He is your… what?

After being fed with a pill given by Lee Tao, Chang Xiu's injury quickly recovered.

As soon as she regained consciousness, Chang Xiu could not help but feel utter embarrassment, humiliation, and bitterness.

After all, she was acting all high and mighty at the start of the fight. Yet, she couldn't even manage to land a strike before getting demolished by Deng Lijuan.

"Disciple Chang Xiu, are you alright?" Elder Yeung asked in concern when he noticed her dejected mood.

Chang Xiu smiled bitterly.

Was she alright? 

How could she still be alright when she was utterly humiliated by someone that is a realm lower than her?

"I've disgraced the Xinghui Sect…" Chang Xiu muttered. 

"You have not, Disciple Chang Xiu." Elder Yeung said in a solemn tone. 

"I'm the one that has disgraced the Xinghui Sect. To think I was knocked away by a 6th Stage Elementary Spirit Realm at my level." He added.

Chang Xiu raised an eyebrow.