Chapter 15

I didn't expect to stay in the Himejima family for two months and get engaged, but anyway, thanks to that, I have three women.

But, now I'm close with Kuoh. Why do I say that when I was born and raised here? Simply because I usually stay at my house, Issei's family often goes to the park to play with Irina, so there are only three seats. And while at the park, I also got to know and befriend two people, Murayama and Katase

Are you wondering if I can save Cleria and prevent her from reuniting with Masaomi? ... Or has her murder happened already? Well, I'll go.. visit Dragon's Breast and see if I can revive Elsha.

With that in mind, I headed towards Issei's house. I became invisible and flew there, when I got home I went through the window and...

Issei: "I will become the king of the harem, that will be my goal!"

Issei is sitting on his bed while he has a magazine showing naked girls, haa...

Ignoring that, I appeared behind him and knocked him down by chopping his neck and pushing him off the bed, then I concentrated my strength and injected my soul into him, rather Boosted Gear. there's an empty room where Issei meets Elsha and Belzard.

Nikushimi: "Hello, is anyone here?"

Ddraig: "Who dares to wake me from my dream?!"

A powerful roar resounded throughout the avoidance room and little by little the room began to be covered in red flames.

Nikushimi: "Nice to meet you, Ddraig."

Ddraig: "Who are you, how did you get into Boosted Gear when you're not my host?"

Ddraig said in a threatening voice, should I show him the future... you know.

Nikushimi: "Don't worry, I'm not here to harm you or your current host."

Ddraig: "That's not an answer to my question."

Hearing the wordless inn dragon in front of me say that, I silently sighed and activated my Aura Overload.

Ddraig: "Oh my god... this power..."

Nikushimi: "Like I said, nice to meet you Ddraig, my name is Shiro Nikushimi."

Ddraig: "You are really strong... even stronger than the original Satan"

Nikishimi: "Thanks for the compliment"

Ddraig: "So what is a strong man like you doing here?"

Nikushimi: "Ah, I came here to see you and a woman."

Ddraig: "A certain woman?"

Nikushimi: "That's right, some woman is listening to our conversation right now, is she..... Elsha?"

In it, a beauty with honey colored hair appeared next to Ddraig, this woman had a breathtakingly beautiful body and the purple dress she was wearing only made her look more attractive.

Elsha: "Ara~ I think I escaped completely."

Ddraig: "Elsha, did you hear everything?"

Elsha: "Hi Ddraig, Yes, I've heard everything to think that a kid is a monster too..... I think he's lived long enough to believe he's seen everything.

Nikushimi: "Well, you're wrong, there's a lot you haven't seen, but before that, I want to show you a thing or two."

Ddraig: "What do you want to show us?"

Nikushimi: "Well...let's just say I have a knack for seeing the future, so .....better see for yourself."

When I finished speaking, a screen appeared in front of the three of us and on it began to project the story no more and nothing less, our legendary and brave hero...Dragon Breast..

Elsha: "! Hahahahahaha Dragon breasts ..... hahahaha, Zoom Zoom Iyaan ..... hahahahaha!"

Ddraig: "!, this isn't happening.....that's not me.....wuaaaaaa!"

The ground is rumbling from the blow of a crying dragon, today I discovered 2 quite unexpected things

The first is that Ddraig is actually female, not male, although that's not really surprising since he was never gendered in the anime.

The second thing is… how can even a proud dragon like her be broken and rejected the matter with so much enthusiasm.

So I continued to watch how Elsha bounced off the ground while laughing and how the mighty sky-dominating dragon cried... I'd rather say sad.

Ddraig: "*Snif* *Snif*! Me-Even Red and Ophis taunt me..... *Snif* *Snif*....the Dragon gods mock me.....Waaaa!"

Elsha: "!Hahahaha....stop.... hahahaha you'll make me laugh again hahahaha....ha...hey Ddraig."

Ddraig: "What...?! *Sinf*"

Elsha: "Your strength.... Y-Your strength comes from breasts? .....! Hahahaha .... hahahaha"

Ddraig: "! Wuaaaa ..... please kill me ..... Wuaaa ..... kill me ..... I'd rather be killed than white people know this"

Ddraig continues to cry and repeats that she wants to be killed, which is more than losing her honor as a dragon of heaven.

Ddraig: "! I.... one of the two Heavenly Dragons ..... reduced to a simple lover of ..... Breasts, I don't accept ..... I will kill him... .. I will kill Hyoudou Issei!"

Ddraig let out a strong roar but in the end… she only cried as Elsha continued to laugh at what he saw.

Elsha: "Haa .... ha .... stop .... no more, my stomach hurts.... ha .... ha ... now you did it boy, not Nikushimi-kun, you showed me many things that I never thought I would see or hear."

Nikushimi: "I know, that's why I wanted to give you something."

Elsha: "What would it be?"

Elsha nodded to calm herself and tears welled up in her eyes because she laughed so much

Nikushimi: "You see, I can revive you"

Ddraig's crying stopped as soon as I said that and both she and Elsha looked at me with wide eyes.

Elsha: "W-What did you just say?

Nikushimi: "Ah, like I told Ddraig when we met, I came here to see her but I also came for you."

"You know, when I see you in this vision or in this future, I like you and I'm sad to see your soul trapped in Boosted Gear."

"Fighting the goal, becoming a Sekiryuute and facing all of that, has brought me sadness ..... to see such a beautiful woman go through all of these things. there."

"So I want to see you come back to life with me, so that you can live like a normal woman, nothing to do with being a Sekiryuute, just... you, just Elsha."

When I finished, I looked at Elsha and saw her with tears in her eyes, she slowly approached me and hugged me tightly and kissed me, I was a bit surprised but I quickly got the situation under control, calmed down.

Elsha: "Thank were the first person to say those words to me....and were the first person I gave.... a kiss."

Nikushimi: "In that case I will take responsibility for what just happened."

Elsha blushed as she wiped her tears and placed another kiss on my lips.

Elsha: "I-I'll take care of you then."

Nikushimi: "Umu, we'll see you later, Elsha."

While saying that, I gathered my strength to capture Elsha's soul and store it.

Nikushimi: "Well, it's time for Ddraig to go, but I want to ask you one thing, do you want to come with me?"

Ddraig looked confused when I asked, but I decided to take this dragon with me, I don't want her to be left in the hands of the pervert Issei.

Ddraig: "E-Eh?"

Nikushimi: "I mean, I can free you from Boosted Gear, you know, I'll never let you be treated like a weapon again and you can fly through the sky again with freedom entirely."

Ddraig was also surprised to hear what I said and seemed to be thinking about something.

Ddraig: "Okay, I agree to go with you Shiro Nikushimi, I hope you can free me from this prison."

Nikushimi: "Rest assured, see you later Ddraig."

With Ddraig's reaction, I let the Boosted Gear reappear in Issei's room, and when I saw the watch it was only a few seconds before I knocked him unconscious.

Without waiting any longer, I gathered my power from the void and extracted the Boosted Gear from his soul and stored it.

I left but before that I took another Boosted Gear from the Babylon portal and gave it to Issei. You wonder where do I get it? simply thanks to my modified babylon it has unlimited copying of babylon items and secondly when I go to another world those items are automatically added to the treasury mine.

I decided to enter my inner world for a reward and would revive the other two there.

"Amanda received my quest reward"

[Nail! you have completed 4 quests]

"4? I remember I was only given one mission"

[Three of them are hidden and random quests, Dear Husband]

"I see, then let's get the reward"

[..... Ding! Congratulations you have received:

A Zanpakuto

Dragon's blood

Bloodline Incubus (Demon)

Mystery Box 6x

Lycan blood

Vampire Blood

Bloodline kitsune

Divine Blood]

"!!! Well, I bleed a lot"

[Do you want to fit in?]

"Of course, the time here is different from the time outside anyway."

[Confirmed! Bloodline Begins] after hearing Amanda's announcement, my eyes darkened.....

[Nail! The merging process was interrupted by noise (????????????), space energy and Abyss energy were used.]

[The merger begins again]


Author: The next chapter is about his Zanpakuto and I completely copied the chapter about Zanpa from The Gamer, it just changed it a bit because he will have two Zanpakuto