The Avalanche Effect

The moment the Butterfly Eye mobile appeared, it instantly aroused exclamations. The press conference scene became noisy, and everyone's eyes were locked on the screen.

It's too delicate.

This phone is too delicate, with soft lines, but without losing its atmosphere, it is natural. Many people think that this is the most sophisticated mobile phone they have ever seen.

There are six types of mobile phones, with patterns and solid colors.

And the patterned appearance is even more perfect. The strange eyes composed of colorful lines make the phone look more like a work of art.

Seeing the pattern of the mobile phone, everyone immediately understood the meaning of Butterfly Eyes.

For the appearance of mobile phones, ordinary mobile phone companies do not add color patterns to the case, and almost all of them maintain a solid color. But the Marching Ant company used a patterned shell, and this pattern is so beautiful that it has no match.

The main blue and black tones are suitable for men, and the main pink, rose red, ice blue and other brilliant colors are suitable for women. This background pattern, if it is a kind of flower, is definitely the most beautiful.

The reporter in charge of the photography picked up the camera and shot wildly at the Mobile phone on the screen. Not to mention performance, just the shape of this phone is enough to attract the interest of countless people.

Big news!

The reporters present were ecstatic, this was an unexpected gain. They thought there would not be too much news at the press conference of the small company, but they didn't expect that it would suddenly burst out a new mobile phone operating system and a new mobile phone that is so beautiful that there are no friends.

It was an explosion.

After the commotion, it was quiet again, and Zhao Min on the court still maintained her unique self-confidence.

"This phone has four main features: the Marching Ant System, waterproof function, long battery life, and clear photos."

The PPT behind Zhao Min's back changed again, and all the advantages of the mobile phone were listed.

"The first is the Marching Ant system, which has a unique architecture design that allows it to have extreme security. Compared with other systems, its power-saving function is also more powerful than the mainstream mobile phone systems on the market, with a smoothness that never freezes, and strong compatibility. "

"We have conducted experiments using mobile phones that are already on the market. After a certain brand of mobile phone is swiped into the marching ant system, we will compare it before and after. Its running score is as high as 300,000, a quarter higher than the original 240,000. In terms of power consumption, the battery life is nearly three hours higher than that of the original mobile phone. The performance of the mobile phone system can be seen at a glance in the simplest test. "

Zhao Min began to introduce the advantages of the marching ant system. The reporters and media people below saw the comparison of the data on the screen behind them.

The media people who woke up began to write frantically.

The emergence of this mobile phone system means that another company has entered the mobile phone market strongly. Moreover, this mobile phone system has better performance than Android.

When this kind of news is released, it will definitely have a sensational effect.

In China, there has been no big news for a long time. On the news hot search list, there are rumors of some celebrities dominating the screen. This time it's a new domestic mobile phone operating system, which is so beautiful that it has no match.

These two things alone are enough to get headlines in the news.

Xia Xue sat in the last row of the position and looked at Zhao Min on the stage, thinking about how to seize the headlines.

Such a big thing can definitely cause a sensational effect.

But as a freelance-media person, if you want to compete with those big newspapers, it is unlikely that you can only win by surprise.

Turning her head and glancing at the photographer behind her, Xia Xue's eyes lit up, she took out her mobile phone and clicked on Weibo to open the live broadcast.

The release of the mobile phone system and Butterfly Eye this time came without warning, and those media were definitely not prepared for the live broadcast.

#Domestic mobile phone system conference site#An awakened marching ant!

After confirming the title, Xia Xue started the live broadcast.

"I usually rarely use live broadcasts, because there is no big news or interesting things. Today, I was introduced by a friend to participate in the press conference. I didn't expect to encounter such a big news scene."

As soon as this live broadcast came out, people began to come in and watch it sparsely.

"First, the sofa! Look at the beauty!"

"The bench!"

"The front row occupies a position, and the anchor is a beautiful woman."

Within a minute, more than 300 people had appeared to watch, and the barrage slowly appeared, and the number of people were still rising.

After Xia Xue plugged in her earphones, she turned the camera to herself.

"Hello everyone, I am Xia Xue from the media. I encountered a big news today. I am now at the press conference of a company. "

"Diao Si has never participated in the press conference, saying that she wants to see it, but she wants to see beautiful women more. "

"I was attracted by the domestic system! "


Two minutes later, the number of viewers had reached 2,000, and the number of people was still slowly increasing. This number surprised Xia Xue.

"This company is called Marching Ant Company, and their new product is called Marching Ant Operating System. According to reports, this is a new type of operating system with better performance than Apple and Android systems and combines the advantages of both. And there is also a very beautiful mobile phone. "

"This is the scene of the press conference". Xia Xue can only sit on the chair and broadcast live in a low voice with her mobile phone, but Zhao Min's voice introducing the system functions has obscured her voice.

"I don't believe it, the beauty is lying. "

"If it's true, I'm going to eat Xiang live! "

"I'm chopping diao live"

"Chop diao while eating Xiang! "


Looking at the barrage, Xia Xue blinked: "If you can't believe it, then I'll show you the press conference scene. "After speaking, she pointed the camera of her mobile phone at Zhao Min on the stage.

"Oooh...Sister Long-legged Yu was surprised at the scene. "

"The hungry wolf has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield..."

"Almighty netizens, asking for the contact information of the beauty on stage, and thank you very much."

"Nuclear energy warning ahead! "


"Zhao Min, female, 28 years old, height 168, weight unknown, measurements unknown. Former COO of Wanbao Group Greater China, Vice President, HKUST Master of Business Administration, currently single; contact information: Apply for this company tomorrow. Don't ask me how I know..."

"666! "

"I don't understand what COO and HKUST mean, please explain! "

After the camera was pointed at Zhao Min, the fans watching the live broadcast exploded instantly, and the number of viewers entering the live broadcast room began to soar.

Four minutes later, the number of viewers had reached 50,000. The popularity was still rising, and more and more people were watching the live broadcast.

Zhao Min on the stage, still confident, introduced the advantages of the Marching Ant system.

She knew that this was an opportunity for the marching ant to truly awaken and show up among the world. She has experienced the Marching Ant system firsthand, otherwise, she would not have agreed to Chen Mo and help him manage the company.

She has been preparing for this press conference for several months.

After explaining the advantages of the Marching Ant system, Zhao Min focused on another important function.

Waterproof function.

This is the most prominent function of Butterfly Eye, the waterproof function of the wired interface.

"Next is another feature of butterfly eye, waterproof function. The mobile phone uses our company's uniquely designed wired waterproof interface. This unique interface structure allows butterfly eyes to be waterproof. "

Zhao Min pressed the PPT, and the screen behind her instantly showed an introduction to the structure of the Butterfly Eye waterproof interface.

As soon as this structure appeared, the field became noisy again. The reaction of everyone was not beyond Zhao Min's expectations. She was also surprised when she saw this peculiar waterproof interface.

Xia Xue was on the live stream and it exploded again.

"Whoever designed this waterproof structure is really a genius, why didn't I think of it? It seems that I missed several hundred million."

"This phone is so beautiful, I'm ready to get one, no matter the price."

"I seem to have seen the scene where I was holding a mobile phone and successfully confessed to the person I was secretly in love with. "

Everyone didn't know that a small live broadcast was snowballing, and finally forming an avalanche.