Eruption (Van Halen tribute) and The Judge's Daughter (1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours)

(The crowd is still roaring after the last songs)

(The stage light comes on, Dante comes to the mic. He clears his throat)

Dante: "Before we continue, I just wanna take a minute. ARE YOU DAMN SUCKERS ENJOYING THIS PUNK ROCK SHOW?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

(The crowd erupts)

Dante: "ALRIGHT!"

(Mike's Strat make a low growl noise)

Dante: "So were all gonna take a rest, drink some cold soda and water and listen to one of the best little rockers out there do a tribute to EVH: MR MIKE STEINBACK JR!!!!!!"

(Crowd roars)

(Mike is on stage, wearing same Dookie t-shirt, but new shorts, same muddy sneakers from Yuba City and instead of Blue, had a replica of EVH's "5150" Frankenstrat that some dude in the staff gave to him as a present for doing so well as a rocker. Mike named it "Frankenstrat Jr." (after him.) He then begins to shred merciless on the frets, making various guitar notes and his fingers went superfast across the strings. He had a smile on his face as he did the real notes to "Eruption", making the crowd go nuts and wild. He did that for about 3 minutes. Then, someone threw a beer bottle on stage.)

Dimitri 2: "OI! No throwing beer during the show! Get your butt outta here!"

(Mike continued shredding, unaware of the situation due to his Frankie being SO loud, he just jammed like nothing was happening. He went to the right part of the stage, near were Michael and Da Vinci were. They were enjoying this guitar solo/squealinng.)

(Dimitri 2 was still yelling at the guy who threw the beer on the stage, but that guy was grabbing Dimitris chain, trying to choke him!)

(Mike saw that and went to a mic)

Mike (still shredding, more slowly): "HEY! HEY! STOP DOING THAT!! HEY YOU! YOU HOLDING ONTO DIMITRIS CHAIN!!!!" (He stopped shredding)

"HEY! LET HIM GO!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!! If you don't let him go, I sweat I will f*****g kick your ass like a big boy! St- STOP!! OK BUDDY, YOU ASKED FOR IT!!" (He dropped his Frankenstrat and stagedove into the crowd, tackling the guy)

(Jake came running out, picked up the Frankie and continued shredding for Mike)

(In the crowd, it looked like Mike was destroying him)

(Jake made Frankenstrat Jr growl lowly and kept it like that)

(Mike came back up and led Dimitri 2 away to the back of the stage and off camera. Jake went back to shredding.)

(Frankie Jr was having a blast)

(Mike came back, wiping some blood off him and got Frankenstrat Jr back from Jake)

(Mike slaps Jake on the back, goes to a mic)

(Makes Frankie squeal, then growl and flicked edge of the frets/strings, then back to growling)

Mike: "That's what happens when you try and mess with my dogs: you get your ASS! WHOOPED!!" (The crowd erupts) (Shreds for 20 more seconds then he ends it.)

(Crowd yells)

(The Judges Daughter)

(Crowd chanting, "STEINBACK!")

(Mike pats Dimitri 2's head, gives him a gentle hug to say everything will be alright)

Mike: "You! You're gone! Get him outta here and BAN him forever!" (The security take him away)

Mike: (Spits in anger) Here's the "Judge's Daughter", coming down the lane."

(They begin to play that song. It's one of those songs that when you hit the first note, you have to sing immediately)

Mike: "Princess in a school girls dream, may I please speak to you? I'm having trouble with control and it's all because of you. Today I kept on falling down, I thought it was the street. And so I looked down at my shoes, they were on the wron feet! And I find it hard to be myself! (w/ Jake and Hunter): "Can you please explain?" (Mike): "And I do not think that it's my health." (w/ Jake and Hunter): "You're the one to blame!" (Mike): "You're the one I wish I had and now my girlfriend is getting mad, (w/ Jake and Hunter): I cannot call this sane, I CANNOT call this sane!"

(Dante flipped off an amp and danced around)

Mike: "Today as I was walking down, you bumped into me. You said "excuse me" and walked away as I fell to my knees. I prayed to the being in the sky that my parents told me of. I asked about you, but no reply! No clues about your love! I find it hard to be myself! (w/ Jake and Hunter): "Can you please explain?" (Mike): "And I do not think that it's my health." (w/ Jake and Hunter): "You're the one to blame!" (Mike): My girlfriend left me on the phone, I patheticlly left here alone. (w/ Jake and Hunter): I cannot call this sane, I CANNOT call this sane!"

(They then did this: instruments stop):

Mike: "Can we find a way?" (Instruments resume, then stop) Mike: "So that you can stay?" (Does it again) "I think I'm gonna POP! (Go...)"

(AWESOME guitar solo as Michael bounces Da Vinci up and down playfully and singing the song to her and the dad was headbanging. Guitar solo ends.)

"And I find it hard to be myself! (w/ Jake and Hunter): "Can you please explain?" (Mike): "And I do not think that it's my health." (w/ Jake and Hunter): "You're the one to blame!" (Mike): "You're the one I wish I had and now my girlfriend is getting mad, (w/ Jake and Hunter): I cannot call this sane, I CANNOT call this sane! (Instruments stop) Can we find a way?" (Instruments resume, then stop) Mike: "So that you can stay?" (Does it again for the final time) "I think I'm gonna POP!!" (Ends like that)

(The crowd erupts and demands more as Mike massages his wrists from all the guitar playing)