Boyfriends in Other Homes

At night in Binhai City, colorful neon lights are everywhere. In the taxi, Xiaoyu leaned on Chen Mo's shoulder. The soft, slow-paced music entered the ears of the two of them, accompanied by the sound of the busy engines around them, with a trace of tranquility in the noise.

Chen Mo looked at Xiao Yu's tired face, feeling slightly distressed. "I haven't slept for two days, and I have to come out to play." However, Chen Mo couldn't refuse Xiao Yu's resolute request.

"Where are we going later? "Chen Mo asked.

"Let's go to the beach. "

"No way. "Chen Mo immediately refused: "It's winter now, the sea breeze is so strong, and your body is like this again. Let's go to the cinema, watch a movie, and take a break." "

"Well, you have the final say."

Xiao Yu nodded lightly and yawned, but his eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't seem to have a trace of energy, completely different from Xiao Yu, who was full of vitality before.

"Come out so tired? "

"It's painful to be unable to sleep. I want to review but I can't learn it. What can I do? "Xiao Yu said.

"Did you do the same when you had insomnia before? "Chen Mo asked.

"It will be like this, but I found a way last time to avoid insomnia. "

Xiao Yu squinted her eyes and smiled, her face flushed, but she was only covered by the night, but she looked a little more energetic.

"What method? "

"I won't tell you." Xiao Yu smiled and turned her gaze out of the window: "Chen Mo, do you think that my listless appearance is particularly ugly now, and you dislike me."

"No, absolutely not. "

Chen Mo shook his head immediately. The tone of this conversation changed so quickly that he almost couldn't keep up: "In my heart, you are always so beautiful. "

As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, the taxi was a bit unstable. The driver in front of him held back a smile and glanced at the two of them through the rearview mirror, their expressions weird.

"Don't be so numb. "Xiao Yu chuckled, blushing.

Without saying anything, Xiao Yu leaned on Chen Mo's shoulders, looking up at the scenery outside from time to time. Not long after, both of them arrived outside the commercial plaza.

Seeing Xiao Yu's tired appearance, Chen Mo didn't take Xiao Yu shopping but took her directly to buy movie tickets.

"What movie do you want to watch? "

" "My Unruly Girlfriend" Romantic Comedy, Couples Hall 3. "Chen Mo handed the movie ticket in his hand to Xiao Yu, and then put the snacks in his hand into Xiao Yu's arms.

"You mean I'm unruly? "Xiaoyu's face was sullen, with an unhappy expression on her face.

"No, my Xiao Yu is smart and well-behaved. "Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Who belongs to you? "Xiao Yu gave him a blank look and followed Chen Mo closely into the screening hall with her snacks.

"What is the main content of the film? "

As soon as Xiao Yu sat down, he ate his snacks, waiting for the movie to start.

"A spoiled rich girl and her family were angry with each other and the girl ran away from home. Then her wallet and mobile phone were stolen. She had no money to eat and refused to go home. She was tired and hungry on the street and fainted. She was rescued by a poor boy passing by, but as a result, this wayward rich girl relied on the poor boy and started a funny journey of love. "

"How about the ending? "Xiao Yu asked.

"I don't know either. "Chen Mo said with a shrug.

The two chatted, and after a while, the lights in the studio went out, and the entire studio calmed down. Xiao Yu held the snack in her hands, leaning her head on Chen Mo's shoulder, and her body relaxed.

The one-and-a-half-hour movie passed quickly. After the lights in the theater were turned on, Chen Mo saw Xiao Yu sleeping in his arms and couldn't laugh or cry.

The sound of the movie just now was so loud, and there was also light laughter around them. It was so noisy but Xiao Yu could sleep. It can be seen that she was exhausted after not sleeping well for two days.

In the past two days, he has been busy studying the Chinese character programming language. Xiao Yu has always delivered meals to him, but he didn't notice Xiao Yu's situation, and he felt a little sorry for her.

Chen Mo didn't wake Xiao Yu up. After removing the snacks from her hand, he gently picked her up.

Seeing Chen Mo carrying Xiao Yu in a princess carry, the couples around him were stunned. Ignoring the strange eyes, he carried Xiao Yu and left his seat.

"Look at other people's boyfriends. "Behind Chen Mo, a fat girl looked at her boyfriend next to her.

"She fell asleep, but you didn't fall asleep. "The thin and weak boy looked at his girlfriend who was a circle larger than him, with a wry smile in his heart.

"Then if I am asleep, will you carry me? "

"Yes, of course, I will. "

"Then next time we come to the theater, I'll sleep too, and then you have to carry me. "The fat girl smiled.

Listening to her words, the scared and thin boy shivered, crying without tears, looking at his girlfriend who was a circle larger than him, he secretly vowed in his heart that he would not watch movies on dates in the future.

Chen Mo walked out of the commercial plaza with Xiao Yu in his arms.

On the way, many people cast weird glances, but Chen Mo could only bite the bullet and walked away quickly with Xiao Yu in his arms. This kind of love is so beautiful that if it goes on like this, it is estimated that someone will be beaten.

Chen Mo only breathed a sigh of relief after getting back to the rented house.

In the taxi just now, the look in the eyes of the driver was particularly ambiguous. He also showed a look that I understand.

"Let me down. "When Chen Mo was about to find the key to open the door, Xiao Yu in his arms suddenly spoke.

"Are you awake? "

"I woke up early. "Xiaoyu blushed and said, "When I was hitchhiking in the square, I woke up." "

"Then why did you say it just now? "

"You don't ask me. I just wanted to see when you will wake me up, and who told you not to. "Xiaoyu laughed.

This answer made Chen Mo almost vomit blood, can you ask? How to ask? However, seeing Xiao Yu become a little more energetic, Chen Mo was also relieved.

"I'm going to take a shower. "

Thinking of going to sleep together again tonight, Xiao Yu's face was slightly shy. She took the clothes she left here last time from the closet and walked into the bathroom.

Not long after, Xiao Yu walked out wearing the suspender nightdress from the last time, and his whole body was full of energy.

"Go take a shower, you are sweaty. "Seeing Chen Mo staring, Xiao Yu's face flushed slightly, and she subconsciously pulled the corners of her nightdress.

"OK. "

Chen Mo nodded, he knew that it was another difficult night. But he was also happy in his heart. Xiao Yu took the initiative to stay here this time, and he was one step closer to keeping Xiao Yu completely behind.

After taking a shower, when Chen Mo returned to the room, Xiao Yu was already lying on the quilt and playing with her mobile phone.

"If you are tired, why don't you go to bed early? "

Chen Mo put away the mobile phone that he had taken from Xiao Yu and turned off the lights directly. As soon as he got on the bed, Xiaoyu drilled into his arms.

"What are you doing? "

"I am not in good health now, you can't touch me. "Xiao Yu's shy voice came from the darkness.

"Then you are still like this? "

"I have had insomnia recently. Last time I found that sleeping in your arms is very comfortable and then I don't have insomnia. That's why I came back with you tonight. "Xiao Yu said, "I'm still sleepy now." "

"You win, as long as you sleep soundly, you can do whatever you want. If you don't move out, you won't have insomnia. "Chen Mo said.

"Nice try, no matter how cranky you think, the surprise for you will have to be postponed again. "

"No, I was wrong, can you tell me what the surprise is? "

"It's not a surprise if I tell you. "

The two were chatting in the quilt. After a while, Chen Mo heard Xiao Yu's slight snorting sound. It was only when she was exhausted that she had such a slight snorting sound.

Chen Mo adjusted his posture, hugged her, and fell asleep.