Chump/Pissed Off Da Vinci (Dookie @ Written by Mike Steinback Jr.)

Mike had just thrown out some idiotic chump for teasing Dawkins' doll and his smart brain. Mike was really hot and angry. "GET ME BLUE!!" He yelled. The stagehand took off Big, Bad Deepak and quickly gave him BJ Armstrongs guitar and put it on him before Mike yelled at HIM. He tuned Blue and gave a huge huff into the mic. He rubbed Dawkins for good luck and took out his guitar pick from his shorts pocket. And everyone was admiring his shirt, a sightly big "Dookie" shirt.

Mike: Hey! Chump! I hope your still here, cuz this next song is dediated to YOU! This one's called 'Chump"! Ready?!" ("GO!")

(The crowd erupted and bagan dancing, trashing and crowdsurfing)

Mike: "I don't know you, but I think I HATE you! You're the reason for my misery! Strange how you become my biggest enemy, and I've never even your face! Well, maybe it's just jealousy, mixing up with a violent mind, a circumstance that dosen't make much sense, or maybe I'm just DUMB!"

(The Dimitris stuck their tounges at the cameraman) ("PUAAAAAAAAA!" Went Mike)

Mike: "Your the cloud hanging out above my head! Hail comes crashing down, welting my face! MAGIC MAN! EGOCENTRIC PLASTIC MAN! Yet you still got one on me! Well,maybe it's just jealously, mixing up with a violent mind! A circumstace that dosen't make much sense, or maybe I'm just DUMB!" (The song was ridiculous, but true) "I'M A CHUMP!! SALUDE!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" Mike yelled.

(As Jake played the bass like a BOSS, Mike handed the guitar to Dimitri 2 and let him play the last notes. He rubbed his head.)

(A stagehand handed Mike Big, Bad Deepak and he let Dimitr 2 adjust the blue axe to Dimitri's height)


(Dimitri 2 strummed on cue)

(It went on like this again. After like 5 seconds, he strummed again, with Mike halping him with the chords)

(Dimitri was HAVING A BLAST! He strummed along with the song. Then, he slid his paw across the strings and he and Mike began to play hella fast like the song called for with D.2 sliding occasionlly, with Seth drumming fastly, and Jake making his fingers bleed)

(His two twins were so proud. Dimitri 3 was filming him with Mike's Iphone and DJ did the same with Delilah's tablet by Seth)

(When they ended, D.2 strummed it extra fast and jumped around as Mike handed B.B.D to the stagehand and went over to Dimitri as he did the last chord and it was supposed to transistion into "Longview", but the song wasen't on the setlist.)

(Mike took Blue off Dimitri, gaave him a fist bump and Dimitri went back to his bros)

(Jake played the basslines for Longview, and Seth was doing the drumnotes)

Mike: Whoa whoa! Stop! We ain't doin "Longview!""

Jake: "But the-"

Mike: "Yeah, yeah. I know, your supossed to do Longview after Chump because it dosen't mix, but were doing something better: PISSED! OFF! DA VINCIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

(That made the other 2 happy) (It was in the tune of "In The End" off "Dookie")

(Seth tapped his drumsticks)

Mike: "All brawns and no brains, and I just think that you're an angry lil dog who just likes to paint! Someone to lash out and mock at your art, please don't hurt someone if they do so. I figured out, what your all about and I don't like what I see SOOOOOO... the pissed off Da Vinci will go and paint me in the face!"

(Da Vinci meanwhile was licking Michael, cause he really seemed to enjoy his company, and this song wasen't out of hate, it was for comedy)

Mike: "How will she last? Oh, well fits of anger last hours and hours on end. She goes all around town, deeming me her "special friend", whet the heck does that even mean?! I figured out, what your all about and I don't like what I see SOOOOOO.... the pissed off Da Vinci will go and paint me in the face!" (More strumming) ("HEY!")

(He crouched down during the drum and bass breakdown, playing random notes and walked around like that making the Dimitris fall to the ground laughing)

(When the breakdown ended, he stood back up and played)

Mike: "I figured out, what your all about and I don't like what I see SOOOOOO.... the pissed off Da Vinci will go and paint me in the face!"

(They played the final notes and when they ended, a huge firework explosion thing went off, and so did the stage lights.)

(The crowd ROARED.)

A Note: I am EXTREMLEY sorry for being away from InkStone for SO long! I have been busy with homework and, and I got finals coming up soon. This chapter is WAY overdue and I deeply apologize.