Registration of Company

It was already past twelve o'clock when they rushed back to the apartment. Walking into Chen Mo's rental house, Xiao Yu immediately became nervous. Thinking of staying with Chen Mo tonight, she felt like a deer in headlights.

"I'm going to the toilet."

Chen Mo smiled as he looked at Xiao Yu running away. He sat in front of the computer and began to copy the photos sent by Liang Zhihang.

I have to say that this photo is really beautiful, and the protagonist is still him.

After a while, Xiao Yu came out of the bathroom, blushing, and after hesitating for a long time she crawled onto the bed and lay down: "I'm going to bed first."

"Go to sleep."

He knew that tonight would be a sad night.

Turning his attention to the computer, Chen Mo forced himself to calm down and continue to code. The code of the mobile phone system gradually got longer in his hands.

Xiao Yu was lying on the bed and couldn't sleep at all. She could only turn over and look at Chen Mo who was working on the code. Thinking back to what happened tonight, there was a shy and sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

I don't know how long it took, when Chen Mo, who was sitting in front of the computer, moved. Xiao Yu hurriedly closed her eyes and became nervous.

Looking at Xiao Yu, who closed her eyes, Chen Mo's face collapsed. After walking into the bathroom, brushing his teeth, and washing his face, he gently climbed onto the bed.

God gave him a choice, but he can't be impulsive. Impulsiveness can easily kill him!

Xiao Yu lifted her heart, her body tensed, and she dared not move. The light turned off, the room was plunged into darkness, and Xiao Yu became more nervous.

After a few minutes, she was discovered that Chen Mo hadn't touched her, and the tension slowly relaxed. She opened her eyes and prepared to take a peek at Chen Mo, only to find that Chen Mo's bright eyes were shining in the darkness.

"So you pretended to sleep."

Chen Mo smiled, and Xiao Yu also smiled.

"Can't it?"

"Okay. The big beautiful woman is sleeping next to me, what should I do if I can't sleep?"

"Sleep if you can't sleep."

"At this moment, I am reminded of a story. A man and a woman sleep on the bed, and the woman said that he is not allowed to touch her at night, or he is a beast. The next day, the woman slapped the man and said that he is worse than a dog."

"Don't think about it." Xiao Yu's cheeks were hot: "Wait until I get ready, then I will give you all of me, okay?"



"I remember what you said." Chen Mo laughed.

"Do you want to know the final answer? Tell you, as welfare." Xiao Yu attached to Chen Mo's ear and gave him a kiss on his cheek, turning over with a blushing face, and was motionless under the quilt.

"Ruoxi said you are wild, I didn't believe it but I believe it now."

Chen Mo hugged Xiao Yu's waist, adjusted his posture, tried to stay calm, and closed his eyes.

Xiao Yu's body was tense, and she relaxed when she realized that he hadn't taken the next step. She held Chen Mo's arm and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Early the next morning, Xiao Yu woke up, felt the temperature of his big hands on her waist, and her face turned red. She slept very comfortably last night, and her previous small insomnia disappeared without a trace.

Sleeping in Chen Mo's arms, She felt extremely at ease. She slowly took away Chen Mo's hand, gave him a kiss on his face, and climbed up on her feet.

Chen Mo didn't know how he slept in the end. When he opened his eyes, Xiao Yu was no longer by his side, but a faint scent remained in the pillow.

"Sneaked away?"

Chen Mo looked at the empty bedside, remembering Xiao Yu's shy appearance, and smiled slightly. As soon as he came out of the shower, he saw Xiao Yu had come back with breakfast.

"Come and eat." Xiao Yu said, "Your kitchen has nothing leaving me no choice but to go out and buy breakfast."

"Did you wash the clothes I changed yesterday?" Chen Mo sat down beside Xiao Yu.


"Found a girlfriend and made a lot of money."Chen Mo took the porridge handed over by Xiaoyu and said with a smile: "From now on, you can come and live with me and buy me breakfast every day." "

"You want me to wash your smelly socks every day."

"This has all been discovered, and I have to arrest you more in the future." Chen Mo laughed.

"You dare?" Xiao Yu blushed: "You live outside, you can cook something to eat yourself, don't always eat takeaway. I have never moved the pot in the kitchen."

"Are you going to help me cook?"

"Nice try."

"Usually I don't eat breakfast." Chen Mo finished the porridge, picked up the bread next to him, and gnawed: "At noon in the school canteen or outside, dinner is eaten outside after working out."

The chopsticks in Xiao Yu's hand paused, not knowing what she was thinking.

"I'll go back after breakfast, review the accountant exam, and go back to the dormitory."

Thinking of what happened last night, Xiao Yu's cheeks were a little hot. This is the first time that she has not returned all night, and she is out on a date with Chen Mo. She must have been misunderstood by Ruoxi and others.

"This weekend, I will take you out for a day."

"We played all night last night, but it is not good to play too much, it is a waste of money. "Xiaoyu said, "We'll go again next week take me to 'Xingxia Zhangyi'. "

"Yes, Ma'am."

After eating, Chen Mo sent Xiao Yu back to the dormitory.

Last night's video of Chen Mo saving the baby girl has been posted on the Internet. It's just that it is too dark at night, and Chen Mo's appearance is not visible in the video, so they are not disturbed either.

After leaving school, Chen Mo went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and went to a nearby agency to register his company.

Now that things are over and the anti-virus program is sold, and the funds are also available. He should register the company now. By the time the company obtains the business license, the mobile phone system should almost be completed.

"Hello, sir, do you have any help?"

As soon as Chen Mo walked into the agency, a female salesperson greeted him: "Our company is an agent for the registration of companies, patents, and trademarks. All professionals follow up and issue certificates quickly. The registered company can also advance the registered capital and provide the registered address. ."

"I want to register a company." Chen Mo said.

"Okay, sir, please sit down." The female clerk smiled and asked Chen Mo to sit down: "What kind of company do you want to register?"

"Sole legal person." Chen Mo said.

"If a legal person is a sole proprietorship, it will be a little troublesome for the company to get loans and go public in the future, sir, are you sure?"


Chen Mo nodded, this is his company, and he doesn't plan to give the equity to anyone.

"What is the registered capital of Mr. Chen's company? Our company can advance the registered capital." The female employee smiled.

"The registered capital is 50 million and no advance payment is required."

Upon hearing Chen Mo's words, the female salesperson's eyes brightened. There is an advance payment of 50 million yuan, this sentence reveals too much information.

The handsome young man in front of her is a rich man. Such a young rich man, and so handsome, if she can win his heart, she doesn't need to be busy all day long here.

The female salesperson smiled more vigorously, her movements became softer, and she deliberately or unintentionally secretly sent Qiubo at Chen Mo.

"Sir, you can prepare the several names for the company, preferably three to five. I will help you check them and see if they are available. This makes it easier to register successfully. Otherwise, if the company name is occupied, it will be a bit troublesome. "

Chen Mo turned a blind eye to her little movements.


Chen Mo thought for a while and wrote three names on the paper handed over by the female salesperson. After entrusting the registration of the company to the agency company, Chen Mo left.

Next, he can safely write the source code of the mobile phone system. As soon as the mobile phone system comes out, his company will make a huge splash.

It's just that there's not a single person in the company and he doesn't know how to manage it, which is a problem. He will have to find a professional manager.

After returning to the dormitory, Chen Mo turned on the computer and continued typing.