It’s in my blood

"Young Master, are you sure you're feeling okay?" Tang Lingling asked in a worried tone. 

"Your face is way too pale and I don't think you should overwork yourself."

Lee Tao shook his head.

"Nah, it's fine, Tang Lingling. I've been through worse and this is just a trivial thing." Lee Tao smirked as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

He then used her to balance himself and get the strength to move forward.

'Damn it, this is a blunder… I shouldn't have reminded Lee Tao about the meeting.' Tang Lingling cursed herself inwardly as she felt heartache seeing Lee Tao struggling for the first time.

Sometime later, Lee Tao and Tang Lingling saw Liu Ying along the path.

"What's happening to you, Xiao Tao?" Liu Ying was alarmed as she quickly rushed to Lee Tao's side.

Lee Tao held a cheeky smile as he pulled his arms out from Tang Lingling's shoulder.

"I'm fine, mother. Just a bit exhausted." Lee Tao said.