Genius's Pride

When the groups are looking to each other, it's possible to sense the battle intent.They are the strongest in their school, and probably in the city, so thay want to fight genius from others places.

"Let's get walk around the city, and search some good things." Lucas suddenly poked Bai and said.

Bai is dumbfounded but nodded.

The others are stunned, even the other group.They are demonstrating their battle intent and this guy don't care.They are a little furious.

This guy don't care about the contest or don't care about them.Everyone has pride, a genius have much more.

"Hey, are you underestimating us?" a black haired boy asked a little angry.

Lucas got confused, he just wanted to know the city.How it turned underestimating the opponents?

Even though Lucas don't see them as opponents, but like a way to improve to Tier 7.

"Calm down, Alex.We will know in the contest." a blonde guy patted the black haired boy in the shoulder and said.

"Humpf." Alex snorted and looked away.

Then the groups go to their own way.

After walking for a while, the group arrived in a inn.

"The contest will start tomorrow, so you guys can do whatever you want.But in the morning of tomorrow, you must be in this inn." Marcos said lightly.

Everyone is surprise, the contest is getting near and near, they said one month, now is tomorrow.Even if the contest takes too long because the number of participants, it won't need such hurry.

'Maybe there more monsters now, the situation might be bad if they want that everyone stay stronger faster.' Lucas thought looking to Marcos back.

"Let's go visit the city then, like you said before." Bai said suddenly.

"Yes, let's go, there might be some good foods." Lucas said excited, it is useless to thought about monsters anyway.

They walked towards the city center while looking to the shops around, it's a pity that the majority of the shops are weapons and technology, sometimes a cloth shop appears.But food shops didn't exist here so far.

Turning the street corner, they see a bakery.Lucas got excited and accelerate his pace, after entering the bakery he sees several of delicious looking things, from breads to cakes.

Suddenly Lucas remembered something and almost fall in the ground.

"What is up?" Bai asked rolling the eyes, he knows that it is something ridiculous.

"I don't have money." Lucas said with gritted teeth.

"Haha, so look to me eating these delicious things.If I are in a good mood, I can give some things to you." Bai laughed and said arrogantly.

But when he touched his pocket, his face got down too.

"Whatever, buy then, we can experiment the capital cooking." Lucas said annoyed.

"Well, I forgot my wallet..." Bai said with a bitter face.

Lucas looked to Bai in astonishment, who says that will pay if is a poor ghost himself?

"Hehe, you gentlemen are interesting, I pay for you, if you accept." a elegant girl eating a small cake said smiling.

"Okay, in exchange I will do one thing that you want in the contest." Lucas nodded and seated in the same table of the girl.

Bai and the girl are surprised, isn't like every young person in the capital is on the contest.But Lucas said with so much certainly.

"What you can do to me in the contest?" the woman asked curious.

"There so much people in the contest, the first rounds probably will go in team or something like that.If you are in my team, I can guarantee that you will pass." Lucas replied thoughtful.

The girl got even more surprised, there several of powerful people from several schools in every city, to say that is guaranteed to pass with him is much ridiculous.He is incredible confident or incredible idiot.

Bai seated too with a normal expression, he knows that Lucas values different things than the majority of the people.Like he will be much happier if you give him a game or food instead of money.

"Don't need to worry about this, it is cheap to me, so I don't care about it." the woman said with a smile.

"Sometimes what you don't care is the passion of other person, I like to eat, so I will pay back when you need." Lucas said and stayed quiet.

The waiter arrived in the table and asked what they want.

Lucas hesitate looking to the several good things, in the end he bite his teeth and asked 1 of each.

'She said that it's cheap to her, so this isn't a problem.' Lucas thought innocently.

Bai and the girl looked to Lucas like a hungry ghost.Bai knows that Lucas like buying several good things and eat it along the day, but this is exaggerated.At least advanced powers make almost impossible to be fat, only if it's biological.

'Lucky that before the Eternal Day, he barely had money to buy candy and pastries.If he is rich before, he would be fat like a ball.' Bai thought looking to the happy face of Lucas.

The woman looked stunned too, she don't care about the price, but how a guy who said such big words before is so dowdy.Even in front of a lady, he don't care about what she thinks of him?

After he said things like that, she certainly thought that he is showing off to her, but now he asks for do many pastries.She started to think that what he said before might be true.

After asking so many things, Lucas take a look to the girl, seeing her expression not changing, he is happy.Rich girls really are different, don't even blink spending so much in these things.Even though Lucas don't care about money, but it is a necessary thing before the Eternal Day, so he don't expend in those things, even though he like it.

Seeing several small boxes in bigger bags, Lucas is smiling.

"Did you need help?" the waiter hesitate seeing so much boxes and asked.

"Don't need." Lucas said and a light wind surged around him.

The boxes levitate and stayed by Lucas's side.Bai's eyes widened, this guy showed 3 powers at least, without considering the probable debuff power.

The girl looked normal, just is surprise with the control of the power.This control is encountered only when the Tier 8 reached the limit.But few people did this, only the ones with military origin can do it.Even though the energy stone make the progress fast, but there few encountered in the end, and it won't give to anyone.

The majority of those who upgraded to Tier 7 so far is middle-aged or old, isn't that they are greed or something.But the younger ones are blocked by the barrier of the Tier 7, some can breakthrough after a while, but they need manpower urgently.

This is because they need to understand their powers to upgrade, so a person who studied something for years had more chances of upgrading than a young person.But in higher levels this knowledge will trap himself, so the best person is both a realistic and a dreamer too.

This is one of the reasons to make the federation too, to make sure that all of those who entered there don't waste energy stones.

"So I'm going, thanks for the pastries." Lucas stood up and walked towards the exit.

"Wait a little, my name is Liz, how are you gonna help me if you don't even know my name?" the woman said hastily seeing that he is really going.

"Okay, I will remember." Lucas stopped and looked to her face, and said.

After that, he walked out of the bakery with the boxes floating by his side.Bai only follow helpless, even he don't know how he is this thing friend.

Walking for a while, Lucas catched a small box, he opened and there was a fried pastry.He bite it, and the cheese and the ham inside is showed, Lucas eat it with satisfaction.

Bai took a glance but don't care, even though he subconsciously swallowed seeing such delicious looking fried pastry.After walking for a little more, Lucas catched another small box, this time is a cake.It isn't to exaggerated in the topping, but inside there 3 layers of different fillings, there is a plastic fork in the side too.

Lucas eat slowly the cake.Bai can't hold himself and suddenly patted Lucas's shoulder.

"We are friends, right?" Bai asked with a smile.

"And?" Lucas replied innocently.

"You have several boxes, giving one to me won't make a change." Bai said with gritted teeth.

"I thought that I heard you saying that if you are in a good mood, you can give me some." Lucas said with ambiguous face.

"Okay, okay, my most handsome friend.Can you give me a box." Bai said quickly.

Lucas put a box in his hand with a satisfied smile.