Hidden Secret

After finishing lunch, everyone bid their farewell as they went to complete their own business.

Since the Liu Clan was enormous, there were many affairs and things to do.

It was only because today's was the day Liu Ying had returned that everyone had purposely delayed their task to eat lunch with her.

"Anyway, Xiao Ying, Grandma Qiu shall leave now." Liu Qiu said as she caressed Liu Ying's face.

Liu Ying nodded her head.

"Make sure to not overwork yourself, Grandma Qiu," Liu Ying replied.

Sometime later, the room was left with Liu Ying, Lee Tao and Liu Zheng.

"Little brother, I'm a bit tired now, so where's my room?" Liu Ying turned around and asked Liu Zheng.

"O-Of course, Elder Sister. Your room hasn't changed at all and we always made sure it was spotless." Liu Zheng clasped his hand happily.