chapter 7

In kuoh town, we can see three 3-year-olds playing together in a house.

We can see one of the toddlers with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes suddenly stop.

'What?, where am I?'

I look around to see a standard room with a bunch of toys around and two toddlers hanging out together as I try to figure out the situation until I recall what happened earlier.

About me dying to save my girlfriend and meeting a goddess who said she would reincarnate me in the anime world and then finding out she was another personality of my girlfriend along with my girlfriend also a goddess and many other things.

'huh, that means I just woke up my memory "I think suddenly having a bunch of other memories of me as a kid makes me a little dizzy.

'hoh... gosh it woke me up at 3 because I don't want to act like normal kids all the time, it's really boring and I can't even control my bladder ' I think as I thank Elysia and Selena for waking me up at this moment.

'wait... oh my god Selena and Elysia, I really love you two so much' I thought happily as I interlaced my little hands and was so happy. If someone sees this, they'll probably think it's cute.

{you look so happy baby} suddenly I hear a voice in my head

'that voice is you Elysia' I thought when I heard the familiar voice in my head

{fufufu is me, so are you satisfied with your new identity}

"Of course I couldn't be happier, in my life only you and Selena can understand me," I replied to Elysia in a cheerful tone.

While I was conversing with the 2 goddesses with my thoughts, a voice called me back

"What's wrong onii-san?" asked a toddler with short light brown hair and light brown eyes.

"It's nothing Issei, I was just thinking about something" I answered him

Then suddenly there was a shout from outside the room "Shiro, Issei, Irina, come down, it's time for lunch."

"COMING!" They both scream, except for our protagonist, who seems to have stopped moving again.

'It's interesting and full of surprises to see the main character here again' I thought as my eyes fell on the cute little girl - Future Pervert standing up and walking out of the room together.

Our MC is standing still to review his memories in this world. In this world, he is known as Shiro Nikushimi and is the cousin of Issei Hyoudou, the protagonist of DxD High School.

"Amazing, I love you two so much (referring to his two wives, not the other two)" I thought as I walked out of the room to follow those two because it was noon anyway and I didn't. wanted Issei's mother to appear. come up and teach me about it. skip lunch.

After discovering his new identity as the cousin of protagonist issei in the popular dxd harem anime series with fan service, our protagonist Shiro quickly adapted to it.

Besides, Issei is famous as a pervert in the Anime, but he is also quite selfless as he can easily forgive his enemies and is steadfast in his determination to protect those important to him. . . . .

What a disgusting guy, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying his actions are wrong just that I have my own opinion.

For me, it's good to protect those that are important to me, even I'm willing to sacrifice my life for that person... but forgive my enemies, that's not the case. I will kill all my enemies.

You ask me why, because being kind to your enemies is simply being cruel to yourself and forgiving of others, that is just the act of a hero and I am not a hero.

You ask me why I don't want to be a hero? oh, it's not so simple to think, * the survivors on the battlefield are just 'strong' and 'cowards'... In fact, heroes always die. * Enough rambling and then come back.

After regaining her memories in a new body, Shiro first regained her memories when she discovered that her mother was a foreigner and also a famous actress. His father is a talented director and stockbroker with a huge fortune. Both were abroad and left her in the care of Issei's mother and discovered that Irina's parents were very close to Issei's parents, so they often brought her here to play.

After Irina and her parents left with their sleeping child, Shiro did something that people used to do when they were kids or in his case a toddler.

And that is...

Get used to the new body and talk to Elysia and Selena.

What do you think I'm going to do, go to feel my mana or test my strength, remember I've been sealed by my two goddesses and my powers and systems only open when I'm 4 the age. What are you waiting for when I get this body. I'm still not used to this new body and you made me fight the bad guys haha ​​you're kidding me

And time goes by


(* 1 year omitted period *)

*POV Shiro*

It has been a year since I awakened my memories and having a family is a new and exciting experience even though they are my aunts and uncles.

I think I should talk a little bit about them anyway, they are the ones who raised me because my biological parents are busy working abroad.

My uncle's name is Gorou Hyoudou, an ordinary office worker and has the appearance of a middle-aged man with brown hair and eyes of the same color that Issei inherited.

My aunt is Miki Hyoudou, a full-time housewife with the appearance of a middle-aged woman with dark brown hair tied in a ponytail and hazel eyes.

Anyway, that's enough and let me tell you about what happened over the past year, and mostly I got to know this body and had a thoughtful conversation with my two goddesses.

Those who miss me very much cannot come because their presence is too strong and if they come then others will know and try to come here and if they know of my existence they will try to kill me.

Also during this time, I got closer to Irina. I will also get my system and powers over the next few months when I'm actually four years old.

---time is ignored again but only 2 months---

It's been two months now and I'm officially four years old. It is night time and I was reading a book in my room when suddenly I heard a sound coming from nowhere. While searching for the source of the sound, a blue screen suddenly appeared.

[Identified, the presenter just turned 4 years old. I would like to introduce myself as the system created by the two primordial goddesses to make the host even stronger]

[Does the server want to integrate with the system]

[YES — NO]

Without thinking much, I pressed the yes button because who would choose no specifically because this system was created according to my wishes.

[Server selects yes, the system is currently synchronizing with the server ... 1%



... 50%

... 80%

.... 100% Ding]

[The assimilation process with the system is complete, hello host]

When I heard that information, I was extremely happy and was looking at the system's functions when suddenly a message popped up.

[Does the server want to merge with its power]


"What's wrong with this system, I think that when I integrate myself with the system, my power must also be integrated" I asked curiously.

[because some of the server's power is of a different race, it needs to be merged with the system first to handle the race change process]

"I see, so what happens when you merge and transform your race?" I ask because in fiction, my racial change is often painful.

[no side effects, host just go to sleep and next morning everything will be fine]

Hearing the system speak, I nodded and pressed the [YES] button and the surroundings went dark

[see you tomorrow server, have a nice dream~]

*skip time*

In the early morning when the sun was just high, its light shone on the window frame, rather on the soft bed. Then the blanket on the bed began to vibrate and as it fell, we could see a child with a beautiful androgynous face. That child has silky golden hair that reaches the middle of his back and has skin as white as snow

*yawn* the baby stretched out his hand to yawn and began to rub his eyes gently and then slowly opened them to reveal a pair of beautiful blue eyes as clear as clouds. Yes, that's our MC

After waking up, he turned his head to look around, still fast asleep when a voice suddenly sounded in his thoughts.

[Good morning host!]

Shiro's eyes widened and said "Who?!" then the voice said again

[Calm server ..... is me this is your system]

After listening to the system, Shiro calmed down. "It turned out to be the system."

[You seem quite satisfied.]

Shiro: "Of course, think about it when you wake up one day and suddenly there's a voice in your head, do you stop?"

[That's it, my sincere apologies to the server]

Shiro: "Okay, forget about it and don't bother calling me server anymore, call me Shiro from now on"

[Yes, sir Shiro]

Shiro: "So do you have a name?"

[No I dont! please give me a name Shiro!]

Shiro: "Well, I'm not very good at naming but what if you ask, what about Amanda?"

[Amanda Amanda Fufu yes Shiro that's a good name]

When Shiro heard Amanda speak, it was no longer the lifeless voice of the system but the soft and seductive voice of a beautiful woman that made Shiro's heart skip a beat.

It took a long time for Shiro to regain control of his heart and then he asked Amanda: "So Amanda tell me your function."

[Yes, honey-]

"Wait for her to call me baby, it's okay, when I'm well enough I'll get close to her and make her my wife" I thought without swearing or knowing Amanda heard it too. he chuckles

[My functions include: Daily Spins, Shop, Gacha, Status & Inventory, Harem Parameters, Parties, quests and more in the future as I'm only level 0]

"I found it to have the standard functions of the system and a few interesting functions and most importantly level 0. Before explaining those functions, let me know your status, Amanda'

[This is yours, Shiro]


[Name: Shiro Nikushimi]

[Title: One of the holders, fiance position of the supreme goddess, demigod, demon lord, [Blank] ...]

[Age: 4]


[Race: Human, Demon Slime, Demi-God, ????????]

[Blood: Human, Demon Slime, Demigod, ????????]


Kayami Yato - [Evaluation] - [Super Growth] - [Create Magic] - [Super Strength] - [Sleep Magic] - [Theory Magic] - [Fire Magic] - [Water Magic ] - [Earth Magic] - [Wind Magic] - [Light Magic] - [Dark Magic] - [Space Magic] - [Summoning Magic] - [Slave Magic] - [ Space-Time Magic] - [Sword Technique] - [Rhetoric] - [Martial Arts] - [Advanced Body] - [Concealed Presence] - [Presence Detection] - [Fence Set Brain Resistance] - [Weapon Mastery] - [Mental Resistance] - [Parallel Process]

Rimuru Tempest - [Infinite Regeneration] - [Magic Control] - [Layer Barrier] - [Cosmic Axis] - [Cosmic Detection] - [Demon Lord's Haki] - [Space Movement ] - [Dark Lightning] - [Common Theme] - [Spiritual Force] - [Mind Communication] - [Poison Breath] - [Body Shield] - [Paralyzed Breath] - [Sound Wave Sense] - [Dark Movement] - [Strength of Steel] - [Body Enhancement] - [Barrier] - [Magic Sense] - [Magic Aura] - [Magic Breaking] Magic] - [Gravity Control] - [King of Wisdom Raphael] [+ Thought Acceleration] [+ Analysis and Value] [+ Parallel Operation] [+ Cancel Magic] [+ All whole creative event] [+ Synthesis] [+ Separate] - [King Beelzebub] [+ Predator] [+ Stomach] [+ Fake] [+ Isolation] [+ decay] [+ Spirit soul consumption] [+ Food Chain] - [ Covenant King Uriel] [+ Infinite Prison] [+ Universal Barrier] [+ Law of Control] [Space Domination] - [Absolute Will] - [Disintegration] - [Portal ] - [Anti-Demon Area] - [Summon Spell Techn ique] - [Destroy Pain] - [Heat Medicine Immunity Unit] - [Original Disease K] - [Electrical Resistance] - [Physical Resistance] - [Paralyze Resistance] - [Poison Resistance] - [Resistance magic] - [Physical Resistance] - [Elemental Resistance] - [Negative Abnormal Status] - [Spiritual Attack Resistance] - [Demon and Divine Attack Resistance]

Gojo Satori - [infinite] - [Red] - [Blue] - [Purple Hallow] - [Six-Eye Technique] - [Domain Extension]

Gilgamesh - (I'm busy so I can't list because I'm writing on my phone) (I'm missing a few I'll add later)