Bad News

Seeing that Chen Mo was about to be hit by a car, the crowd screamed. The onlookers hurriedly covered their eyes, not daring to look directly.

The friction between tires and the ground resounded in everyone's heart. The car didn't stop until more than ten meters away, and the crowd was silent.

The young woman stared at the empty road blankly, her eyes rolled as she fainted on the ground.

Xiao Yu was dumbfounded, and the scene of Chen Mo jumping out replayed it in her mind. Looking at the silent and empty road, her face was filled with fear, and tears kept pouring out.

"Chen Mo!, Chen Mo!"

Xiao Yu's voice was full of panic and fear, and she rushed out desperately.

As soon as she ran to the road, Xiao Yu felt her body stiffen and slammed into someone's arms. Xiao Yu was stunned by the familiar breath that drilled into the tip of her nose. She looked up and saw the familiar face, her tears could not stop, crying and laughing she finally buried her head on his shoulder.

"Don't cry." Chen Mo comforted Xiao Yu.

The development of potential has given his body explosive power and speed. Just now at the critical moment, it was only with that explosive force that he was able to avoid the car. He broke into a cold sweat when he felt the car pass by him.

Seeing Chen Mo appear, the crowd cheered.

"Stop crying. Look at this little guy laughing at you."Chen Mo tapped Xiao Yu's shoulder, putting the baby in her arms in front of her.

The baby is smiling at Xiao Yu with his pristine eyes. Seeing the baby's happy appearance, Xiao Yu burst into tears and smiled.

"The gangster has been caught."

There was a cheer in the crowd. Several guys lifted a person and threw him back to the ground, his hands and feet tied up with belts. At this time, his nose and face were swollen, and the bag was still hanging on his body.

"This woman fainted, is anyone here a doctor?"

There was a cry that attracted everyone's attention. At this time, the baby's mother had fallen to the ground.

"I am."

A middle-aged man with glasses came out and inspected the women. It didn't take long before the woman woke up.

"My child, my child." The woman looked around with fear in her voice.

"Madam, your child." Chen Mo took the baby back to the woman and put it in her arms.

Seeing that the child was intact, the woman clung to the baby tightly, crying and laughing.

Amidst the applause of the crowd, a police car stopped on the side of the road. From the start of the incident to the end, no more than five minutes had passed.

When the man who intercepted the gangster saw the police coming, he turned and walked into the crowd. Chen Mo also took Xiao Yu and disappeared into the crowd.

It's just that when Chen Mo left, a lot of attention was paid to them in the crowd.

Not far from the shopping street is the beach, where Xiao Yu handled the bruises on his cheeks and elbows with very gentle movements.

"Pity my handsome face, it's going to be ugly."

"You are still narcissistic. I was almost scared to death by you just now." Xiao Yu was slightly angry, with reproach in her tone, but she was still careful with the movements of her hands.

"When my mind got hot, I didn't think too much. If it was you at the time I would not hesitate to rush forward."

"I see you've become humorous."

After handling the wound, both of them fell silent. The wind blew in, making the atmosphere subtle. Chen looked down at her, and Xiao Yu's cheeks immediately turned red and her eyes were a bit evasive.

Chen Mo took Xiao Yu's waist and slowly lowered his head.

Xiao Yu's eyes were closed tightly as if admitting her fate, her long eyelashes trembling slightly. She knew what would happen next, her body was a little tense.

There was a softness on her lips, her teeth were pried open, and the feeling from the tip of her tongue made her feel a strange feeling in her heart, her face became redder, and her body pressed against Chen Mo's body.

I've kept my first kiss for more than 20 years, and now I've given it to this little narcissistic bastard.

Feelings of joy and happiness filled the body and mind, and Xiao Yu began to slowly cater to Chen Mo. Her movements which were jerky at the start slowly became natural.

The reflection of lights, the sound of the singing of the wandering singer's echoes along the river, and the river breeze moved Xiao Yu's skirt and hair, raising them slightly. Cruise ships on the sea, sparkling waves and colorful neon lights on the beach make up a beautiful picture.

It took a minute for Chen Mo to let go of Xiao Yu. The distance between the two people's hearts, with this kiss, completely opened up to each other.

"Perfect, perfect, perfect."

Before the two had regained their composure they were interrupted by an exclamation of voice. The two looked at the source of the sound with dismay.

"It's perfect." A photographer held the camera and walked towards the two excitedly: "Hello, my name is Liang Zhihang, I am a photographer."

"Eh? Hello, my name is Chen Mo." Chen Mo politely replied when the other party introduced himself.

"I came to the beach to find inspiration for my work. I happened to meet you and took a picture of you kissing just now. It's perfect. I'm going to use this set of photos to submit my work to participate in the national photography contest. I hope to get your consent."

Liang Zhihang excitedly opened the camera in his hand and showed Chen Mo the photo he had just taken.

Xiao Yu didn't expect to be photographed just now when he was kissing, hiding behind Chen Mo shyly.

"I had a flash of inspiration just now, and the name of this group of photos is "Night Light"

Liang Zhihang's expression was excited, and he didn't notice the strangeness of the two at all.

The natural movements of the two of them just now, and the indescribable feeling, are impossible to show in the pictures. That kiss showed all the love between the two parties vividly, reflecting the night of the seascape, which was perfect.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up when he saw the photo, it was indeed beautiful.

"It's pretty," Chen Mo said.

As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, he felt a slight pain in his waist. Xiao Yu had buried her face behind his back, pinching the flesh of his waist with her fingers.

There was joy on Liang Zhihang's face: "This moment gives me the inspiration to write poems."

This is the most perfect work among all his works.

"You send us the photo, and we can agree that you take the photo for the competition." Chen Mo said while looking at the photo.

"Okay, I will add your WeChat. After sorting out the photos, I will send them to you." Liang Zhihang immediately agreed and took out his phone to add Chen Mo's WeChat.

After Liang Zhihang left, Xiao Yu's face was still flushing, and she nestled on Chen Mo.

"Why did you agree to let him take the photo to the competition?"

"He is an artist, a rare inspiration. Besides, he helped us capture this important moment in the photo. I will use that photo as the wallpaper of the phone in the future. Come on. One more time."

Xiao Yu lowered her head shyly and did not resist.

The two looked at the beauty of the seaside and wandered on the beach. What happened just now has long been left behind by the two of them. This is the first date in the true sense. It's a bit flawed, but it's perfect.

The happy time was short, and when Chen Mo took out his mobile phone to check the time, his face became weird.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you bad news. It's 11:30 and the dormitory is closed. You can't go back tonight." Chen Mo smiled.

"It didn't feel that long for me." Xiao Yu grabbed the phone in disbelief: "What should I do?"

"Two choices, go to the hotel for one night, or go to my rented house." Chen Mo smiled happily.

"You did it on purpose." Xiao Yu blushed and pinched the meat on Chen Mo's waist.

"I swear I did not." Chen Mo took a breath and raised his hands in the air.

"Not the hotel."

"Then go back with me."

Chen Mo took Xiao Yu, found the bicycle, and hurried back to the rented house.