Digging a hole?

Zhang Xing walked into the room, put the briefcase in his hand on the sofa, and slumped on the sofa.

During this period, the company has had a lot of troubles, their reputation on Internet has been smeared, and the company's servers have often been attacked.

Although the company avoided a smear with a reward of two million, there have been rumors among colleagues that large capital is suppressing the company. I am afraid that this little ant will not last long.

I thought I was with a good company, but I encountered this kind of thing not long after I went to work.

Some newly recruited employees of the company are already considering whether to find a way forward. After all, if the company is acquired and reorganized, they will be laid off, and it will be a bit troublesome to find a job.

Zhang Xing was also thinking about it.

He has just come in for less than a month, and he doesn't have much sense of identity and belonging to the Marching Ant Company. Now I am a little worried about those rumors, after all, there can be no waves without wind.


When he was still thinking about whether to resign, his mobile phone vibrated.

"Hey, Old Zhou, what's the matter? "

"I have arrived at a new company and there is a shortage of people here. Do you want to come and help? The salesman, who is just starting, has a lower salary, more than 4,000, and has a good outlook. His salary will definitely rise, and there is a lot of room for promotion in the future. "

"Is that so? "Zhang Xing hesitated, his eyes flickered a few times: "Then tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, I will contact you." "

"Okay, see you tomorrow. "

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xing sat up from the sofa, searched the cupboard a few times, took out an envelope and paper, and thought for a while before writing.

The next day.

In the Marching ant company, there was a gloomy atmosphere, and even the air was filled with a depressing aura. Many people couldn't be happy, because the people around them had already handed in resignation letters and left the company.

"Brother Zhang, do you really want to resign? "Lu Hongyi looked at Zhang Xing, who was packing his things, with hesitation in his eyes.

"The current company is being targeted by big capital, and it will not be long before it will be acquired and reorganized. As someone who comes over, I advise you to find a way out as soon as possible and don't find a job at that time."

Zhang Xing whispered it to Lu Hongyi's ear with a low voice. After packing up his things, he walked into the office with a resignation letter. Looking at Zhang Xing's back, Lu Hongyi hesitated, then shook his head and continued to work with his head down.

Li Lingfeng's face was a bit ugly. In the past two days, he received resignation letters from ten people.

Not long after these people were recruited into the company, they didn't expect that someone had just attacked the company two days ago, and now there was a wave of employees leaving.

If this continues, the other employees of the company will definitely fall into panic.

What made him even angrier was that the two middle-level managers he brought into the company also resigned and changed jobs. This was a betrayal to him.

Someone must be digging people on purpose.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the resignation letter he handed in, and Li Lingfeng walked towards Zhao Min's office.

"Ms. Zhao, my boyfriend and I are about to get married. We need a stable job to provide for a house and a car, so we will..."

In Zhao Min's office, her female assistant, Xiaoli, was standing in front of Zhao Min with an apologetic expression on her face.

"Have you found a job? "Zhao Min's expression was calm.

"Yes, I was introduced by a friend and worked as an assistant manager in a listed company. "

"I see, you can leave. "Zhao Min rubbed her temples and said to the assistant standing in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, Minister Li. "With Zhao Min's permission, the female assistant apologized and left the office.

"Mr. Zhao, I have received ten resignation letters here. "Li Lingfeng put the resignation letter in his hand on the table, his face not looking good.

"Julie also came just now, and there are also five letters from the market system, all of which are middle-level managers in more important positions. Many technicians in Lao Luo's R&D system have also resigned. Two accountants for Zhang Yi's financial system also resigned. "

Zhao Min's voice was calm, and he turned to look out the window: "A wave has not settled, another wave has risen. Has anyone looked for you? "

"Yes, after getting off work last night, an old friend asked me to go to his company, which is double the salary here. "Li Lingfeng said.

"And then what? Did you agree? "

"No, I refused. "

"Why don't you go? "Zhao Min asked.

"At the beginning, I was also promoted and trained by Ms. Zhao, so I have the ability to be here today. Besides, I think the company is very good and the future is very good. I believe Ms. Zhao can always lead us out of trouble. "

"It's not a dilemma. The company has never been in a dilemma. It is not short of money or in debt. This is just a hurdle, but some people can't stand the test. "

Zhao Min turned her head and looked out the window, her face calm.

"When you go back, approve anyone who wants to resign. The absent managers should be selected from the employees with excellent abilities to fill in. As long as the main management personnel are still there, those people can do whatever they want. If you can't share difficulties, it is also good for the company for these employees to leave early and prepare for recruitment. "

"OK. "

Li Lingfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhao Min's calm appearance. Zhao Min is their backbone, and as long as Zhao Min is not chaotic, he feels slightly relieved.

After Li Lingfeng left, Zhao Min picked up her mobile phone and dialed Chen Mo's number.

"Chairman, someone is digging a hole for your company. "

In the shop, Chen Mo stopped designing the characters and smiled softly: "Have you been poached? "

"They can't afford the price. "

"Then it's okay, you're still there, others can dig whatever they want. "

"Do you think I am filling the hole for you?"

Zhao Min laughed angrily at Chen Mo's words. He wanted her to fill in the pits that had been dug up by others. This chairman is not an ordinary pit.

"What are you going to do next? "Chen Mo said.

"I will fill in the hole for you. Our company's reputation has risen, but the quantity and quality of talents can't keep up. The company can't rely on you alone. I am going to your school to recruit some interns. "

"Yes, whatever you want. "Chen Mo said: "Keep an eye on the quality of mobile phones. In terms of the number of butterfly eyes, you can figure it out and stop production at the right time." "

Now that someone is staring at the company, they are discrediting it again. If someone does something on their mobile phone, that will be very troublesome. The little ant can't stand the toss and can only stop in moderation.

After learning about the company's situation, Chen Mo hung up his phone and continued to study the Chinese character programming language. Those keywords, characters, and data types made him a little tired.

But the good news is that research has made progress. In the past two months, to speed up research, Chen Mo took a book on computer programming language creation in the Science and Technology Library after reading his 400th book.

After studying for so long, many keywords have been created now, and great progress has been made. He believes that he will be able to improve the foundation of the Chinese character programming language soon.

After he entered the state, he was not interrupted by Xiao Yu's tired voice until the evening.

"Chen Mo. "

Chen Mo stopped his pen and looked at Xiao Yu who was walking by. It was just that Xiao Yu's face was tired, which made Chen Mo feel slightly distressed: "What's the matter with you? Didn't sleep well? "

"I had insomnia last night and couldn't sleep at noon. You eat quickly and accompany me out to play tonight."

Chen Mo couldn't laugh or cry at Xiaoyu's answer. What kind of logic is this? I'm tired to the point of becoming a panda and I have to go out to play. However, Chen Mo did not refuse. He sat down with Xiao Yu with his computer chair, picked up the lunch box that Xiaoyu had brought over, and ate it.

"Does this happen often? "

"Occasionally, during those few days of each month, it will be more serious. "Xiao Yu said, leaning back on the chair.

"And you want to go out to play? Go to bed early tonight. "

"I still can't sleep. Anyway, you are going to hang out with me tonight, will you go? "Xiaoyu said with a tight face.

"Go, you wait, I'll finish the meal first. "