
"What is so funny?" Yao Meixiang flared up when Lee Tao treated this revelation as a joke.

"I have been humiliated ever since the news broke out that a trash like you was my fiance." Yao Meixiang added as she pointed at him.

Lee Tao stopped laughing for a moment as he stared at her.

"Why were you humiliated about being engaged with me? I have clearly stated to nullify the engagement as soon as I noticed the news so you shouldn't have been humiliated." He then asked her innocently.

When his parents had told him about the marriage arrangement, Lee Tao had flat-out refused it and told them to nullify it.

He was an Immortal despite his current predicament and a young girl like Yao Meixiang could never enter his heart.

They were two different kinds of people and it was impossible for Lee Tao to feel something special for Yao Meixiang.

"I was expecting a thank you note from you." Lee Tao added.

"Thank you note?" Yao Meixiang's aura exploded, causing the surrounding tables to shatter into pieces.

"Calm down, Yao Meixiang."

Both Jia Qiu and Meng Xue quickly placed their hands on Yao Meixiang's shoulder as they injected some of their profound qi, seemingly to calm her aura.

Yao Meixiang's aura slowly diminished as she became tranquil thanks to the help of Jia Qiu and Meng Xue.

Meanwhile, Jia Qiu then glared angrily at Lee Tao for his obnoxious words.

"Although we are in no place to judge you, what you just said has gone overboard." Jia Qiu said.

"Agreed, Yao Meixiang had accepted the engagement despite your trash cultivation base yet you went ahead and tried to nullify the engagement yourself." Meng Xue intervened as she glared at Lee Tao.

And she continued, "For your sake, Yao Meixiang endured the humiliation and gossip from other people about her being dumped by you."

Lee Tao remained silent briefly as he didn't understand their reaction. 'I already nullified the engagement and it wasn't even announced publicly.'

Lee Tao held a solemn expression as he glanced at Yao Meixaing who had a mix of anger and frustration.

"Yao Meixiang, how did you suffer from humiliation when the engagement was never announced to the public?" Lee Tao asked.

"The rumors are really true." Jia Qiu suddenly sighed when she heard Lee Tao's words. "He really doesn't care about his Lee Clan."

"Poor Yao Meixiang, she was ordered to marry this kind of person." Meng Xue added as she held a sympathetic expression toward Yao Meixiang.

"Can you two leave us alone for now?" Yao Meixiang suddenly asked after staying silent for a long time.

Meng Xue and Jia Qiu glanced at each other for a moment before nodding their heads.

However, before they left the restaurant, they made sure to send a fierce glare at Lee Tao, seemingly warning him to not hurt Yao Meixiang.

Sometime later, Yao Meixiang looked at Lee Tao with an indescribable expression and gaze.

After a few moments of silence, Yao Meixiang asked him, "Do you really not know what happened?"

Lee Tao shook his head.

"I never cared about the activity in the Lee Clan." Lee Tao answered honestly.

Yao Meixiang breathed softly before grabbing her cup and taking a sip.

She then lowered her head. "Then do you know a person called Lee Ching?"

"Who the hell is Lee Ching?"

"He's the genius of your Lee Clan but from the branch family instead of the main one."

Lee Tao raised an eyebrow. "What does he have to do with this conversation now?"

Yao Meixiang held a gawking expression at Lee Tao. "Are you really this ignorant? Everyone knows that Lee Ching and his family have been eyeing for the patriarch position of the Lee Clan."

And she continued, "It was also because of him that the news of the engagement spread to everyone."

"Oh, so it's just a clown trying to create some sparks." Lee Tao snickered as he realized why he didn't know about Lee Ching.

After all, who would care if a mere ant tried to fight against you?

No one because ants are easily stomped to death without any effort. For an ant like Lee Ching, Lee Tao simply paid no attention to him.

"So what do you want from me, Yao Meixiang?" Lee Tao then asked her.

"Shouldn't you know what I want by now?" Yao Meixiang gritted her teeth.

"You want me to deal with Lee Ching?" Lee Tao shrugged. "That's simple enough, I'll just inform my mother to have him handle it. Branch families are a bunch of pawns anyway so Lee Ching can vanish from the Tianyuan Kingdom."

"That is not what I mean." Yao Meixiang shook her head as she looked at Lee Tao.

She then raised her hand and pointed at Lee Tao. "I want you to redo the engagement with me and apologize to me."

Lee Tao twitched his brows as he shook his head. "Apologizing? No can do- I will never apologize to someone."

"Besides, I'm not the guilty party either since I wasn't the one that spread the news and it was Lee Ching, the clown who did it." He added.

"But you're still the person responsible for this to happen in the first place. I- the dignified lady of the Yao Clan was arranged to marry a person like you. Instead of feeling honored and jubilant about this arrangement, you have the nerve to call for a nullification?"

Yao Meixiang slammed the table in anger and caused the entire restaurant to shake.

"I'm your fiance and it doesn't matter if you wish to nullify it or not. You are marrying me and I don't care if you're trash or genius at all." Yao Meixiang screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I, Yao Meixiang, are willing to marry you despite all your shortcomings and I refuse to marry some genius with a rotten heart. You may be considered trash by the public but at least you aren't some hypocrite."