Death By Snu-Snu

Lee Tao didn't know how much time had gone by, but seeing the three women panting heavily and laying on the ground exhausted was enough to tell him just how much of a beast he was. 

Deng Lijuan, Zhou Jingjing, and Zheng Wenling all have their pussy excessively leaking out his creamy white liquid. 

Their bodies were spasming from the constant orgasm they received despite being their first time. 

"Heh, taking three women's virginity at the same time is truly something I haven't tasted in a long time," Lee Tao had his legs crossed and smiled nostalgically. 

Ever since he was forced into reincarnation and was stuck in the void, he hadn't been in touch with many women. It was a good thing that he had high endurance. Otherwise, he might have died of sexual frustration before even getting a chance to reincarnate.