed in it, even I am hearing it for first time and I am an ordinary girl with no special talent and I believe in you, so trust me"

Casey and Neil look at each other with a smile indicating that there is a mutual relation now.

Neil looking at her and say "Thank you!".

Casey says "hmm… do you remember anything that you had done before?"

Neil says "I does not remember most of the things, because I directly came from the past, I am 16 (sixteen year old), I am a teenager and now directly 28 (twenty eight years old). I have never experience what was in the middle, in this phase of life so, I never remember any memory of it and I really want to recall all of it and remember each one of its since I know all of it has a special place in my life!" (Then Neil suddenly gets over excited and say) "but I know cooking and cleaning and all that stuff, how is it right? Yes, I do remember my house address, where I work and my pin codes and all other things, but why this, I don't understand this much!"

Then Casey says (in interesting manner) "It is because this are not your memories this are what you remember, your daily chores, it can never be your memory it is just a part of everyone's life, it is just to get through all the days, to survive in this society, it is conditioned! But your memory is one which you need to experience and you need to actually feel at that same time so, you are not able to recall any of your memory. Don't worry everything will get all right".

Neil says (appreciating) "Wow! you are so smart! I never thought of it in such a way, and you said all of it in such a good way!... that now I understand the things happening to me but, there is more to unwrap"

Casey then says "why don't you check what's in your house? maybe that can give you a clue"

Neil said "yes! I didn't even think about, (now looking at her) you are smart actually, I will do as you said"

He opens his cupboard and starts looking for something very well and something in which he could see his past and there it goes, he got a photo album! it was his university photo album, he brought it to her, Casey and showed it to her. Now they both were sitting together keeping the album on his dining table.

Neil said "Hey! Here I got a photo album, it was in my cupboard, maybe this one will give a clue about me!"

Casey said "Wow! a photo album I want to see, it is really a great source of information about your past life, (she exclaims in hurry) open it! open the book!"

When he opened it, they saw some photos of his friends and him, his university friends. He then turned over the pages and saw there was so many photos of him with his friends and with his university classmates and some teachers but, on seeing it, even he tries to recall, he actually doesn't remember any of it, Casey suddenly exclaims "Oh my God! you are from my university, North-west university" (it was their college name)

Neil did not understand what she was actually talking about but, then Casey again says (pointing her finger on the photo) "I was studying in this university and now I kind a remembering you".

Neil (astonished) "What that is you? You remember me now?"

Casey says "yes, I kind a remember you I think you were a nerd in our university, I was studying with you in the same university, turn over the pages let me see if you have any of my photos more" (she looks at the album turning over the pages but, most of the photos were of him but, in one of the photos she noticed herself and said) "there that is me! I was an arts student back then"

Neil said "you are an arts student! who was I? ", Casey said "you were a science student, I guess something cosmology"

Neil said "what I am a science student, I studied cosmology! I cannot believe, I am related to physics?"

Casey said "At least I guess so"

Neil again said "I hated physics! I mean, I hate physics! and I took a degree in cosmology, that is unusual I cannot believe my future is a full of turnovers".

After talking the whole day, discussing things for too long, Casey said " I have to go home since I must not be outside anymore late, or else I can get in trouble because my home is a little far from this place"

Neil excused her and said it is fine and let her go. They both bid each other "goodbye" and before leaving she gave a note in which her number was there, Casey said "Neil takes it, it's my number, call me maybe!" she smiled and gave it to him; he was so happy that everything is getting on the track.

Then the girl leaves from there, she walks all the way to the metro station and then to her home. Neil was in his house, he was remembering and recalling about her, Casey, it is that feeling, he knows this feeling, the feeling of love!

He is so excited again to go back to his original place where it is day and again he will get a lot of time to just admire her again and again. It was 9 (nine) at night, when she left and he will be having his dinner because this body had not eaten dinner for straight two days in a row. Neil took some ingredients and started cooking, then prepared a salad with a omelet on top of it and then he ate it. By the time he ate his food, it was already 9:50 (nine fifty) and he thought about sleeping again, it has been just one day and he misses his mom and dad so much. So, he got to his bed not in a hurry, but comfortably he laid on his bed and closed his eyes, relaxing his each body part and then there it goes! Snap! he woke up again! all again it's going to start a new bright pleasant day but, for just the different body with the same soul.

He wakes up in his original, real world, it was an ordinary morning, regular time because everything has been all right for him and he had slept today in the future at a perfect time so he woke up here in a perfect rhythm!