
President's office.

Xiao Yu sat opposite Zhao Min, with doubts in her eyes. At the end of the day today, she felt that this president seemed to be very special to her.

She was just a new intern, and the president took her with her to get in touch with the most core things. When she thinks about it, it feels wrong.

"Xiao Yu, did you get used to work the first day?" Zhao Min asked.

"It's okay. "Xiao Yu stopped talking.

"You're thinking, why do I take care of you so much, right? "Zhao Min smiled slightly after seeing Xiao Yu's hesitance to speak.

"Yes. "Xiao Yu nodded.

"Remember when your boyfriend saved the baby on the shopping street? At that time, I was the one who was robbed of my bag by the gangster. "Zhao Min said calmly: "I felt that you looked familiar yesterday, but after I went back, I remembered it."

Xiaoyu looked at Zhao Min in surprise. At that time, the crowd was too chaotic, and her attention was on Chen Mo, so she didn't notice Zhao Min at all.

"Take care of me so much because of that matter? "Xiao Yu asked.

"Of course not, your boyfriend is a very good person, and you are also a very good girl. "

"Thank you. "

Xiaoyu smiled, but she didn't really think so. No matter how good she is, it is impossible for her to get access to the highest-level things as soon as she enters the company.

"It's time to get off work now. "Zhao Min said with a smile.

"Oh, goodbye, Sister Zhao. "

After Xiaoyu left, Zhao Min dialed Chen Mo's number: "Chairman, I have something to ask you. "

"you say. "

"You really don't plan to tell Xiao Yu? "Zhao Min asked.

"This question is really a headache. I will mention it tonight. "Chen Mo, who was sitting in the shop, looked a little helpless.

He knows Xiao Yu, and if Xiao Yu knows about this, there will definitely be a burden on her and affect her state of life. Now that Xiao Yu has entered the company, and the laboratory will be completed in a few days, he will also go to the company, and it is time to confess.

"Since you said that, I am relieved. Although Xiao Yu is my employee, I will mind my own business. It's time for me to get off work now, goodbye, Mr. Chairman. "Zhao Min said.

In the shop, Chen Mo put down his mobile phone, took a breath, and continued to focus on the exterior design of the computer's mobile phone.


Xiao Yu's heart was full of doubts. After packing up her things, she left with his bag. As soon as she walked out of the company's door, Li Ruoxi greeted her.

"Xiao Yu, how is your work today? "

"It's pretty good, Ms. Zhao takes good care of me. "

Xiao Yu kept recalling Zhao Min's words, feeling a little bit uncomfortable. But what was wrong with the details, she couldn't figure it out at once.

"Have you heard? Yesterday, the handsome guy beside Ms. Zhao was the most mysterious chairman of our company. "

"At the beginning, everyone thought it was Ms. Zhao's boyfriend, but they didn't expect it to be the chairman of the board. So young, like a graduate who just walked out of university, he doesn't have the aura of a technical house. He is sunny and handsome. He must be very happy to be his girlfriend. "

Xiaoyu and Li Ruoxi had just walked out of the door of the company, and the two white-collar women behind them also walked out together, talking and laughing.

"Graduate? Technical house? Sunshine? "

Hearing the conversation between the two, a figure immediately appeared in Xiao Yu's mind, and she hurriedly took out her mobile phone to open the search.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing? "

"Find an answer. "

Xiaoyu felt uneasy, and her body became tense. Not long after, Xiao Yu bit his lips and put away his mobile phone, becoming absent-minded.

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter? Are you uncomfortable? "When Li Ruoxi saw Xiao Yu's appearance, she immediately felt something was wrong.

"It's okay, but this answer surprised me too much. "Xiao Yu said calmly.

"What answer? "Li Ruoxi asked.

"I'll tell you after a while. "Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

"Xiao Yu, you are not kind anymore. I am a good girlfriend who sleeps with you. Don't even tell me anything? Is it about Chen Mo? Are you uh-huh~~" Li Ruoxi's smile is a bit bad as if I understand.

Xiao Yu was interrupted by Li Ruoxi, her face flushed: "Don't think about it, let's go quickly, or there will be a traffic jam. "


That night, Chen Mo sat on the sofa, quietly reading the book. He was also thinking about how to talk to Xiao Yu while he waited.

It didn't take long for footsteps to come from the living room. Xiao Yu, as usual, was wearing a nightdress, sat down beside him, turned on the computer, and watched the show quietly.

"How is your work today? "Chen Mo asked.

"Fortunately, the president takes good care of me. I don't know why she treats me so well. "Xiao Yu said calmly.

"Xiao Yu, if I had hidden something from you, what would you do? "Chen Mo put the book down, hugged Xiao Yu's shoulder, and let her lean on her shoulder.

"That depends on what's you hide. "Xiao Yu let Chen Mo hold her, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Didn't I help you kill the virus in the first place? For this matter, a scene was also made in the library. "

Chen Mo thought for a while and spoke. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yu laughed. The scene that made trouble in the library made her want to laugh when she remembered that scene now.

"And then what? "Xiao Yu said.

"At that time, there was a global computer virus crisis. The killing software I developed was able to kill viruses, so I sold it to Seven Tigers. That was my first pot of gold. Later, I used the money to register a company..."

"Needless to say. "Xiao Yu interrupted Chen Mo's words: "Let me be quiet." "Xiao Yu leaned on Chen Mo's shoulder and her gaze fell on the computer screen.

Chen Mo felt a little annoyed. He had never seen Xiao Yu like this before, which made him feel unsure, but he didn't speak wittily.

It was not until the end of the computer program that Xiao Yu said: "Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?"

"You have entered the company, and you will know sooner or later. So I took the initiative to explain. When did you find out? "Chen Mo said with a wry smile.

"Never mind when I found out if I didn't enter the company, di you plan to not to say it? "

"No. "

"Don't talk now, I want to hit you. "

Before Chen Mo could react, Xiao Yu clenched her fists and slammed Chen Mo's shoulder. After a while, Xiao Yu let out a cry of pain and rubbed her fist.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mo laughed. She hit him again and hurt herself.

"Still laughing. "

Xiao Yu's face turned red, and she greeted him with a small fist. Xiao Yu didn't stop until she was tired from fighting.

"Not angry anymore? "Chen Mo grabbed Xiao Yu's red hand.

"I'm very angry, don't move, I want to bite you. "After speaking, Xiao Yu buried his head on Chen Mo's shoulder.


Chen Mo did not resist, but hugged Xiao Yu in his arms and gently comforted her. If Xiao Yu is willing to lose her temper, it will be fine.

After half a minute, Xiao Yu let go of her mouth and frowned slightly as she looked at the bloody tooth marks on Chen Mo's shoulders.

"Does it hurt? "

"How can you ask if it hurts after biting someone like this? "

"You deserve it, who told you to hide such a big thing from me. "

Xiao Yu snorted softly, got up, and rummaged through the cupboard. After a while, she walked over with a bottle of red medicine and a cotton swab and began to help Chen Mo deal with the wound.

"Are you not angry anymore? "

"Ask me again and I'll bite you again. "

After carefully helping Chen Mo deal with the wound, Xiao Yu put down the red medicine and walked back to the room. After Chen Mo waited for the red medicine on his shoulders to dry, he packed up his books and walked into the room.