Marching Ants

At this time, Chen Mo was sitting in front of the computer. On the screen, the densely packed code continued to stretch with the movements in his hands.

As time went by, his fingers tapped the keyboard faster and faster.


Pressing the mouse to run, Chen Mo's hand stopped, a smile floated on his face, and finally he laughed out loud.

Finally finished.

In half a month, he went to buy medicinal materials and carried out his second physical potential development. His power is getting stronger, but he has never had a chance to exert it.

Except for fitness and reading, the rest of the time is devoted to typing the code of the mobile phone system.

With continuous efforts, the source code of the mobile phone system is now finally completed.

This mobile phone system is not entirely the same as the source code he got from the Science and Technology Library. He just followed the architecture design of the mobile phone system, made some changes in the source code, and also deleted some unique features.

Because this operating system is not from his world, there are many functions that are not available, and there are also many functions that are redundant.

For this reason, Chen Mo also consulted Old Shu.

Under the guidance of Mr. Shu, coupled with the mobile phone system development technology and the programming knowledge he learned, Chen Mo successfully transformed his mobile phone system.

After being happy and after saving the source code, Chen Mo lay on the bed and entered the Science and Technology Library.

He comes here at least once a day. Either to chat with Shu Lao before going to bed, or listen to Shu Lao's stories about other worlds or the stories of the previous owners, increasing his knowledge and expanding his horizons.

After opening the dark red book, Old Shu appeared behind him, still with a kind appearance, just like the old man next door.

"Old Shu, the smartphone operating system is complete," Chen Mo said.

"Not bad, not bad." Old Shu couldn't help nodding: "It's faster than I thought. Will the modified mobile phone system be shared with the library?"

"Of course." Chen Mo nodded.

"But this time, you can't get technology for sharing. Because this mobile phone system is improved on the original technology, in essence, it does not belong to you. "Old Shu said.

"Sharing." Chen Mo said: "The Science and Technology Library gave me so much, without asking for anything in return, I have nothing to say. Besides I have nothing to lose by sharing my technology."

"Ah, very good."

Old Shu smiled and nodded, pointing a finger, and a huge light curtain fell. Countless lines of code are arranged on the light curtain, floating, and finally shrank into a book and flew into the depths of the library.

"Although in essence, the mobile phone system does not belong to you, but it has also undergone some transformations and some functions have become different, and it can be considered as half of your work. In return for sharing, the Science and Technology Library can help you optimize the mobile phone system, do you need it? ?"


Chen Mo smiled with joy. Only a fool will reject such a good thing.

Old Shu nodded, tapped his finger lightly, and the light curtain appeared again.

On the light screen, the source code of the mobile phone system constantly changes its position and structure, deleting, and adding lines of code.

This change made Chen Mo feel incredible. He can see that some vulnerabilities are constantly being repaired, improved, and finally become perfect in the process of optimization.

The change of the light curtain stopped abruptly, and a brand new set of source code appeared, turned into a book, and fell into Shu Lao's hands.

"This is the optimized source code of the mobile phone system." Shu Lao put the book in front of Chen Mo and said.

"Are you asking me to hit it with my head? "Chen Mo looked at the book and said with a smile: "If you hit the book, can you grab it?"

Shu Lao Haha smiled: "You kid, every time you talk, you are slippery. "Walking to Chen Mo's side, Old Shu directly slapped the book in his hand into his head.

Countless lines of code flashed through his head, making Chen Mo ecstatic.

If the mobile phone system before was just a child, then the current mobile phone system is a mature youth in all aspects.

With his knowledge of computer languages, he could not see any flaws in the source code of the current system.

This is definitely a surprise.

If this mobile phone system is released, it will definitely become a strong opponent of the Android system and the Apple system.

After exiting the library, Chen Mo began to modify the original mobile phone system source code according to the optimized source code.

The mobile phone system was modified by him, so he is very familiar with the basic structure of the source code. The optimization of the Science and Technology Library is also carried out on this structure, so it is very easy for him to modify it.

Chen Mo also had to sigh at the strength of the Science and Technology Library. All the small loopholes have been perfected. If they had not been modified, I am afraid I will not have been been able to spot them.

This is an unmistakable delight.

After all the source code modifications were completed, Chen Mo took out Huawei's latest M10 mobile phone and started to flash the system.

He has already given a name to this mobile phone system: Marching Ant System.

When registering the company, he put the name Marching Ant first. If there is no accident, his company will be called Marching Ants.

Ten minutes later, seeing the progress bar completed, Chen Mo picked up the Huawei M10 next to the computer with a look of joy and expectation on his face.


After the small vibration, an animation of a marching ant cartoon appeared on the screen.

The boot time is 10 seconds!

Chen Mo remembered that when designing, according to estimates, the boot time would take at least 1 minute. He didn't expect that after the optimization of the science and technology library, the boot time would be reduced by so much.

The operation of the Marching Ant system is different from the Android system and the Apple system. However, it only takes a little experience to adapt, and you will be able to get started soon.

He didn't need to check the security at all. When he looked at the source code just now, an idea of ​​writing a mobile phone virus floated in his mind, but he couldn't start with the source code of the marching ant system.

It can be said that if you want to crack this mobile phone system, the possibility is unlikely, and it will take too much effort.

Regarding fluency issues, the Marching Ant system is definitely the best mobile phone operating system at present. Coupled with the smart chip, Chen Mo believes that the M10 in his hand is definitely the best mobile phone on the market.

After putting the phone away, Chen Mo packed his things and saved the source code files of the phone system before going out.

This morning, the agency had notified him that the company has been successfully registered and the business license has also been issued, and he has been asked to go over and collect the company's materials.

"Mr. Chen Mo, please follow me."

As soon as Chen Mo walked into the agency company, the female salesman greeted him, staring at him with a smile on her face, her eyes extremely suggestive.

The formalities were completed quickly, and after obtaining the company's business license and other materials, and confirming that it was okay, Chen Mo smiled.

"Mr. Chen Mo, congratulations, I am free today, shall we have a meal together? "The female salesman leaned her body towards Chen Mo. The open neckline in front of her was exposed in front of Chen Mo, and the deep ravines could be seen at a glance.

"No, I have an appointment. "Chen Mo's eyelids jumped: "It's a bit urgent now." "

Before the female salesman could react, Chen Mo got up and left. After walking out of the agency, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Marching Ant Technology Co., Ltd.

Looking at the name of the registered company, Chen Mo smiled.

Marching ants, a synonym for aggressiveness. It will also be the next thing he will do, invading various business fields.

Let the name of the marching ants change this era.

After the company is registered, the next question is the development of the company.

He can't manage the company, nor can he spend time managing the company's affairs. The best way is to find a senior manager to help him manage the company.

"Handsome guy, wait. "

After taking only a few steps, a magnetic female voice sounded behind Chen Mo.