
The next morning, Chen Mo got up. Like the previous two times, Xiao Yu had already prepared his breakfast and was watching the TV series. After eating breakfast, Chen Mo took Xiao Yu out of the rented house.

Xiao Yu this morning has changed from her listless appearance last night. Seeing the vibrant Xiao Yu recovered, Chen Mo also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Yu, if you are tired from now on, just tell me. "

"It's okay, it's just that it's been a bit more serious recently, and it's usually okay. "Xiaoyu sat in the back seat of the bicycle, with a satisfied smile on her face again.

Last night was the most solid sleep she had in the past few days. She slept until she woke up naturally, and the energy she had lost a few days ago was full again.

After sending Xiao Yu back to the dormitory, Chen Mo left for the shop outside the school.

Seeing Chen Mo's disappearing back, Xiaoyu turned her head and walked back towards the dormitory. Just as she opened the door of the dormitory, she saw three pairs of playful eyes.

"Why are you all looking at me like this. "Seeing the three pairs of ill-intentioned glances, Xiao Yu was a little guilty.

"You were listless yesterday, and are radiant today. It seems that this is the nourishment of love. "Li Ruoxi gave a bad smile.

Xiao Yu's face blushed for an instant, she took a soft sip and walked back to her bed.

"Xiao Yu, have you received the news from Ban Qun?" Wang Xiaolan, who was wearing thick glasses, asked.

"I didn't read it, what's the news? "

"Sure enough." Zhou Tongtong smiled: "For the internship, the Army Ant Company will come to our school to recruit interns."

"Marching Ant Company? "Xiao Yu was puzzled for a while: "Is it the Marching Ant company that sells butterfly-eyed mobile phones?" "

She remembered the name. A few days ago, Zhou Tongtong yelled to change her phone. She had seen the butterfly eye phone. It's very beautiful, and it makes people like it at first sight.

In addition, news about the Marching Ant Company has been appearing on the news recently, so she is very impressed.

"Yes, this is the Marching Ant company. "Zhou Tongtong nodded and said, "Now in Binhai City, the Marching Ants Company is a star company. Not long after its establishment, it has become a company with a market value of hundreds of millions. Therefore, the school attaches great importance to the cooperation with the Marching Ants Company and notified the various college classes of their recruitment news. "

"Xiao Yu, you can try it. Maybe you can enter the Marching Ant Company. I heard that the benefits are very good. "Li Ruoxi said.

"How about you guys? "Xiao Yu asked.

"Xiaolan is studying, Tongtong is going home to help her father manage the company. I'm going to try it out. Let's apply together?" Li Ruoxi said

"At the last job fair, didn't you apply for a company? "

"Don't mention it, that interviewer's squint look makes me want to slap him to death."

Li Ruoxi's voice was a little angry but then calmed down.

"I am going to try it at the Marching Ant Company. Although there have been smears on the Internet recently, they are all fake. This company has great potential. Do you want to join us? You have an accounting qualification certificate and you have been admitted as an accountant. You have a great advantage. "

"Yes, then I will prepare my resume. "Xiao Yu thought for a while and said.


Chen Mo returned to the shop and took a look at the remarks on the Internet about the Marching Ant Company. Since the reward information was sent out, some people have been saying that they found loopholes and finally tried to crack the phone, all of which ended in failure.

Those articles about the security vulnerabilities of the marching ants have already been overwhelmed by the verbal abuse of netizens. If there really is a loophole why didn't they apply for the reward?

After this period of experience, the Marching ant system has been preliminarily affirmed by users.

Not to mention the Marching Ant system, configuration, appearance, and waterproof performance, these advantages make the Butterfly Eye mobile phone completely worthy of this price.

Because of its exquisite appearance, the Butterfly Eye is more popular among female users. This point, even Chen Mo didn't expect it.

Now the sales of Butterfly Eyes are steadily rising, and they have entered the mobile phone market for the first time. However, if they want to occupy a larger market share, with Butterfly Eye, it is unlikely.

They just became famous overnight. In the eyes of many consumers, Butterfly Eye is just beautiful, brand recognition is not too high, and they are worried about quality issues.

If they want to make the brand bigger, it is obviously impossible in short term, and it still needs to be developed in the future. As soon as he wanted to put down his mobile phone and start studying the Chinese character programming language, his mobile phone rang suddenly.

Zhao Min stood by the window of the office with her mobile phone at this time, calmly looking at the heavy traffic below.

Recently, the company has had a lot of troubles. Today, five more employees resigned. It is already certain that someone is digging behind their company's corner. It's just that it's not easy for her to determine which company did it.

After the phone was connected, Zhao Min breathed a sigh of relief.

This chairman, although young, has a calm personality, which gives her a lot of peace of mind. If she is the backbone of the company's employees, this young and low-key chairman is her reassurance.

"Chairman, five more employees resigned today. "Zhao Min said calmly.

"You don't need to report to me so carefully, do you? "Chen Mo on the other end of the phone couldn't laugh or cry.

"I want to see if you have a sense of urgency. I found that no matter what happened, it didn't make you panic. Aren't you in a hurry that all the employees have been poached? "

"If you haven't been poached, there is no sense of urgency. "Chen Mo said with a smile: "The big waves are washing away the sand, revealing the diamonds below." "

Chen Mo listened to Old Shu talk about other civilizations, from appearance to destruction. He has even seen the process of the destruction of civilization on the light curtain of the Science and Technology Library. It looks like a science fiction movie, but he has seen it a lot, and now he is not surprised by many things.

"I now feel that my bet with you is a pit. "

Zhao Min was also very helpless to Chen Mo.

"The company has already contacted Binhai University and will send someone over tomorrow to recruit interns. In the future, I plan to cooperate with Binhai University and let them provide us with talents, especially technical talents."

"Then I'll go to the interview later. You said you are going to be the interviewer. Can I pass? "Chen Mo laughed.

"Go ahead, I promise to let you pass, and I will fire you later, fire the boss, it has always been my dream. "

Zhao Min was also amused by Chen Mo's words. This chairman is really a bit nasty sometimes.

"Speaking of business, there is also the issue of the company headquarters."

"Well, you say. "

"I plan to buy two plots of land for the construction of the company headquarters and industrial park." Zhao Min said.

Now that the company's popularity is rising, although there are still few people, it is necessary to plan ahead, otherwise, it will be a bit slow to build these after the company has developed.

"Yes, it's time to build it. "Chen Mo said after thinking for a while.

"Then I'll ask Ling Feng to contact the municipal government. If you have time, you can come to the company. "

Zhao Min was very helpless about Chen Mo's leisurely play. Anyway, the chairman of the board looked indifferent to everything, and she was used to it.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo reinvested himself in the research of Chinese character programming language.

The book about creating programming languages ​​is very thorough in terms of keywords, phrases, and sentence definitions, but the expression of Chinese characters is too complicated, so research is so slow.

This is a brand new computer language system, and it is also a field that has never been tried before. It is not as simple as translating the C language directly and using it.

The research in the first two months has made great progress, and he believes it will be completed soon. So during this time, he decided to devote all his energy to the research of the Chinese programming language.

As soon as he entered the state of research, Chen Mo fell into it.