I love being a dog

"Oh, no wonder why Zhou Jingjing seemed so calm about being violated." Lee Tao laughed as he eyed her mysteriously.

"She probably spread her legs so many times to different types of men that she is used to being pounded by now." He added.

"Hmph, so what if I did or not? I'm not killing or committing vile stuff like you." Zhou Jingjing snorted coldly.

Meanwhile, Lee Tao slapped her in the cheeks as he glared at her.

"I hadn't given you the permission to speak, right?" Lee Tao snorted coldly as he gazed at the far west.

With his vision enhanced, Lee Tao could see multiple other people coming in their direction.

"Deng Lijuan!"

"Yes, Master."

"Time for your prototype training to be finished. Kill all those people that are about to arrive here." Lee Tao ordered.

"Kill everyone?" Deng Lijuan was dumbfounded.

"Even the women?" She asked.