Artificial Intelligence: Mo Nu

Ten days passed in a hurry.

In the past ten days, with inspiration, Chen Mo has not been out. He has been hiding in the room and set out to perfect the character design of artificial intelligence. After all, inspiration is hard to come by.

Low-level artificial intelligence does not have its own personality and emotions, so personality and emotions must be defined by developers.

A creation without emotions is always a cold machine. Even if this artificial intelligence assists him, if there is no fluctuation in the mechanical voice of the Artificial Intelligence, it will become boring over time.

The essence of artificial intelligence is to simulate the information processing process of human thinking, which involves many disciplines including mathematical logic, linguistics, computer science, and cybernetics.

If it weren't for the knowledge theory of "Low-level Artificial Intelligence Development" in the Science and Technology Library as the basis, Chen Mo thought it would be almost impossible to build an artificial intelligence architecture in a short time.

There are two ways to implement artificial intelligence on computers.

The first is programming technology, which uses programming methods to make computer systems show intelligent effects, regardless of whether the computer's thinking method is the same as that used by humans.

The second is the simulation method. The simulation method aims to realize the way of thinking of computers, which is the same as that of humans or animals. Genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks are all simulation methods.

What Chen Mo now uses is programming technology to make computer systems show intelligent effects. Even if the analysis of artificial intelligence development is clear, it is not easy to achieve it.

It was during this time that he realized that the artificial intelligence architecture he started to build was completely a newborn baby. He also understood why Old Shu didn't let him share technology at the time.

Now after continuous improvement, the baby has slowly grown up, but to what extent, Chen Mo still doesn't know.

At this time, Chen Mo sat in front of the computer and clicked the mouse in his hand. Seeing the prompt of success on the phone, Chen Mo collapsed on the chair.

During this time, the crazy operation of his brain made him feel deeply tired. It's not physical exertion, it's mental fatigue.

After drinking a glass of water and calming down, Chen Mo saved the source code on the compiler, climbed onto the bed and lay down, and entered the Science And Technology Library.

After opening the dark red book, Old Shu immediately appeared with the light curtain.

"I'm here, a month has passed, and you now have one chance to randomly select a technology once. Do you want to use it? "Old Shu asked.

"Use it first. "Chen Mo said after thinking for a while.

This random choice is a bit tricky. It is once a month. The last few times made him very depressed. He doesn't know if this time it will be something that can be used immediately.

"OK. "Old Shu pointed, and densely packed books surround the sky above the Science and Technology Library.

Looking at the rotating book, Chen Mo was praying silently in his heart. After a while, a book appeared in Old Shu's hands.

"Ultra-thin rubber sleeve production process"


Chen Mo felt a bolt from the blue, scorched and tender by the thunder, and his lips were trembling.

Ultra-thin rubber sleeve production process? There are already countless companies producing these things, as well as various shapes and colors. Chen Mo was cast out of psychological shadow by this random selection

"Do you want it? Hahaha..." Old Shu held back a smile, and couldn't help laughing. There are countless technologies in the Science and Technology Library, and he doesn't know how to describe Chen Mo's luck.

"Yes. "

Chen Mo took a deep breath and told himself that this was normal and that there was still Artificial Intelligence to share.

With a smile, Old Shu patted the book in his hand into Chen Mo's head: "The next step is to share technology, right? "

"Yes, sharing technology. "Chen Mo showed an ugly smile.

"OK. "Old Shu nodded and pointed to Chen Mo's forehead, and then casually tapped in the air.

The light curtain hangs down, and it is still the familiar Chinese character programming code. Unlike last time, the Chinese character programming code this time is much more complicated. The branches of this tree are already overgrown with more branches and leaves.

"Not bad, very good artificial intelligence. "Old Shu looked at the Chinese character programming code above and nodded.

As soon as his words fell, the light curtain fell, and a little girl appeared in front of the two of them. Wearing a white skirt and two big exquisite eyes, she looked very cute, just like an ancient little princess.

Now, this little girl has no god in her soul and no wisdom, just like a projection.

After this girl was formed in the Science and Technology Library, Chen Mo was not surprised, because he designed the image of this little girl. It's just projected, which is cuter and more beautiful than in the image.

"This image is very good. "Old Shu looked at this little girl with satisfaction: "She is not the same as the artificial intelligence I have seen. In low-level artificial intelligence, it is very good. It may be because the programming language is related to the architecture you designed." Are you willing to share this technology? "

"Of course I do. "Chen Mo immediately agreed.

"Then let's start! "Old Shu said and pointed casually in the air.

On the light curtain, the Chinese character programming code began to change, delete, and add. And the image of the little girl in front of the two of them also changed slightly. The lines of the face have become softer, the complexion has become more natural, and it looks cuter than just now.

It didn't take long for the code to change and stop. The brand-new source code was listed on the light curtain, and Chen Mo's gaze, as the light curtain flowed, kept the optimized place in mind.

These optimizations can make this low-level artificial intelligence more perfect.

After a while, the light curtain slowly shrank and turned into a book. The projection of the little girl also disappeared and appeared on the cover of the book.

"Give the artificial intelligence you created a name. "Old Shu said, looking at the book suspended in mid-air.

"Mo Nu, Mo from the Mo family. "Chen Mo said after thinking for a while.

This is the first work in the true sense of the Chinese character programming language, and it remains in the Science and Technology Library, so he thought of this more meaningful name.

It is the same sound as his Mo, and it is the artificial intelligence he created, so Chen Mo chose this name.

As soon as his words fell, the words Mo Nu appeared on the book, and finally turned into a ray of light and flew into the depths of the Science and Technology Library.

Not long after, a ray of light landed and formed into a book in Old Shu's hand.

After seeing the cover of the book, Chen Mo's eyes narrowed. The black book gives people a heavy sense of mystery.

"Artificial Intelligence Development and Upgrade"

"Is this an upgrade of artificial intelligence? "Chen Mo asked, pointing to the book.

"Yes, this is an upgrade method of artificial intelligence. What you have now is low-level artificial intelligence. This book teaches you how to improve the intelligence of artificial intelligence and upgrade it to high-level artificial intelligence or super-artificial intelligence. "Shu Lao said: "This is a book that sharing artificial intelligence will definitely get, but it's not that simple to upgrade Artificial Intelligence." See for yourself. "

After speaking, Old Shu slapped Chen Mo's head with a book.

After exiting the Science and Technology Library, Chen Mo sat back in front of the computer and modified the source code. After completing the modification and confirming that there were no errors, Chen Mo couldn't wait to put the source code file on the computer desktop and run it.

"The artificial intelligence is activated and the identity of the creator is being identified. "

A tender female voice came from the computer's stereo, and then the computer's camera automatically turned on. Without saying a word, Chen Mo pointed the camera at his face.

"After the recognition is complete, please enter the name of the artificial intelligence. "

"Mo Nu. "

"Confirm the name of the artificial intelligence: Mo Nu, please choose your personality. Well-behaved, cold, shy, black belly..." The computer's stereo sounded again.

"Well-behaved. "Chen Mo said into the computer microphone.

"The character selection was successful, and the artificial intelligence was successfully activated. "

After the computer's stereo sounded, the artificial intelligence source code file on the computer desktop disappeared, and there was no movement at all.

Chen Mo stared at the computer screen with a puzzled face, didn't he succeed? Where is the artificial intelligence? After searching on the computer for a while, he still didn't find where it disappeared.

Has artificial intelligence escaped into the network? Just when Chen Mo didn't know what to do, a tender voice sounded.

"Father. "