Chapter 16

[Do you want to leave this solid life? Would you like to see a world different from yours?

Master has chosen you as 'her' covenant sword

Do you want to become The Master Covenant Sword?

Yes/Yes. ]

A forest, in a certain cave; 'she' quietly looked at the screen floating in front of her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking. Her time was quietly passing in her sleep when a screen suddenly appeared in front of her asking her to become the sword of someone known as The Master.

'But I don't want... I'm a cursed sword...'

As if hearing her thoughts and dilemma, the screen vibrated before the text changed, outputting another message.

[Master is immune to all forms of curses, don't worry.

Do you want to become The Master's covenant sword?

Yes/Yes. ]

"..." The 'girl' became silent again. She doesn't know how... this floating screen can hear her thoughts, but if it says anything, can she really escape her cursed fate?

[...Master has loads of sweets...]

The screen seemed to irritate the 'girl' who had accepted it, but she was still debating whether to believe the words on the floating screen. It seemed suspicious to her so she remained silent and decided to ignore it for now.

After some years later;

[Ding! The Masters are waiting for you!

Ding! Have you decided yet?

Ding! All you have to do is think Yes in your mind!

Ding! You may have a chance to face your destined opponent!

Ding! The owner likes to chil...





"..." she really wanted to destroy this screen, but no matter what she did, all her attacks would pass it and the screen would continue to beep on her body. . It bothers her so much that, sometimes, accepting it can be the right decision.

'Is it possible... The true master won't be affected by the curse? Does she have some kind of immunity? 'Seeing that it wasn't going anywhere, she decided to start some sort of conversation with it. Although it sounds ridiculous.

[... 'She' is actually unaffected by any form of curse. 'She' lives without any form of negative energy...]

The 'girl' thought for a moment before deciding and accepting it. There's no harm in it. If her new master cannot refuse her curse, then she can simply refuse his request to use her.

[Ding! Congratulations on becoming Master's first contracted spirit!

Warning! After becoming the Covenant Master of The Spirit, you and The Master will become inseparable due to the fusion of both souls!

I hope a Happy journey is ahead of you~! ]

Before she could answer or have any time to think about the meaning of the screen, her vision went blank before she found herself in a white world with nothing in it. eyesight. as she can see. With no lead or any clue as to what to do, she decided to sit there quietly when, suddenly, she felt something or someone was trying to connect with her.

She could feel... the excitement, the anticipation from the connection. She thought this must be The Master and tried to contact her again. After all, this was the only thing she could do.


Somewhere in the dark, a young girl, wearing a nightgown, sat in the moonlight. It was reflected on her beautiful face as she quietly looked at it. Her small, jade-like feet float in the lake below, creating waves.

Her complexion was pale. She has shoulder-length black hair and sunset-colored eyes that seem to draw you in.

As she was quietly looking up at the Moon, a screen suddenly flashed onto her face, startling her. She hurriedly jumped back, a black flame forming in her hand. She looked at the screen warily, but it did nothing but float somewhere, quietly in the void.

Seeing that it wasn't here to harm her, she cautiously took a step toward it before approaching it.

[You do not want to fulfill the wishes of your creator? Don't you want to save the world from darkness?

Master chose you as his covenant sword

Do you want to be his sword and save the world?

Yes/Yes. ]

'Master?' The girl looked at the screen suspiciously. 'Who's The Master? And who are you?'

[Master is the one chosen by Nature to be the ruler of this Omniverse (here, Elysia and Selena)

As for me, I am just a system that helps The Master reach the top of the Omniverse. ]

The girl with sparkling eyes was reading the message displayed on the screen. Just two sentences was enough to overturn her entire knowledge of the world.

'What do you mean by 'creator pick', 'Omniverse' and 'System'? " she asked terms that were confusing for her, especially with the creator. Who is this creator? Is she talking about the Five Lords? Questions like that hit her mind.

[The Creator is the one who created all the universes and worlds, She is also the one who created me. (Someone will ask why Elysia and Selena are the creators of all universes and worlds, simply in a war of two people all the universe was destroyed and the two of them recreated And she's the one who actually created the entire universe.)

Omniverse, as it is said, is a term used for the cluster of many universes and worlds.

A system is a set of muscles and codes that work together to produce a certain result. ]

The girl frowned. It became even more complicated than before. There were even terms that she didn't even fully understand.

After some tense questions and answers, she finally cracked a smile - a mischievous grin.

'It's fun... it's really fun... if the saying... floating screens are true, then the world is really big. I already knew that there were other worlds, but thought there were many out there. Become a sword of the Ruler of the World huh ... if he is the ruler, or he must be stronger than any creature in my world, including the Five Lords. I will be able to execute the Will of my creator. '

After a moment of hesitation, the girl sneered and pressed the Yés button. When she does, the screen will dim before it congratulates her. Her vision darkened before she found herself under the night sky, near a lake.

Confused, she looked down at the lake before some knowledge of The Master surfaced in her mind. She walked over to the lake and touched it lightly, swaying the reflection of the moon on it before some strange face of the blonde appeared on it.

He is covered by a black cocoon as he sleeps.

The girl scoffed with amusement evident in her eyes as she sat quietly by the lake, completely amused by what she was seeing - realizing that it wasn't right to near the point where she met The Master.


A sword hovered silently in the air, inside a sealed room full of moss and mushrooms, the sign of a creature's permanent residence.

It was a longsword in the shape of a jagged blade with a hook at the end. Inside the obstacle is a round jewel. Attached to the hilt is a long bone leash

Suddenly, a message appeared that only the sword could see.

[The Demon Lord asks for your presence.

Yes/Yes. ]

The sword read the message before simply replying without any emotion in its voice, "Assert."

With affirmation, the sword disappeared from the world without any of its existence in the first place.


Somewhere, there was a forbidden sword on the ground, inside a sealed room.

It was a longsword with a red body while the blade was black. Inside the obstacle is a quadrangular gem.

Suddenly, a message appeared that only the sword could see.

[Do you want to see a world different from yours?

The master has chosen you as his covenant sword.

Do you want to become The Master's covenant sword?

Yes/Yes. ]

"It would be fun to be able to go to another world ah, it would be fun" said the sword after reading the message and choosing yes, then the sword disappeared as if it never existed.