Hot Search

The viewers in Xia Xue's live broadcast room are soaring frantically, and the number of viewers has reached a staggering 500,000, and it is still rising frantically.

The popularity exploded like an avalanche, and the live broadcast has appeared on the hot search list.

According to the advantages described by Zhao Min, it means that the performance of the mobile phone system is better than that of other mobile phone systems.

If it is true, this is definitely big news.

The mobile phone system has always been the shortcoming of domestic mobile phones. At present, the systems used by domestic mobile phones are mainly Android. YUNOS is also half-dead in the mobile phone market.

Now there is a domestically produced system coming out, which is exciting news.

Some reporters have even thought about the news headlines.

"The strongest domestic mobile phone system? "Shock! The domestic mobile phone system has these advantages."

I believe that a title can attract many people to click.

Li Tiejun is writing frantically. The mobile phone of the Marching Ant Company is too powerful. He now regrets that he didn't prepare well just now. This news is definitely big news when it is released.

Suddenly, the vibration of the mobile phone interrupted him. With the earphones on, Li Tiejun connected to the phone: "Editor-in-chief, what's the matter? "

"Tiejun, are you at the scene of the press conference of the Marching Ant Company? "

"That's right. "

"You send the press release back immediately, and I will notify Wang Qi to ask him to send the video materials back. "

"Did something happen? "Li Tiejun asked softly, covering his earphones.

"Don't you know? Someone was broadcasting live on Weibo at the press conference, and now it is hot searched on Weibo. You should send it back as soon as possible to get the popularity."

"It's on the hot search so soon? "Li Tiejun's heart burst.

"Hurry up. "

After hanging up the phone, Li Tiejun hurriedly sorted out the press release that was about to be completed and sent it back to the editor-in-chief.

Then he took out his mobile phone and opened Weibo as soon as possible.

Sure enough, the keywords of domestic mobile phone systems are already on the hot search list. Although they have just been on the list, their popularity is still rising.

"Who is so witty, live on Weibo? "Li Tiejun raised his head and began to look around.

Not only Li Tiejun but other reporters and media people have also been urged to write so that they can update the news as soon as possible.

Xia Xue glanced at her live broadcast page and was taken aback when she saw the number of fans. Almost 800,000 people have watched the live broadcast, and this number is still rising.

The number of rewards is also changing. After seeing the number of rewards, Xia Xue was almost moved to cry. These rewards are estimated to be enough for her living expenses for half a year.

I have never seen such a crazy number of people, and I felt it intuitively for the first time.

After adjusting the camera back to her screen, the barrage suddenly went crazy, and the screen was full of 666.

"I want to see Sister Yu. "

"Give me back the domineering female president..."

"I want that mobile phone. Can anyone tell me when it will go on sale? My hands are already hungry and unbearable. "

"Anchor beauty, show me the president with long legs. "


Xia Xue looked at the bullet screens dumbfoundedly. Many of the bullet screens were already submerged before taking a closer look.

Zhao Min didn't know that the press conference had been pushed into the hot search because of a small live broadcast. The introduction of the functions of the mobile phone is almost over. Next, the most important price.

"The first batch of mobile phones will go on sale at 10 o'clock tomorrow, all of which will be sold online. The specific prices are subject to the official website announcement."

After introducing the price of the mobile phone, Zhao Min stopped and glanced around the field: "This is the end of the product introduction at the press conference. The next step is to ask questions. you can ask if you have any questions. "

As soon as Zhao Min's words fell, more than half of the reporters raised their hands in an instant.

"This gentleman in the front row with black-rimmed glasses. "Zhao Min pointed to Li Tiejun in the audience and said.

Li Tiejun took the microphone and stood up from his position, smiling at Zhao Min: "Hello, Ms. Zhao, I am a reporter from the Globe."

After sorting out his thoughts, Li Tiejun spoke.

"How much research and development money did your company spend on this mobile phone system? Will your company's waterproof interface be authorized to the outside world? In the domestic mobile phone market, there are hundreds of competing companies. What do you think are the advantages of your company? "

"Thank you for your question, your question is very sharp. "Zhao Min said.

"Regarding R&D funding, there is no comment for the time being; regarding the waterproof interface, we will authorize it externally. Any interested company is welcome to come and discuss cooperation. Our mastery of core technology, technology, and the company's hard-working employees are our biggest advantages. "

Zhao Min was replying. The reporters below were desperately writing. This was first-hand news, and they didn't dare to neglect it.

"Next, the second gentleman from the right in the third row."

"Hello, I am a reporter from IT House. According to the performance you just introduced, do you mean that the Marching Ant system is better than the Android and Apple systems? "

"This question is quite interesting. It's like if I put three beautiful women in front of you, one of whom is your girlfriend, and then ask you which one is the most beautiful. Which one do you think is the most beautiful? "

Zhao Min's rhetorical question made the people in the audience laugh softly.

Questions were asked one by one, and all the content that reporters wanted to know and what they could know was all in Zhao Min's answer.

Xia Xue looked at the screen of the live broadcast on her mobile phone and blinked.

"If I have the opportunity to ask questions, what questions do you want to ask? "

As soon as her words came out, the barrage of the live video exploded instantly.

"Measurements! "

"Long legs! "

"Bullshit, ask her for contact information. "

"A group of wolves, get out, and ask her what are the criteria for choosing a boyfriend? Maintain the formation, I will give you a reward of 10,000 for this question. "

No humanity in the trench

Haoqi dry cloud

Hao Yan Zhuangyu

In one place with the words of a fan, a lot of trenches below were unmanned, and the screen was full of 666, flooding all other information.

Xia Xue became entangled with the boyfriend's standards filling the screen. If asked on this occasion, it would be abrupt. However, after struggling for a while, Xia Xue raised her hand high and waved a few times in the air.

"One last question, the lady in the last row, waving her hand. "Xia Xue's waving arm immediately attracted Zhao Min's attention.

"I was really called." Xia Xue's face was overjoyed: "I am going to ask her boyfriend's criteria, give me some courage."

As soon as Xia Xue's words fell, she was immediately swiped by a large number of luxury yachts, Lamborghinis and Ferraris, as well as flowers and various gifts.

'No humanity in the trench' was instantly brushed on the screen.

The microphone quickly reached Xia Xue's hands. After receiving the microphone, Xia Xue pointed the live broadcast screen of her mobile phone at Zhao Min and stood up from her position.

Everyone set their sights on Xia Xue, and when they saw the mobile phone in Xia Xue's hand, some people who got the news knew that it was this woman who was live on Weibo.

"Hello, Ms. Zhao, I am a freelance reporter. The press conference is now being broadcast live on Weibo. So many seniors and professional questions have almost been asked just now. The fans in my live broadcast room asked me to ask a question on their behalf. Do you currently have a boyfriend or someone you like? What is your criteria for choosing a boyfriend? "

After asking this question, Xia Xue stuck out her tongue playfully and turned her gaze to Zhao Min. The others chuckled and all turned their eyes to Zhao Min.

There are many of them. Just now, some people asked some nutrition questions, because they knew everything they should know, and Zhao Min couldn't say what they shouldn't know.

This question made the atmosphere at the press conference instantly relaxed.

Zhao Min's eyelids jumped on the stage, she laughed and glanced at the corner where Chen Mo was without leaving a trace.

"This is a personal question outside of the press conference, but I can also answer you. Some time ago, everyone knew about the rescue of the baby by that handsome guy in Binhai City, right?

I was at the scene, and then I met him again. Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend. I hope that my future boyfriend will be such an upright, brave, and self-motivated man. "

Chen Mo, who was sitting in the corner, covered his face with a wry smile, she was obviously teasing him.

As soon as this answer came out, the live broadcast room boiled over.

"It's me, I'm straight. "

"It's me. I helped my grandmother cross the road last time. My wish is to change from a bricklayer to a contractor, and I am absolutely self-motivated. "

"This is my future wife! Don't grab it with me. "

"Pay attention to the premise, first you have to be a handsome guy..."