Silly Girl?

"Xiao Mo, have you finished your internship this year? Have you found a job? "At the dinner table, Zhang Yang asked.

"I started a business last semester and opened a company, and now the company has stabilized." Chen Mo thought for a while, but still spoke. After all, this is not a shame, and it is unnecessary to hide it from his family.

"Start a company? Why don't I know? "Mother Chen said in surprise.

"You didn't ask. "Chen Mo said, "I originally decided to tell you later, but since my uncle asked, I will tell you now." "

"It takes a lot of money to start a business, right? If it's not enough, your parents still have some savings here, you can use it first. "Father Chen, who was sitting next to him, said.

His father didn't talk much with him. It was also because when he was a child, in order to make a living, his father left early and returned late, and he didn't communicate much, but every time Chen Mo needed money, his father always satisfied him.

This kind of silent care made Chen Mo feel very warm.

"Dad, no need, my company is already making money now, and there is no shortage of money now. "Chen Mo immediately refused.

"What does the company do? What's its name?" the aunt on the side hurriedly asked.

"It's called Marching Ant Technology Co., Ltd., which is regarded as a network technology company. "Chen Mo said.

As soon as Chen Mo's words came out, Zhang Xinxin, who was sitting on his left, opened her mouth wide and looked at him in surprise.

She is no stranger to the name Marching Ant Company. Some time ago, when Butterfly Eye came out, there was a lot of noise. Several students in her class bought Butterfly Eye mobile phones.

Because it is so beautiful, it is often taken out to show off. The Marching Ant Company is also known to them. An emerging technology company that has expanded to the level of hundreds of millions in just half a year and has become a well-known domestic company.

Their parents are just ordinary people and don't pay attention to news and news in this area, but it is impossible for Zhang Xinxin not to know.

This incident is not reliable in any way, it is more like Chen Mo is fooling people. Zhang Xinxin didn't say anything, she secretly glanced at Chen Mo, who was calm and composed.

"Network technology? It's also good. The future is very promising. Work hard." Aunt Zhen nodded with satisfaction.

"Are you in partnership with your classmates? Is this reliable? "Father Chen asked.

"It's okay, the company is mine alone, I won't lie to myself, right?"

"Then where did you get the money to start a company? "Mom is in a posture of breaking the casserole and asking questions to the end.

"I learned software development in school, and sold a piece of software, and I could earn a lot of money. I earned the money and didn't steal it." Chen Mo knew his mother's worries and explained patiently.

"Well, if you start a business and lack money, tell your family, your parents still have some savings, but you can't do illegal things, understand? "

"Ok. "Chen Mo nodded.

Next, they talked about some household issues and some things about Chen Mo's future marriage.

"Brother, you didn't blush when you bragged just now. "As soon as he finished his meal, Zhang Xinxin ran to Chen Mo.

"When did I brag? "

"You said that you started the Marching Ant Company. "Zhang Xinxin said: "The current scale of the Marching Ant Company can be regarded as a large enterprise, at the level of hundreds of millions. Who will believe you if you say you opened it? My parents and aunts don't know, but you can't fool me. "

"Okay, your brother, I'm bragging. "Chen Mo looked at this girl speechlessly.

Seeing Chen Mo's appearance, Zhang Xinxin hesitated: "Brother, is it really your company? "

"When have I lied to you. "

"Then I believe you are the owner of the Marching Ant Company. Can you give me a butterfly Eye mobile phone? "Zhang Xinxin asked.

"You didn't believe it just now, and now you believe it. You want something from me? No way. "Chen Mo said with a smile

"Brother, look at my current mobile phone. I have been using it for three years. My parents won't give me money to change it. Since you are the big boss, you are definitely not short of money. "

"When you are admitted to university I will buy you everything you want, but not now. You have entered the review stage, what's the use of giving you a mobile phone? To show off?"

Zhang Xinxin sticks out her tongue, her eyes twirling.

"Brother, are you a billionaire now? "

"No, I was bragging! "Chen Mo said.

"Brother, you won't lie. I believe you are a tyrant. Wait, let's go shopping, you can buy me clothes, okay? "

"I reluctantly promised you, it's a New Year's gift."

"Brother is still the best."

After packing up the dinner table, the group left home to go shopping. Today is the New Year, and the flow of people is particularly large, and the group did not return home until the evening.

As soon as he got home, Chen Mo was tired and paralyzed on the bed. Today, he was pulled by Xinxin to try on clothes everywhere. He experienced the horror of a woman shopping once, and even his strengthened body felt tired.

Looking at the ceiling, Chen Mo was thinking about the character design of artificial intelligence.

According to the standards, he feels that Xiao Yu's personality is particularly good. Xiao Yu's character is the best he has ever seen.

However, taking Xiao Yu's character as the template, it seems that there are some shortcomings, but he can't think of any shortcomings.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mo picked up his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Yu's number.

"Xiao Yu, happy New Year. "Chen Mo said.

"Happy New Year. "Xiao Yu's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone: "Chen Mo, let me know when you arrive in Binhai City, and I will send you the surprise." "

"Well, every time you say surprise, it tickles my heart. "

"Don't want it? "

"Think, how could I not want it. I want to see what surprises make you so mysterious. "Chen Mo said with a smile.

"At that time you will know."

Chen Mo looked at the ceiling and thought for a while, not knowing what to say next.

"Do you have anything on your mind? "Xiao Yu felt something was wrong.

"It's nothing to worry about. "Chen Mo woke up and found that he was a little obsessed with thinking about the problem.

"Can you tell me? If it's something unhappy, you share half of it with me. "

"Thinking about it, what can I be unhappy with you? I'm thinking if I create an artificial intelligence robot with your personality, what are the shortcomings, I think it's a bit fascinating." Chen Mo said.

"Thinking about this mess all day." Xiao Yu's face on the other side of the phone blushed: "You might as well buy a silly girl, why are you looking for a girlfriend?"

"Silly girl? "Chen Mo raised his eyebrows and suddenly realized.

Xiao Yu's personality is mostly well-behaved, gentle, and less cold.

If you add the personality option mode of the silly girl with the mobile phone to the artificial intelligence, you can choose different personalities to increase the freshness of communication with the artificial intelligence.

A word awakened the dreamer.

"Xiao Yu, I love you so much, you are my silly girl. "Chen Mo sat up from the bed with a smile on his face.


Xiao Yu didn't adapt to Chen Mo's sudden love words all of a sudden, with shyness in her voice, and she didn't know how to answer for a while. This Chen Mo deliberately used her words, and she was so ashamed.

"I'm not a silly girl. "

"In my heart, you are a silly girl, hehe. "

"I won't talk to you anymore. "Xiao Yu hung up the phone hurriedly. She was afraid that she would be ashamed to be affectionate with Chen Mo again. "This bad guy is getting more and more dumb but why am I so happy." "

Xiao Yu threw her mobile phone on the bed, blushing, but with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mo smiled and immediately turned on the computer, and started to improve the character of artificial intelligence. Sometimes it only takes an instant of inspiration to make a big breakthrough in research.

Now that there are references and patterns, the character design of artificial intelligence will become much smoother. he believes that soon, the first artificial intelligence using Chinese characters programming language will be available.

Chen Mo couldn't wait.