As Phoenix and Sapphire walked inside, all of the people in the cafe turned and looked at them, including the new crew members they were excited to meet. Everyone turned around once knowing who came in, but the new crew members just stared, one of them in awe when seeing Phoenix.
"Are you guys Phoenix and Sapphire Everlot?" one of them asks. It was the guy who was in awe when seeing Phoenix. His hair was long and black, placed in a bun that was a little above his shoulders. He had green eyes and freckles splattered on his cheeks like stars. He looked tall, but Phoenix could tell that they were the same age.
"Yes, we are!" Sapphire replies while Phoenix seemed to be looking at everyone, examining their faces.
"Which one of you are, uhm, Sapphire, and which one is Phoenix?" one asked. His complexion was darker than everyone else's, but to Sapphire that seemed beautiful. When we asked the question, she smiled and blushed a little.
"I'm Sapphire and this is Phoenix," she said, and then he smiled back at her and nodded his head. Sapphire took a while to look at him and examine him as well. He had a small afro, his curls defined...and braces that were blue. He had two dimples on his cheek and a tiny scar by his eyebrow. His eyes were a deep brown that made them golden when sunlight hit them, and his smile was so magical to Sapphire.
"I'm Dominque, by the way. This is Silas, Jenn, and Alexander. We all met each other here on coincidence and stayed because we felt as if you guys would come too. Congratulations!"
"Thank you so much! Same to you," Sapphire replied.
"So, how was the exam for you guys?" Silas asked, sitting down in the bean bag chair that was behind him. The others followed, sitting in the ones by him as well, forming a nice circle.
"I thought it was easy. Biology was the only thing on it though for me. I didn't get any other science. They had a lot of questions about if a plant was poison, how could you tell, and things like that. Mostly plant-based biology.," Jenn replied. Her accent resembles that of a European, her eyes green as emeralds.
"Really? For me it was mostly technological-based questions, like where certain wires go or if a part was missing, what could you put there," Alexander said, his voice shocked a bit.
"Mine was quantum mechanics…virtual particles and things of that nature and a bit of math. Calculus, I believe," Phoenix said after Alex.
"My questions were chemistry-related. A lot of calculating too," Silas chimed in.
"That's strange. I guess we all got different tests based on the pre-test? Mine was about exo-planets and astronomy-based science study," Sapphire said.
"I guess so because I got none of that. I got stuck with Geology, but not of Earth. Other planets. They gave me an entire index worth and had me compare planets and such," Dominique finally spoke.
They all looked at each other and smiled, knowing that with each different aspect that they were smart in, they could work as a team. Alexander would be the one to help repair the ship. He would help make sure that nothing breaks, and that if something malfunctions, he'll fix it. Dominique would help study the geology of different planets, determining if they could land there. Jenn could determine with Dominique whether plants could grow there or not. If there's life, she could study them. Silas could study the chemical components of the atmosphere and determine what living beings breathe. Sapphire and Phoenix would have found that planet and told them about it so that they could study it, giving them the entire background of it along with a sketch. These 6 winners did make a good team already.
"Would you guys like something to eat? My mom gave me her card and told me to pay for you all as congratulations and to thank you guys for I guess becoming my new friends," Alexander asked. The rest of the group smiled and Alex did as well.
"Sure!" they all exclaim. They all got sandwiches, basic, but cheap. Yet, the cafe they were at made the best of them. Some guy named Jonathan was in the back making them, and he brought them out.
"Oh! What a delight. Aren't you the 6 kids that get to go to ISSAFE?" he asked. All of them nod as they grab their sandwiches, Sapphire taking a bite out of hers already. "Well, congratulations!"
"Thank you, sir!" They all replied, smiling.
"So, there's something that my sister and I would like to ask. You guys own telescopes, right?" Phoenix asked.
"Of course," the group says in unison.
"Well, have you guys looked…up lately and seen a tiny dot that's a planet?"
"Oh yeah! I've seen it, but I thought it was a star. It's gorgeous though, isn't it?" Dominique replied
"Huh?...Well, yeah! But you can't find it in the planet encyclopedia anywhere. We tried typing in its physical features as well, but nothing comes up. Is it too far away?"
"I think it is, but telescopes are powerful enough to really see it. Maybe it's not a planet, maybe it's just a star."
Sapphire replied a bit saddened. She then pulled out her notebook with all the suns listed. "It's a bit oval in shape, I could see that from the telescope." The rest of the crew members crowded around her and looked at her, and they stopped by a star.
"Korfen 186…also known as Eventa is the primary star in the Eventa Star system 4 billion light-years away from Earth. It's about 4 times the mass of our own sun and is very young compared to our sun, being 5 billion years old. The star shines blue, being one of the hottest stars, and has a bit of an oval shape. Eventa has yet to be more closely studied." Sapphire looked up from her paper.
"That makes sense! It's a star! And telescopes can see up to billions of light-years away, and it's in the range!" Dominique exclaimed. "Is there more?"
"Yes. It says here that Korfen 186 has 3 planets orbiting it, one that is rumored to be able to inhabit life. The name of the planet is Acantha."
"Acantha? That's a pretty name, isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is! Maybe that's the planet ISSAFE is stationed at?"
"That's a high probability. They wouldn't station it any closer wouldn't they?"
"I don't think they would."
"Well, how do the older crew members get there so fast then? Nothing can move faster than the speed of light." The crew then paused, and once they realized one possibility, they all blurted it out at the same time.