Tianyun Academy

After walking for a long time, Lee Tao smiled blissfully at the entrance of the Tianyun Academy.

"Xiao Chu, are you ready to harness a lot of profound qi?" Lee Tao asked Xiao Chu in their own communication signal.

"I pity the students attending here." Xiao Chu replied. "All their hard work is going to be plundered by a scoundrel."

"Tch, they should be grateful that I even took the time to plunder their trash profound qi." Lee Tao sneered as he entered.

However, he was quickly stopped by a guard. "Stop, no unauthorized entry past this point."

Lee Tao ignored the guard as he continued walking.

The guard twitched his brow as he tried to extend his hand to grab Lee Tao.

Right when the guard's hand was about to grab him, Lee Tao waved around the recommendation letter in his hand.

The guard shuddered as he froze in place. "Haha so it was a student- apologies, you looked unfamiliar to me."

The guard laughed awkwardly as he hurriedly returned to his post.

"You could have just shown the recommendation letter to him in the first place. Why did you wait until the last moment to do so?" Xiao Chu asked.

"If I did that then I wouldn't be able to slap the guard's face." Lee Tao replied.

"You're not human so you wouldn't understand the pleasure in face-slapping." Lee Tao added as he looked at the map for direction.

'Let's see, the administration office is at the far right huh.' Lee Tao exclaimed inwardly as he figured out the direction.

As he turned around to prepare to head into the administration office, Lee Tao bumped into someone.

"Ahh, pervert." A female voice screamed and alerted everyone nearby.

"Look, isn't that the academy beauty in the top 10."

"It's Yao Meixiang. That person is courting death to try to go for her."

The students started gossiping about Lee Tao's misfortune for bumping into Yao Meixiang.

"You seemed to be new here huh." Yao Meixiang shouted loudly. "How dare you try to molest me in public? Do you even know who I am?"

Lee Tao ignored his surroundings as his eyes remained locked on his clothes.

"It's wrinkled…" Lee Tao muttered as he glared at Yao Meixiang.

"What kind of blind woman are you to not see the road?" Lee Tao cursed as he pointed at the open road. "I was looking at the map while you decided to walk into me."

"Do you want to bump into someone this badly to create a cliche scene?" Lee Tao snorted as he picked his belongings up and left.

The crowd was dumbfounded by Lee Tao as his action did not follow the script.

Usually, Lee Tao would be apologizing for his action and Yao Meixiang would continue to blame him for this incident.

However, Lee Tao didn't apologize but rained curses down at Yao Meixiang for being blind to not see the open road for her to walk into.

Yao Meixiang was in complete disbelief as she never met someone as rude as Lee Tao.

"You bastard-" Yao Meixiang snapped out of her daze while her finger remained pointed at the air.

"Huh- where did that bastard go?" Yao Meixiang asked the crowd when she realized Lee Tao had disappeared already.

One of the students pointed in the direction of the administration office. "T-That person had left a long time ago to the administration office."

Yao Meixiang twitched her brows as she started rushing toward the administration office for revenge.

Meanwhile, Lee Tao had arrived at the administration office as he walked to the receptionist's desk.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The lady at the receptionist desk asked nicely.

Lee Tao remained silent for a moment. 'Heavens... She's in the 4th stage of the Earth Spirit Realm.'

Lee Tao was dumbfounded by her cultivation despite being a receptionist.

'Tianyun Academy is really different from other places. A mere receptionist is already in the Earth Spirit Realm.' Lee Tao exclaimed happily as he secretly harnessed some of her profound qi.

The lady felt some weird sensation in her body but couldn't pinpoint where.

Lee Tao smiled at her and saw her name tag. "Hello Yu Xiuying, I'm here to hand over my recommendation letter and to get my dorm."

Yu Xiuying twitched her mouth. "W-What did you call me?"

"Yu Xiuying."

"Do you know how old I am? How can you call my full name directly?" Yu Xiuying said with a bit of an irritated tone.

Lee Tao snickered as he shrugged his shoulders. "I called you Yu Xiuying out of politeness. If I was really some rude person then I would have called you a beauty."

"The administrator is unavailable so please leave." Yu Xiuying said as she pointed the door out.

"Xiao Chu, inject some euphoria on her body." Lee Tao commanded Xiao Chu.

Xiao Chu nodded as she floated behind Yu Xiuying and placed her finger at Yu Xiuying's neck.

Yu Xiuying suddenly felt a chill go through her neck before a sudden wave of pleasure hit her.

Her legs clamped together and her face started blushing.

"Yu Xiuying, can I meet the administrator now?" Lee Tao said in a seductive tone.

Yu Xiuying raised her head to glance at Lee Tao and her vision blurred as a handsome Lee Tao started dancing with her in a grassland.

Yu Xiuying was lost in her imaginative words for a brief moment before nodding her head.

Yu Xiuying was panting heavily and started sweating profusely.

'W-Why am I having dirty thoughts about him?' She pondered inwardly.

"Yu Xiuying, can I meet the administrator to hand over my recommendation letter?" Lee Tao asked again when he heard no response from her.

"Y-Yes, the administrator is in the office." Yu Xiuying stuttered.

As Lee Tao nodded his head and prepared to walk into the office, Yu Xiuying suddenly shouted, "W-What is your name?"

Lee Tao waved his hand without turning around. "The name is Lee Tao and you are free to come to my dorm when I get one."