Selling the Antivirus program!

Seeing Chen Mo's appearance, Old Shu was not in a hurry, turning his head and pointing to the huge bookshelf with no end in sight.

"Where do you think these technologies come from?"

Chen mused: "It should have been the creation and accumulation of the previous owners."

"The answer is half correct. Indeed, many of them are created by the owners. They put the technology they created in the library. This is a way of sharing technology."

"You mean, I also have to put the technology I created in the library? For example, the program to detect and kill ransomware?"

"No, you can share if you want to and not share if you don't want to, it is voluntary, not compulsory. Are you willing to share your technology products with the library?" Shu Lao said.

"Technology sharing? I am willing."

Chen Mo nodded without hesitation. Even if it was compulsory, he would not complain. Now he is the owner of the Science and Technology Library.


Old Shu pointed to the light curtain in mid-air, and the ant-like code quickly appeared on the light curtain.

Chen Mo can see clearly that it is the program code he designed to detect and kill the ransomware virus.

Under his gaze, the light curtain turned into a book and flew into the depths of the Science and Technology Library. Immediately afterward, a light curtain landed in Shu Lao's hands, forming a book.

"This is your reward for sharing your technology." Old Shu put the book in front of Chen Mo.

"Smart Phone Operating System Source Code and Development"

After seeing the book, Chen Mo was excited. Sure enough, it was an unexpected gain. He didn't expect to share technology and get this kind of reward. He could almost see that another mobile phone system appeared in his hands.

After seeing this technique, all of Chen Mo's depression just now disappeared without a trace.

"Lucky kid." Shu Lao said: "In order to encourage technology sharing, the technology you get will be better than the technology you shared. You're lucky to get this, which is just right for you and a notch above the bar."

"That's right, I've had a lot of luck since I met you." Chen Mo laughs.

"You mean the little girl you met?"At a glance, Shu could see through Chen Mo's mind: "When you got that technology, I didn't see you say good luck?"

"The same, the same, it was about that time." Chen Mo smiled awkwardly.

"Take it."

The book in Shu's hand was transmitted into Chen Mo's head.


After exiting from the science and technology library, Chen Mo was smiling with surprise. This time it's big, he got the source code for the phone operating system, and as long as it works properly, money will just be a number.

But there is no money now.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo went to the computer to open Weibo and found the official Weibo of Qihoo Company. After hesitating, he wrote a message and sent it to their email address.

Without the email of the person in charge of the company, he can only use this method to contact him, and he can't hack into the network security company.

It is now at the peak of the raging 'Eternal Heart' and no one around the Globe has developed the Antivirus that can detect and kill the 'Eternal Heart' ransomware for the time being, but he has developed it.

He is not a great person. From the beginning, he was prepared to use computer software to earn the first pot of gold.

After the Email was sent, Chen Mo began to code the smartphone operating system source code, this will be his next product, just to enter the Internet field.


There are several Weibo operation specialists at Seven Tigers, and Lang Yumeng is one of them.

The vigorous development of Weibo is also a channel for some companies to release news to the outside world. Demand has given birth to this new type of profession.

At this moment, Lang Yumeng was sitting next to her computer, browsing Weibo messages blankly. As a Weibo operations commissioner, she is the cute girl behind the official Weibo.

Netizens summed up their work as follows: design, copywriting, and hot spots; talk about current affairs, talk about lace; get content, get comments back, and sell cute;

Sometimes when they see interesting comments, they will reply to them.

After the recent outbreak of the 'Eternal Heart' ransomware virus crisis, their cybersecurity company has become the focus of attention. Weibo comments are more than ten times more than usual.

As a microblog operation commissioner, during this time, they are exhausted, and as cute girls, they have all the dark circles under their eyes.

Suddenly, Lang Yumeng stopped the mouse in her hand and her eyes fell on a message.

"The silent ant?"

Lang Yumeng looked at the message and immediately cheered up her expression hesitating. She just happened to see the office director approaching, and she immediately made up her mind.

"Director, come and read this Weibo news." Lang Yumeng pointed to the computer screen.

Wang Yu heard Lang Yumeng's voice, stopped, and walked towards her. The Weibo operations specialist generally has no major issues and will not bother him as the director of the office.

When he walked to the computer and read the news that Lang Yumeng pointed out clearly, Wang Yu's eyes condensed and his expression became more cautious.

"You print out a screenshot of this message."

Before long, Wang Yu took the printed paper and walked into the president's office. If this news is true, it matters a lot.

"Chief Zhou, this is a message on Weibo. I feel that it is of great importance, so I will report it to you." After Wang Yu entered the president's office, he handed the printed paper to Zhou Hongwei.


After seeing the above, Zhou Hongwei's eyes condensed and then flickered. After hesitating, he opened his mailbox and entered the email address.

Now at the peak of the raging 'Eternal Heart', their company's network security team is looking for ways to detect and kill the ransomware virus day and night.

He's keeping an eye on the progress, and so far, there's been some progress, but there's a long way to go before we break the heart of eternity. After all, what advanced hackers are painstakingly plotting is not that easy.

But now a person suddenly appeared, saying that he had worked out a program to crack the 'Eternal Heart', which had to make him take it seriously.

The other party contacted him, obviously wanting to sell the cracked program to him to negotiate a deal. If they got the cracking method, then their company will definitely win both fame and fortune.

"Hello, I am Zhou Hongwei, President of Seven Tigers. I have read your message. Is the program you said to crack the 'Eternal Heart' true? I want to see it in person..."

After sending the email, Zhou Hongwei stared at the mailbox and waited.

Chen Mo, who was typing the code, immediately stopped his actions and opened the email when he saw the email prompt. After seeing the content, he showed a knowing smile.

Unexpectedly, there was a response to the news he gave so soon.

After opening the email, Chen Mo directly entered his phone number and sent it back to Zhou Hongwei.

Zhou Hongwei, who was guarding the computer, looked happy when he saw the mail, and immediately dialed the phone number in the mailbox.

"Hello, this is Zhou Hongwei." Zhou Hongwei spoke after the call was connected.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, my name is Chen Mo. Are you interested in the software I have developed?" Chen Mo smiled after answering the phone.

"Of course I am interested." Zhou Hongwei said: "Can you send us the program installation package for a test?"

"Let's test face-to-face. Come to the coffee shop 800 meters to the right at the front door of Binhai University. When you arrive, contact me. I will go over and meet you. If you are afraid that I am lying to you, you can not come. I will contact Qiandu or Penguin." Chen Mo said.

"Okay, I'm going over now. Let's meet and talk." Zhou Hongwei hung up his cell phone and immediately stood up from his seat and looked at the assistant: "Xiao Liu, book a ticket, and prepare to go to Binhai City."