
In the library, Chen Mo stopped his fingers typing on the keyboard, with a relaxed smile on his face.

After five days of toiling, he failed three times and then cheekily asked Mr. Shu some questions. Mr. Shu never hesitated to answer his questions.

Under Shu Lao's slight guidance, Chen Mo quickly found the key point, knowing that only now was the anti-virus program perfected.

It has been five days since the eternal heart broke out, and the Anti Virus program is finally completed today.

Chen could not wait to put the antivirus program on the USB flash drive and insert it into Xiao Yu's computer.

It was the mysterious iron door and big lock, and the countdown on it was 40 hours away. After 40 hours, if it is not unlocked, all the data in the computer will be destroyed.

Seeing the flashing light of the USB flash drive, Chen Mo tapped on the keyboard a few times.

"Searching for viruses, completed: 1%..."

A prompt jumped out of the screen, making Chen Mo happy.

Two minutes later, after the value jumped to 100%, the computer screen lit up and the familiar windows desktop was restored. No one knows that in the library of Binhai University, Chen Mo has solved the ransomware that threatens the world.

"It's a bit slow."

Chen Mo refreshed the desktop with the mouse.

However, thinking that Xiaoyu is not proficient in computers and everything is put in the C drive, and the computer card is also normal.

It's no wonder that the computer is a bit slow. However, Xiao Yu's computer desktop is very tidy.

"It's a bit slow, I will go back to ask Xiao Yu for advice and help her clean up the computer."

Chen Mo thought and clicked the mouse on the desktop randomly, but the mouse was stuck on a video, and there was no movement at all.


Sudden screams resounded throughout the study area of ​​the library. The source of the sound was the computer in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's eyes were round and he was shocked. Seeing the picture on the computer screen, Chen Mo almost sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

The entire self-study area looked at him dumbfounded. Some of the girls had flushed faces and looked at Chen Mo with a strange look.

Without saying a word, Chen Mo hurriedly covered the computer screen and blushed.

"This buddy is awesome, come to the library to watch the live-action movies with integrity."

"My grandma didn't help, so she convinced him."

"Old Iron 666..."


Many people in the self-study area held back their laughter, their faces were flushed. Finally suffering stomach pain they lied on the table and started laughing.

With the laughter of the entire study area and all kinds of weird eyes, Chen Mo almost slammed his head on the table. This time he was embarrassed, and he couldn't even dream that there was such a movie on Xiao Yu's computer desktop.

"Can't stay here anymore."

Chen Mo hurriedly loaded the two computers into his backpack, got up, and left. Just as he stepped out of the library, he found Xiao Yu outside.

Without saying anything, he took Xiao Yu's hand and walked away quickly.

"What happened?" Xiao Yu asked.

"We'll talk later."

Chen Mo even wanted to laugh. He didn't expect to kill the virus and find such a thing. This was the most embarrassing thing he encountered. When the two came to the pavilion resting by the lake, Chen Mo stopped.

"The computer virus has been killed." Chen Mo took out the computer and handed it to Xiao Yu with a smile.

Xiao Yu hesitated and turned on the computer.


The screams and gasping sounds came out of the computer. Before even seeing the picture, Xiao Yu's face instantly flushed, spreading from the base of her ears to her neck, almost throwing out the computer in her hand.

Hurrying to cover the computer, Xiao Yu blushed, not daring to look at Chen Mo.

The most worrying thing happened.

"That movie was that night, Ruoxi and the others..."

A little later, Xiao Yu told Chen about the movie. She knew that Chen had found out, and had to explain, otherwise she would be too shy to look up in front of him.

"You didn't look, but it hurt me." Chen Mo's face collapsed when he heard Xiao Yu's explanation.

"Did you see it? Are you okay?" Xiao Yu asked blushing.

For the first time, she was speaking so openly to the opposite sex, even though the person in front of her was her boyfriend.

"I was in the self-study area of ​​the library just now, and the computer got stuck and I accidentally clicked on it. The sound was so loud that everyone in the self-study area could hear it, and many people had already laughed internally."


Xiao Yu laughed disregarding her image, that kind of picture, if you imagine it in your brain, it feels funny.

"You're still laughing. I've lost so much. How can I be compensated?"

Xiao Yu held back her smile, looked at Chen Mo and blushed, bit her lips, kissed him on the cheek, and quickly retracted.

Chen Mo felt relieved, and all his depression disappeared instantly.

"One more time."Chen Mo points her face with a smile.

"Don't make trouble."

Xiao Yu blushed and patted Chen Mo. This was the first time she took the initiative to kiss a member of the opposite sex.

"Something like that happened in the library just now. The computer didn't shut down, it was just closed. The movie was still playing, and there was a sound when the lid was opened."

Chen Mo tapped Xiaoyu's computer with amusement. "If you want to see, just lift the lid, but remember to wear headphones, otherwise you will be heard again."

Xiao Yu's face instantly flushed, and she threw the computer back to Chen Mo: "Help me delete it."

"You can delete it, let's do it again." Chen Mo smiled.

"You delete it."

Chen Mo took the laptop and opened the computer screen directly. The sound of ecstasy came from the computer again. Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise, he would be embarrassing again.

Xiao Yu turned her face away instantly, blushing red like blood.

"I am now worried about you being taken by Ruoxi in the dormitory." Chen Mo turned off the video and deleted it before returning the computer to Xiao Yu.

"Thank you." Xiao Yu took the computer and saw that the files were all intact, and breathed a sigh of relief.

After checking Zhou Tongtong's computer for viruses, he helped Xiaoyu tidy up the computer before sending Xiaoyu back to her dormitory.

After returning to the rental house, Chen Mo put away his things and entered the Science and Technology Library.

Shu Lao said that as long as the Anti Virus program was made, he could go in and select a technology at random. Now that the program has been completed he can get a technology.

Entering and opening the dark red book, Shu Lao appeared again.



"Yes, faster than expected, now you want to pick a technology randomly?" Shu Lao asked.

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded, his purpose in coming in is just for this.

"Then let's start."

Old Shu casually dropped a circle of light over the library, covering the central area. On the light screen, the densely packed, tile-like books begin to spin

Seeing so many books spinning frantically, Chen Mo grabbed his heart and stared intently. At the end of the rotation, there was only one book left floating in the air, slowly falling into the hands of Old Shu.

"Ultra-thin Sanitary Napkin Production Process"

Seeing the book in Old Shu's hand, Chen Mo's face flushed and he almost spewed out a mouthful of blood. At this moment, he wanted to cry, and when he chose, he didn't expect to choose such a technique.

Sure enough, random selection is a pit.

I had already become a joke in the library today, and it happened again this time. Am I so unlucky today?

Old Shu could see what Chen Mo was thinking at a glance.

"Congratulations, hahaha..." After reading the book, Old Shu smiled heartily.

Hearing Shu Lao's laughter, Chen Mo was like an eggplant beaten by frost, and his whole body was not well. Thousands of technologies and I got this one. Even if I got one that I did not need for the time being, it's okay, but how did I get this one?

Chen Mo covered his face, crying without tears: "Old Shu, can you change it?"

"No." Old Shu shook his head: "Still want it?"

"Yes, why not?"

Chen Mo jumped up immediately. Even if he doesn't use it, he can make money by selling this information to a company that specializes in Sanitary napkin production.

After giving the technology to Chen Mo, Shu Lao said again: "Remember what I said last time? After designing a killing program and looking for me, there will be unexpected gains."

"I remember." Chen Mo immediately cheered up, "Is there any unexpected technology?"