Chapter 7 - You And MEE....!

You And Me

He wakes up and then do all his morning daily chores and goes to eat his breakfast. After having his breakfast, he goes and plays with his dog Peach, they spent their time as usual and again he said all of his experience with him and this time again Peach was acting innocent to him that Peach doesn't understand anything what he is saying and that's okay since Neil have someone to put all his feeling in a save place, who can hold it for him and that makes Peach so special!

After lunch time he goes and work with his dad, they were talking and having fun while working, then after working, his father and he again came to their house and they both went to refresh themselves by taking a shower while mom (Kendy) was cooking dinner but today again he had to be home-schooled, his father home-schools him, expect weekends that is Saturday and Sunday he is home schooled but Neil was ok with it since it wasn't forced school where he had to do assignments and appear for exams and tests actually he was just studying to get his graduation from high school and then move to the college. Neil do not want to work in an office like an employee but want to take a university degree but for now he has handed his life to his faith, trusting in his faith and waiting for his destination. He hopes everything goes well but at the same time he also tries to get interested in what he is doing. He knows that each night he will time travel and for now he has nothing to fear and what is good about it, nobody has ever had such an amazing feeling in their lifetime and he feels so lucky and special.

After studying for few times, they go for dinner and after eating their dinner everyone goes to sleep in their respective bed room. His mom and dad bid him "goodnight" and he is thankful for that and he knows that his bed was waiting for him to lay down. Have you ever got fascinated in sleeping? and that is really an unusual feeling but Neil was really surprised and excited in sleeping, the main reason he was excited is because that he is going to meet her, Casey again.

So, he goes to his bed and lay down on his bed comfortably and then closes his eyes. He is sleeping again, one, two, three snap! again he reaches his future. It is like a roller coaster for him, coming and going all again and again! It's such a good experience for him, then again Neil wakes up with a smile at very first look in that world, happy and joyful Today he again thought to take a holiday from his workplace, so he again mailed his Bose-

Dear Bose,

I am today again not feeling well, I am allergic to pollen and I have again got pollen allergy, it is all because of the fancy tree you have planted in your campus to make it look beautiful. Until the trees are there in the campus, I am sorry I cannot return since I can die from pollen allergy.

I don't have a doctor's certificate, since I declared myself, I am suffering from the pollen allergy, the doctor just fills a sick certificate and charge more, I don't want to wait in the clinic, so please cooperate with me since I have been suffering from headache too, by your work.

Thank you,

Your loving employee, Neil

The boss is going to cringe over it and for now we can only hope Neil do not get Fired! Then it would be permanent holidays for him.

So, he did his daily chores, cleaned his house, cooked his breakfast and ate it and he also took bath, since he had not taken shower for previous three days. Then he dressed himself today he wore a red casual check shirt with dark blue denim jeans and brown shoes which made him look more attractive and he also wore a sling bag, a casual brown sling bag, he also wore a cooling glass to disguise himself. He was much more confident today he had a smile throughout his face.

Today again he planned to go to the same restaurant because he liked the restaurant and he thought that he will take the same seat and will have his lunch again there because he really liked their food too much and he felt more comfortable, he can hear people talking and laughing with their families, which made him feel like more existing, now Neil is used to the city sounds. He got out of his house after doing his daily chores, it was nearly 9:30 (nine thirty) in the morning by the time he left his home and he was walking his way straight to the metro because the restaurant was near the place where his office was, for which he needed to take the metro. That is why today he also wore a cooling glass to disguise himself, so that none of his office companion identify him.

Pollen allergy, sickness and going out to have fun and eat, would give enough evidence to his company that he was lying, so he had to disguise himself.

After reaching the restaurant he luckily got his same seat it was 10:20 (Ten twenty) when he got their and it wasn't even lunch time so he though he will sit and spend his time there, till then he will wait and wonder, he kept his sling bag aside him and was sitting. He simply decided he is also going to have his lunch there itself, but for now he just ordered a chocolate milkshake. So, he was sitting in front of his chocolate milkshake sipping it, he looks around and then wonders about his past and future. He also bought the photo album with him so that he can keenly look at the photos and at least try to recall or get some clues. He was sipping his milkshake slowly to finish it late since he didn't order a breakfast because he already had his breakfast at his home and if he finish his cold milkshake then he need to order something again to pass the time since, you can't hold a seat in the restaurant without ordering something in there.

Out of nowhere while Neil was looking around, he saw Casey passing by the restaurant again, he was astonished on seeing her, so again he got out of his seat and this time he slowly rushed to the doorway acting like everything was normal. He went to her and Said "Hey! Casey" Then Casey turned back on hearing her name and said "Oh! Neil, you didn't go to work today?"

Neil said "hmm... no, actually I took holiday from my work, but why you here?"

Casey said "Its Tuesday, I have a half shift so, I have done my work today, so I have a lot of time"

Neil asked her again "So, I was sitting in the restaurant, would like again dating?"

Casey (astonished) "Dating!"

Neil said "sorry! Ah... not dating, I mean we can chit chat, and…"

Neil thinking inside his mind "what the heck I am saying, control Neil, Control!"

Casey said (laughing) "Okay, I understood". So, they went and sat on the same seat, Casey again sat facing him opposite and keeping her purse beside her.

Then Neil asks her "Do you remember anything about me when I was in the university studying with You?" (Showing her the photo album)

It is from now the real story beings-

Casey starts speaking "Neil you are younger than me, I am 16 (sixteen months) elder than you so, I remember you quite well. You were studying cosmology and was a freshman when I was in my second-year course and well I want to say you that you came through the scholarship, I was so surprised and that you got a scholarship after maybe your high school, remember it? Anyway, I got dropped out at, after my second year and went to the club to sing, back then I wanted to be a star and I also became but for a very small time, I was singer in 'Night mingle club' which was a little far from our university but in the same city, street Allier, 34th (thirty fourth block) – "

Neil suddenly breaks her conversation and say "Ailler? That's my surname"

Casey replies "What Ailler is your surname, wow we are so related, but listen, I am not yet finished so, Yes, I used to go to the club and sing, I became a popular star back then, I used to go to the club at night 8:30 (eight thirty) and return at midnight 2' o clock, entertaining all the old couples and men and women who came at bar late night, (she gasp softly and say to herself) wasn't that a great time, I miss it! (then she again continues) People used to come and watch me sing and dance, I made some of my custom clothes to look exotic, people used to love my dressing style, and that is why I like to where elegant clothes, My style has evolved babe! But," (she stops suddenly, looking down)

Neil asks her "Casey what, what then, everything all right?"

Casey (nods her head and in a painful, emotional tone say} "They threw me out after two years"

Neil (exclaim suddenly) "what?"

Casey (continues) "yes, the threw me out. After two years performing their, because they said I am old now, they bought a new girl, they said I was boring by then, (she again gasp with sorrow) Oh my god! They treated me like a toy!"

Neil "I am sorry for you"

Casey says (holding her tears back) "its okay! So, I again came to the university and continued studying from my 3 (third) year, my two years got wasted but after then I completed my arts degree and see now, I am here!"

Neil (looking at her with a simile) "yeah! but what about me"

Casey again starts "So, by then when I came to complete my degree after those two years in the club, you already left the college, you were already graduated, since you came ahead of me when I wasted my time in the club. But when I was in my second year, that is before getting dropped out, I remember you getting bullied by your classmates, they used to push you, throw your books and they used to eat your food, make rumors' and insult about you, because you were a total nerd, always scoring good grades and you was really interested in cosmology and that stuff, you used to talk to the professors more than us students, really you were a nerd student, but then too I didn't like you getting bullied since being a nerd is not bad, everyone is different!"

Neil (angry and doubtful at the same time) "So, what did I do?"

Casey (looks at him with a straight forward face, with a pause in her talk) says "You did nothing!"

Neil (exclaim) "What? I did nothing about those jerks!"

Casey says "Yes, because you were too afraid of them"

Neil (turns his face, angry on himself) but Casey again beings "By the time I again came back to the university you had already finished your university course and went on your way after that I don't know what happened to you, since I never met or saw you again until now, (she says in excitement) Who thought that now we will meet each other and be 'friends!' ''

Neil looks at her in an excitement, since the word 'friends' is echoing in his mind and he is secretly happy about it, that he is meant to be her friend!

Casey kept on speaking "You know, I was raised by a single parent, my father because my father and mother got divorced after 6 (six years) in marriage, when I was at the age of 5 (five) and so, I was raised only by my father, He was such a good man but my mother cheated on him and went with another man. So, sad but then too he tried to raise me all alone. I was very happy with him, I used to go to shopping with my dad, we used to go and eat street food, he also used to come to my school for all my occasions but, one of the bad memories I remember is that one day while going to shopping with my dad when I was a little girl, I saw my mother, My father's wife. My father saw that she was with another guy, a rich guy! My dad got to know that my mother divorced him for his money and not his behavior, he was heartbroken on seeing his ex-wife with a rich guy, he got to know that she was indeed a gold digger! I didn't understand the seriousness of this feeling in this type of situation, but as I grew up, I got to know how deep it feels when someone cheat and breaks you apart. From then on my father became so depressed and was not much able to focus on his work but he controlled his emotion and healed himself so that I can grow up happily, he want to be my role model and yes indeed he is my! My father raised me very well and now my father still lives in his same house, where I was raised, I go and meet my father every month at least one time, since he is the only one who gives hope in this world, that never give up, do not let this world destroy you. (Casey suddenly become more philosophical and says) You know, this world can surgically remove happiness and make you feel numb by showing all the terror to you at an early age, and make you feel, depressed and you feel like, you no more want to live in this world, you are useless and have no contribution and sometime you wish you were never born at all. But I too have went through it, I have seen things that I never wished to see, I thought to give up then I finally realized I am going to get back, since it is what the world wants exactly you to be, it wants to make you feel worthless, but that didn't stop me and I got to my way, I know you think I am rude but I never was but this world trigger me, so I won't speak much to people so that I will never regret if I say something harsh if I may become angry towards them, but then I met you and you were one of a kind" (She looks at Neil and smile"

They didn't realize how much time it was, it has already been 12:05 (twelve five) it was afternoon by now and, the waitress suddenly came and asked them " Sorry to interrupt you, but its 12 (twelve) noon now and you haven't ordered anything yet, we serve lunch now"

Neil then realize, it is noon now and he will order lunch!

Neil says to the waitress "Yes! We will order, (he looks at Casey and ask her) – Casey what do you want"

Casey open the menu book and look what's there to order, (then she say to him) - 'Flank steak!' "

Neil " okay! (he looks at the waitress now and speak) a Flank steak and for me ah…"

Casey (looking at him, in a wired manner with eye contact, in a romantic, savage manner and says) Just one is enough, right!"

Neil (looking at her and understand what she was talking about, she want to share the food with him, oh romance!) , he says – " Yes! Just one is enough!"

The waitress "okay then, one Flank steak!" (she pick up the empty milkshake glass from the table, which Neil had finished drinking)

They look at each other, like only they both of them, know the secret and look at each other in a cunning way with a killer smile.

So, they wait till their lunch is served, until then they keep on talking.

Now Neil start speaking " One day when my father and I was talking, my dad said that he had a dream to meet his dad or to say my grandfather, Heil. He said me about this because, I read a book called 'Time machine' and I got inspired by reading it so, I asked my dad about it randomly, but in turn he said it was his dream too. My grandfather was an alcoholic person, that is why he died, my father was so sad and depressed about it, I too even feel bad about it, I don't know why but I know this feeling of losing some of your love, who you have loved the most, if they disappear unexpectedly. It's like I have kind a experienced it but actually I never went through such time at least till now back there where I am 16 (sixteen) in my present world. So, I was saying my grandfather died and I never saw him because he was dead before I was born, but my dad miss him so much. You know I have this dog, sorry friend named Peach. He is my best buddy. I miss him he is in the farm I guess. I always wanted to fulfil my dad's dream of making him to meet his dad. But I came in the future when all I wished to go to the past with my dad"

Casey "Oh! I guess you loves your father too much and I like people who loves their good parents!" (she smiles)

That's when the waitress came into the conversation and served their food and said "One plate of Flank steak!"

They together (Neil and Casey together) said "Thank you!"

The waitress departs

So they each took their fork and the plate was in center and they started eating from the same plate. It is actually a luck to get to eat with romance with your mate, your soulmate.

They didn't talk much while eating since they wanted to enjoy this moment, sometimes they grabbed the same piece of steak which made it more romantic. It was 2:30 (two thirty) in afternoon by the time they finished their lunch and all that little conversations!