chapter 6

Zane: "Why should I be angry, you're the girl I love, but sacrificing for her is worth it. After all, you're only doing it because you want to prove that my love is real" . on top again

(author: sorry for the above paragraph, I don't know how to write it properly); -;))

When both girls heard and saw my action, they both sobbed and hugged me tighter and we stayed like that for a while.

After a while we both let go of me and looked at each other nodding deciding something.

Zane: "Good before we continue, I can give you a name because I can't understand your real name and I can't call you Elysia because it will be difficult to talk to you two" then I looked. purple haired girl.

"Of course I do." She happily nodded because she was about to be named by her lover. To others it might not matter, but to her it was different because if he gave her a name, she would no longer be known as someone else's other half but as a real person. NS. It also means he accepts her as his family

Seeing her nod in agreement, I fell into the thought "What about Selena?" I asked and looked at her.

(author: sorry I didn't think of a good name and I named it because I saw in the meaning of the names Elysia represents heaven so I put Selena meaning moon)

"Yeah from now on my name will be Selena" Selena said while crying with happiness and I held her in my arms and patted her head.

"I seem to have forgotten" a voice brought us back to reality and when I looked at the source of the voice, my eyes caught sight of a cute Elysia pouting on her cheek.

Zane: "Sorry, I was a bit distracted but we'll get here anyway." I said and pulled her into my lap and patted her head like Selena. Looks like I'm addicted to this

After a while we came back and I said "So what do I do next, go see the bride's parents ah" with a bit of a joke.

Elysia: "fufufu, honestly, me too but first you still need to become stronger. Right now you're just a spirit and you're too weak to see our true presence. Now it's just our avatar and not the real body because surely you and any universe in the multiverse can't stand our presence."

Zane: "So how do I become stronger?"

Selena: "Honey, I forgot why you're here?" she said while looking at me

Hearing you say makes me realize "ah, I forgot I have three wishes, it's hard to choose" I said and thought what should I wish for?

Elysia: "fufufu looks like you made a mistake," she said and smiled and Selena laughed too.

Zane: "Where's the error?" Confused I asked her

Elysia: "fufufu, remember what Selena said about wishes", while laughing confused me

I thought about what Selena said again and realized "Selena says every strong person has the right to grant three wishes" I said and looked at Elysia and Selena.

They both nodded and Elysia said "fufufu looks like you found it".

Zane: "Indeed if that's true then I have six wishes, those six things will help me a lot"

I thought for a moment and was about to make a wish when Elysia and Selena said at the same time, "Darling, before wishing we advise you to wish for me a body capable of constant growth and able to absorb all energy in the universe. .I know you will ask why very simply because at this moment in your soul there are two energies, the energy of space and the energy of the abyss. "

Zane: "Understood first let me ask why I have those two energies" I asked curiously.

When I asked, both were embarrassed and scratched their heads. then Elysia said "actually when you saved me I was mad at Selena, but before that I sent your soul to my domain before we started a war that lasted a million millennia"

Zane: "how long did you say?" I asked again because I thought I heard wrong.

Elysia: "oo-a million millennia"

Zane: "one million millennia!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream

Elysia and Selena nodded shyly

Zane: "You're kidding me, for sure, but that doesn't explain my possession of void energy." I asked back, trying to ignore the fact that I've been here for over a million millennia. .

Selena: "You know, while your soul is here it is in a state of deep sleep and while unconscious, your soul has inadvertently absorbed and sensed the void energy that only a Few people can do it."

Zane: "so that's it" I nodded in understanding

Selena: "You can feel it but you can't use it because your soul is too weak to bear it, so we sealed it so it won't destroy your soul and if you want to use it If you use it then you have to absorb it slowly.. that's why we introduced it with the desire to have a body that can endure and absorb it."

Zane: "I see, but there's energy from the abyss, why don't you talk about it"

Both girls looked at each other and at the same time said "we don't know"

Zane: "you don't know?"

Selena: "Yes, we don't know because the energy of the abyss is uncontrollable and it is almost impossible for someone to possess it, not even the strongest primitive being able to absorb it"

Zane: "I see, so what happened to the abyssal energy"

Elysia: "We sealed it together. Sorry Zane, there's nothing we can do to help you," she said and apologized to me.

Zane: "It's okay, let it go because it's been in your body for a long time but it won't hurt you so let's deal with that later"

"Thanks for forgiving us, Zane" both girls said at the same time

Zane: "It's not your fault so don't blame yourself. Now let's go back to the wish" said and looked at the two with gentle eyes to make them feel better.

"yes" both said at the same time

Zane: "so the first wish is to have a body that can absorb and evolve infinitely... the second wish is to have a system you know what" I said and they both nodded. understand.

Selena: "There are still two wishes, honey"

Zane: "Two things, so the fifth wish is to get the power of demon lord rimuru and the sixth wish is.. it's hard to choose" I said and thought for a moment "decided and then the thing the sixth wish is kamiya yato although I also intended to take yorigi's power but in the future my goal now is to become stronger"

"Wish has been granted, honey, so which world do you want to go to first" the two said at the same time.

Zane: "The first world I'll go to is DxD High School" excitedly said

Elysia: "Ara ara looks like you want to do bad things, you don't love us anymore" she said in a seductive voice then made a sad face again

Selena: "yes Zane you badass"

Zane: "You two are wrong, listen to me..." I said shyly and quickly explained.

Elysia: "fufufu, we just want to have a little fun baby"

Selena: "We understand you and we want more sisters so let's fight"

Zane: "Yes yes, I will try"

Selena: "Okay honey, we'll reincarnate you but you'll be conscious at three because you wouldn't want to be conscious in the womb, would you?" she asked with a hidden smile

Zane: "Yeah, I definitely don't want to experience that" said with a shy smile.

Elysia: "fufufu ah, your power and system will be unlocked when you are 4 years old"

Zane: "Then goodbye and see you later"

"Yeah, see you later" we both say and I start to pass out.

———————To Be Continued————————