Heal Power

Bai and Lucas arrived in the inn, they don't have to do, so it's better to stay here anyway.This inn and several others are fully booked to the participants of several schools, so there several participants in the hall.They don't care about Lucas and Bai entering, but after seeing the big bags that are floating by Lucas side, they looked weirdly to him.

Lucas walked towards one of them, the guy thought that he is looking for problems.But Lucas stopped in his front.

"Hey, did you know if there freezers in the rooms?" Lucas asked sincerely.

The guy got confused but nodded.This is a good inn in the capital, it is normal to have freezers in the rooms.

Lucas got happy, if he put his things in a shared freezer, everyone will eat.So he got up to his room, his room is only in the 3rd floor, he don't know if it is something to do with status or whatever.He don't care and entered, after keeping his stuff there, he got down too.

He is interested to why those guys are in the hall, if they want stay in the inn, it's just stay in the room.Bai is there too, he is curious too, and it's no difference stay here or in the room, only here has company.

He got there and seated in a empty spot near Bai, they waited for a while and Bai started to play with his phone.

Lucas got there thinking about several things, in the end he started to play a stupid game in the phone, it's almost whole automatic but he relaxed gaming, and don't need to think about things impossible to fix.

After a while, everyone looked to the entrance, only Bai and Lucas got trapped on the game and even forgot about this.

In the entrance, a group leaded by 2 people appeared, they looked imposing.Some even looked a little arrogant, the guys waiting in the hall got up and go to gave them greetings.The two in the front don't care, but the others behind looked proud.

Suddenly one of those people noticed Lucas and Bai playing games, without even caring that they are here.One of them got angry, and launched a water laser to Lucas.The others tried to stop him, but it's so suddenly that his water laser hit Lucas chest directly.

Even though he don't used all of his strength, he smiled proudly seeing his attack hit so easily.Bai looked away from the phone sensing the attack, seeing that it hit Lucas, he got angry.

But he looked to Lucas, who is still playing and calmed down.

Seeing that Lucas didn't even moved, the hall is quiet.

(The host obtained a Tier 8 water meaning, and lacks 8 meanings to upgrade to Tier 7.)

Lucas got surprise, the voice delayed a few minutes before, but now is in seconds.He smiled happily.

The others seeing Lucas smile, got a little creepy sensation.Lucas stood up and looked to the guy who attacked himself.

Even though he is calm and even grateful that the guy attacked himself, but a lesson is needed.He won't kill someone by something like that, but he don't know if the guy will be able to participate tomorrow contest.

"Hey, why did you attacked me?" Lucas asked the guy.

"Because you ignored one of the favorites of the national contest." He said proudly.

"Who?You?" Lucas looked weirdly to the guy

He know that the guy don't used all of his strength, but it's still to weak to be a favorite of the contest.Even in his school there's at least 5 people who can defeat him, this guy is probably the weakest of this group.

The guy choked hearing this question.He heard that might be some recently advanced Tier 7 people in the contest, he is a weak in the Tier 8.So saying that he is the one of the favorite is the most ridiculous thing.

"If aren't you, why did you get angry?" Lucas continued asking.

The guy's face is red, but he don't speak.

"Okay, let's end here." other guy in the group said.

"I only asking because I curious, his punishment won't escape." Lucas said calmly.

If there a motive, he maybe can ignore, but being attacked by nothing is too much.The mood in the hall got silent after Lucas spoke this.

The man and the woman who are leading the group looked to him too.

"You are only unscathed because I don't use all my strength." the guy said but backed off.He isn't dumb enough to believe in what himself spoke.

"There is no injury, so let's forge-" the leading man is speaking, but a wind caught the guy who attacked Lucas.

The guy can't compete with the wind, so he can only form water around himself.When the water is formed, it immediately congealed, and the wind destroyed it.After a few seconds in the wind, there several small cuts all over his body, and the leading guy dispersed the wind with a bad looking face.

"Did you don't heard what I said?" the guy said with suppressed fury.

"I heard, but this is between him and me." Lucas nodded.

When the guy is going to speak more, a person appeared.

"This is between them, it's my fault don't be able to stop that boy first, but Lucas hit back is okay.And Lucas caused less injuries in him than his attack would cause if Lucas is weaker.So don't increase the problem." Marcos appeared and spoke.

The guy nodded unwilling, and spoke something to the leading girl.She smiled and extended her hands, green vines started to appear in the wounded guy, after a few seconds he is healed.

Everyone, except the guys from the same group of them, got stunned.Even though that guy injure are only skin trauma, but heal this in seconds is something incredible.

Principally Marcos's eyes light up, this power is essential in the border, but the leading guy probably offered something for her to do this.This power is good in a person who is good to everyone, not the type of person who do it for profit.Even so, it's a essential power in the border.

Lucas's eyes got hot too, if this woman just attacked him, it'll be perfect.He even wanted to call that the title of one of the favorites is bullshit, to make all of them attack him, and consequently she too.

'Not being a asshole with this power is harder than I thought.' Lucas thought while seeing the group going towards the elevator.

"Hey, you scared the heck off me, did you know?" Bai said irritated.

"Don't worry, only if there Tier 7 in this contest for me use all of my strength." Lucas said showing off.

"Okay, I'm gonna sleep.Tomorrow everyone will do their best." Bai rolled the eyes and got in another elevator.

Lucas looked envious to Bai taking the elevator and looked to the staircase.He smiled helpless and got up.

"Senior, be careful of that man." the guy who is defeated by Lucas said a little hesitantly.

"Oh, why?" the leading guy asked.This guy is smart normally, his unique shortcoming is getting arrogant too fast.

"I sensed that his wind and ice powers are in the peak of the Tier 8." the guy said certainly.

"Impossible.You would have much deeper injuries if his powers are in the peak of the Tier 8." another guy in the group said.

"This is because you don't sensed it on the skin, his wind can cut me to the bones whenever he wants, but he controlled that terrible wind to just make some skin trauma." the guy said with lingering fear.

The guy in the lead remembered the incident, and really it is possible.Even though he is speaking, the wind bypassed him almost without him noticing.

"I was lucky to breakthrough to Tier 7 before coming, just a guy from the countryside have 2 peak Tier 8 powers." the leading guy sighed.

"Genius don't matter from where they came, but how far they can go." the leading girl spoke suddenly.

Nobody said nothing more, and they walked out of the elevator, but the leading girl and the leading guy still stood there, and the elevator lift even more.

"I wanted to go to the penthouse too." one girl said enviously.

The others looked enviously to the elevator too.

The elevator stopped and the two got out, there is 3 people seated in a luxurious couch, and in the side there an old woman in a armchair.

It's possible to see the stars by the roof, and several luxurious things, but the two don't care about this, and just looked to the old woman.

The two lowered their heads and said at the same time "Thanks for the energy stones, Miss Tina."