
The commotion on the court calmed down again, and everyone turned their eyes to Zhao Min. They all know that the next information must be very important.

After all, at a press conference, not everyone dared to say that their own products were insufficient.

Zhao Min remained calm and clicked on the PPT on the next page.

"There are no perfect products in the world, even smart assistants. The first is the compatibility issue. The current mobile phone system is only compatible with the Marching ant system and the Android system. It is not compatible with the Apple system, that is, there is no IOS APP. "

Zhao Min's words, like a small stone falling in a calm pond, immediately caused ripples. Incompatible with IOS, this is undoubtedly a big problem. At present, in the mainstream market, the share of Apple mobile phones is not low. Is this going to kill Apple?

If the functions described above are true and are not compatible with IOS, then people will definitely not give priority to Apple when buying mobile phones in the future. This blow to Apple is undoubtedly huge.

Why is it not compatible with Apple?

The people who heard it couldn't help but ask this question in their heads.

Zhao Min seemed to know what everyone thought and continued her speech.

"If the smart assistant wants to control the mobile phone, the mobile phone system cannot be bypassed. The Android system is open source and compatible with Xiaodie. The Apple terminal is closed-source, and the smart assistant cannot automatically control the APP status. In addition, there is already Siri on the IOS terminal, so there is no need for the smart assistant, so there is no IOS terminal software. "

Hearing Zhao Min's words, everyone was speechless. The smart assistant is so powerful that Siri is not comparable to it at all.

However, many people don't care, because they don't use Apple mobile phones at all, and many people have two mobile phones. They don't need to worry about this kind of problem.

"I seem to see the apple trembling. "

"This is still a little ant, who can't finish an apple."

"Actually, I care about the price of this smart assistant. If this thing is free, it is estimated that Apple will really suffer. "

After Zhao Min said that there was no Apple-side software, the comment area of the live broadcast was also frantically discussing.

Zhao Min on the stage still smiled confidently.

"Next is its second problem. Xiaodie has just taken shape. For the time being, it can only interact with Chinese and English. We are working hard to introduce a multi-language library. In the future, Xiaodie will cover the world's mainstream languages. "

Not many people are surprised by this question. Even those who have opinions don't know about the Marching Ant's intelligent assistant now. For the time being, the main market for smart assistants is still in China.

"Finally, there is the issue of Xiaodie's fees, which is also the topic that everyone is most concerned about. Now the price of Xiaodie is 20 yuan per month, and the first ten minutes are free to experience. "Zhao Min said.

The price is 20 yuan per month. When Zhao Min announced the price issue, there was a commotion on the field, especially in the area where the media people were located.

As an intelligent assistant, according to the functional introduction mentioned by Zhao Min, its functions are far superior to similar software in the market. The monthly rent of 20 yuan per month is not expensive. It is almost equivalent to using 20 yuan to upgrade the mobile phone by a notch, and this cost is affordable for almost anyone with a mobile phone.

But the point is that for a high-end smart assistant like this, the market is close to blank. No one can say clearly how many Android phones there are in the world. Even if only one-twentieth of Android users use it, the benefits are terrifying.

The intelligent assistant is a chicken that lays golden eggs, which will bring a steady stream of funds to the Marching Ant company.

After Zhao Min's speech, the next step is the reporter's question-and-answer session. Audience fans also entered the product experience area and started to download the smart assistant.

The experience area displays the future concept products of Marching Ant Company, including smart office software, computer operating systems, intelligent robots, Ant cloud computing, big data, and other things.

However, these technologies are still only prototypes of the Marching ant company. Therefore, the most important thing for many fans and reporters is to go to the experience area of the smart assistant and download the smart assistant.

The press conference has not officially ended, and reports on the Internet have already set off a big wave.

Many people who went to the experience area to experience the smart assistant took a video and posted it to their circle of friends, which attracted a lot of envy and doubts. Soon, a video of the smart assistant experience was uploaded to the Internet, attracting many onlookers.

Marching Ant Company and smart assistant Xiaodie also quickly topped the hot search list.

A small smart assistant can almost upgrade the smartphone as a whole, and it is difficult to not want to be noticed.

Just after the Marching ant press conference, the overwhelming news on the Internet turned on the bombing mode.

In this era, when it comes to artificial intelligence, or anything related to artificial intelligence, it will become a topic. Now Marching ant company released a smart assistant without warning, which is more powerful than Apple's mobile phone assistant Siri, and overtaking it makes it feel even cooler.

"A Marching Ant Out of its Nest"-People's Daily

"How far is Artificial Intelligence from us? "--The Globe

"Hello! Human beings. "--Squirrel Headline


All major domestic mainstream media outlets used the smart assistants of Marching Ant company as a topic to write articles and publish in-depth comments. Artificial intelligence has once again become a hot topic for everyone.

"Why doesn't Marching Ant company embed smart assistants on the next generation of mobile phones? "

"Now the marching ant company just wants to open up the market, enhance the user experience, test and collect data, and enhance the database at the same time. In the future, smart assistants will be removed from the shelves and embedded in the second mobile phone. The high-end mobile phone market is almost open to them. "

"It's so cool. I came back from the press conference and downloaded the smart assistant. Now I watch TV series with snacks in my hands and post comments. Hahahaha..."

After the press conference, the Internet was in a stormy sea, and the Marching ant company was not calm. Zhao Min stood in the background, quietly looking at the computer being controlled by the technician in front of her.

After coming out of the Grand Theater, she rushed back to the company as soon as possible. The news has been released, and it is still being fermented. The next step is the test, and the matter of putting the smart assistant on the shelves is the top priority.

She has already watched the response from the Internet. To her surprise, the response from the smart assistant is even greater than that of the Marching Ant system. In addition to the reason for the large number of propaganda media this time, there is also Artificial Intelligence.

The market for mobile phone operating systems is already saturated, so after the Marching Ant system came out, there were waves, but because it was not open source, coupled with the strength of Marching Ant company, it could not shake the status of the three major operating systems.

It's different now, the mobile phone smart assistant market is almost blank. This market is completely placed in front of them, and the benefits in it are too great to imagine.

"President, the number of visitors now exceeds one million. "The backstage technician sitting in front of the computer said.

"Is the server okay? "Zhao Min asked.

"After the last attack, we expanded and upgraded the server, and millions of people can access it at the same time, no problem at all. "Lao Luo said.

"Put Xiaodie on the shelves. "Zhao Min said.

There was tension in the company, and Chen Mo also sat in the office, quietly looking at the backstage page of the official website, not knowing what he was thinking. After the smart assistant was put on the shelves, Chen Mo's gaze also changed.

"Brother Mo, a hacker tried to invade the company's server. "Not long after the smart assistant was on the shelves, Mo Nu said.