
"Where is that damn classroom?" Lee Tao scratched his head as he found himself lost in the middle of a hallway.

'I thought it was this way but the classroom isn't located here at all.' He wondered silently.

Afterward, Lee Tao started wandering around in a circle as he tried to figure out the correct path.

"Young Master?" Tang Lingling asked.

Lee Tao snapped out of his daze as he glanced at Tang Lingling. "Right, you are here with me."

"Yes?" Tang Lingling raised an eyebrow as she became confused by his conduct. 'Why is Lee Tao acting weird all of a sudden?'

Lee Tao was about to ask her for directions to the classroom but then he realized something.

'Wouldn't I lose all my face if I told her I'm lost?' Lee Tao said inwardly.

He coughed slightly as he showed a solemn expression at Tang Lingling.

"Ai, I was just admiring the hallway for a moment." Lee Tao said as he continued, "We can go to the classroom now. Lead the way, Tang Lingling."

Lee Tao tried to sound confident as much as possible to hide the fact that he had lost his way.

However, the instinct from Tang Lingling and her years of experience, it was near impossible for Tang Lingling to be fooled by his half-hearted acting skills.

'Young Master is indeed a foolish man.' Tang Lingling commented silently as she gave him a slight nod.

"Understood, Young Master." Tang Lingling replied as she turned toward the right side and began walking to their assigned classroom.

Sometime later, they arrived at the entrance to the classroom and Lee Tao was dumbfounded to see a familiar figure again.

"Yu Xiuying? How come you are here?" Lee Tao waved his hand as he smirked.

Yu Xiuying gasped in surprise to see Lee Tao. She had almost tripped over when she heard Lee Tao's voice.

'Am I dreaming right now?' Yu Xiuying asked herself silently as she wondered if heaven was playing a joke on her.

The man that she wanted to avoid at all cost had now appeared in front of her.

Worse, she had an ominous feeling about seeing Lee Tao here.

"I-I'm the new instructor for this class…" Yu Xiuying said awkwardly.

Lee Tao made an evil grin as he walked closer to Yu Xiuying. He then whispered into her ears, "I never expected my instructor to be someone that got an orgasm from seeing me."

Yu Xiuying wanted to cry but no tears left her eyes. Her worst nightmare had happened and that Lee Tao was truly one of her students.

"C-Can't you forget that incident?" Yu Xiuying whispered softly as she would really have to crawl into a corner if the incident were known to the public.

Lee Tao almost laughed aloud to see Yu Xiuying sweating profusely. He patted her shoulders to calm her down.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anybody as long as you don't call me out in class." Lee Tao whispered to her.

Afterward, Lee Tao entered the classroom without waiting for You Xiuying's reply.

Tang Lingling gave a slight nod toward Yu Xiuying before following after Lee Tao.

Entering the classroom, Lee Tao saw many students chatting with each other, mainly the side characters who are destined to be cannon fodder for others or useless people in general.

'Damn, these juicy amounts of people are amazing.' Lee Tao grinned evilly as he secretly harnessed everyone's profound qi.

However, he suddenly halted his movement when one of the student's profound qi couldn't be harnessed by him.

Lee Tao narrowed his gaze at a particular student sitting in a corner. She was exuding a cold and profound aura around her. Lee Tao glanced at her briefly for a moment as he became confused by her unnatural aura.

'Who the hell is she?' Lee Tao wondered silently.

"Young Master?" Tang Lingling raised an eyebrow when Lee Tao started acting weird again.

She couldn't help but wonder if Lee Tao is truly the son of Liu Ying. 'How did Madam Liu Ying give birth to such a failure?'

Lee Tao was standing in the middle aisle in between two rows of seating and was obstructing everyone's path.

It didn't take long before someone started pointing their finger at Lee Tao, mainly because of his cultivation base.

"Look at him… how did an Elementary Spirit Realm attend in our class?"

"Who knows but I heard a rumor that recently, two students have been accepted in the academy?"

"Heh, he must be the kid that got in through a backdoor. Look at his aura, you can barely even sense him."

The students started making fun of Lee Tao and gossiping about how he came in through the backdoor.

It didn't come as a surprise that the class would have such a reaction when every students in the Tianyun Academy was in the Profound Spirit Realm.

Some talented youths were even close to reaching the Origin Spirit Realm.

"Silence students." Yu Xiuying shouted when the chattering intensified.

The students quickly shut their mouths as they glanced at their new instructor.

"You two, find a seat as well." Yu Xiuying pointed at Lee Tao and Tang Lingling as she ordered them, acting like she was unfamiliar with them.

Lee Tao nodded his head.

"Yes, instructor." He said politely as he found an empty corner and took his seat.

Meanwhile, it was only until now that the students noticed the beauty of Tang Lingling.

They were all focused on Lee Tao, which caused them to neglect Tang Lingling.

Now that their attention landed on Tang Lingling, the male students couldn't help but stare at Tang Lingling.

Lee Tao snickered at those males who were busy leering at Tang Lingling as he used this chance to harness most of their profound qi.

'Hmph, a pervert must pay the price.' Lee Tao laughed inwardly when he felt his aura slowly rise.

Unfortunately for Lee Tao though, the profound qi he harnessed wasn't enough to help him surpass the Elementary Spirit realm.

'Sigh, even though I have harnessed a lot of profound qi over the past years… my cultivation still seemed to stagnate.' Lee Tao pouted as he wondered what was blocking him from improving.