Chapter 17

Author: I was going to change it up a bit, I was going to give Mc 2 Zanpakuto bars but decided not to and instead MC's Zanpakuto will have two. Elysia will change her hair to white so it's easy to find good illustrations


In a deadly forest, one can see a black cocoon that begins to shake violently and after a while the cocoon begins to crack. Revealing a creature with waist-length blond hair and a beautiful sleeping face. After the cocoon completely disintegrated, the creature began to awaken.

"Where am I?"

[Nikushimi !!!!!!!!!! he finally wakes up]

Nikushimi: "Oh! Good morning, Amanda"

"So what happened, I feel like I've been asleep for a long time"

[That's right, you've been sleeping for over 7 billion years.]

"I see, 7 billion years ah"


"Wait I just said 7 billion years ahhhhhh!!! What happened, why did you sleep for so long? I need to go out now to see everyone's condition." I panic because how can you be calm when you go to sleep 7 billion years have passed.

[Calm down Nikushimi, calmly remember that the time here is different from the outside world]

Hearing Amanda's words calmed me down and after I calmed down, I asked her

"What happened Amanda, why did I sleep so long?"

[Well, what should I say, do you remember (?????????) in your skill instead]

Nikushimi: "You mean the skill that you, Elysia and Selena don't know what it is and where I got it"

[Exactly! That's it]

Nikushimi: "Of course I remember, so what does this have to do with it?"

[Well, you know during bloodline integration, that skill was activated]

Nikushimi: "It was activated!, how? And what did it do?"

[I don't know how it activates on its own, and it makes you absorb both the energy of the void and the abyss causing your bloodline to change, leading you to a long sleep]

"So that is"

[Sorry Nikushimi]

"Why are you apologizing to Amanda? You did nothing wrong"

[No, it's my fault for asking you to absorb the bloodline early or you won't be able to absorb it]

"It's not your fault, Amanda, even if you don't ask I'm going to study and no one can guarantee that if I didn't study that day this wouldn't have happened so don't be upset. "

"Seeing you sad makes my heart ache so cheer up" he said with a warm smile for her.

[Nikushimi ... Thank you, I love you Nikushimi]

Nikushimi: "I love you too Amanda"

"So what did Amanda (????????????) change my bloodline?"

[Well, it makes your bloodline stronger]

Nikushimi: "Oh, I think that's a good thing"

[It's not good at all Nikushimi!! It is true that it evolved your bloodline but it is also trying to wipe you out and without Elysia, Selena and their sister Sarlyn sealing it, you would be under its control Nikushimi]

Nikushimi: "Oh that sounds bad"


Nikushimi: "So what did it change, Amanda?"

[It has caused some bloodline changes as follows:

Lycan Blood -> Ancestral God of Lycan Abyss

Vampire Blood -> Ancestral Abyss Vampire God

Divine Blood -> Divine Ancestors God Empyrean

Bloodline Kitsune -> Ancestral Void Kitsune God

Otsutsuki Blood -> Ancestral Void God Otsutsuki

Dragon Blood -> Ancestral Void Dragon God - Ancestral Abyss Dragon God

Bloodline Incubus (Demon) -> Demon God of Void Ancestor - Demon God Abyss Ancestor ]

|Author: if anyone is wondering where are things like Slime..Incubus.. then Bloodline merged and Race absorbed by (?????????). That's why I'll just use the name Demon God to call it|

When I finished reading it, my eyes widened because it not only didn't change at all, but also changed completely, looking at it from normal bloodline now changing to divine bloodline. then I looked at the last two lines of blood and looked at it in surprise as it split so I asked Amanda.

"Hey Amanda, why is my dragon blood and demon blood different from the rest?"

[That's because those two bloodlines are adapted to (?????????) so instead of absorbing an energy source to evolve like other bloodlines. It absorbs both energy and evolves]

"I see, but why did it split? If it absorbs both energies, it must evolve into its complete form right?"

[In theory yes, but these two energies are opposite. One side creates, the other destroys, so it leads to mutual conflict, can not merge, and partly because (?????????) joins the merge, the failure rate is inherent less than 1% is now even lower than that. So they decided to separate it so you don't look like a firework]

Nikushimi: "A-a firework"

[Exactly like fireworks when it's shot into the sky and... boom... nothing left]

Nikushimi "hahahahaha it's a funny joke Amanda"


Nikushimi: "I-It's a joke isn't it?"


Nikushimi: "So it's not a joke"

[That's right] I broke out in a sweat listening to Amanda.

After that, I talked to Amanda for a while and then suddenly realized something.

"Oh damn, I forgot about resurrecting them"


"It's Elsha and Ddraig, I've been sleeping for over 7 billion years and they've been waiting in it for over 7 billion years!!!! Oh damn it"

[Calm down, you don't remember connecting your Babylon to Gilgamesh]

"So what? What does this have to do with this case?"

[You hooked her up in Babylon, so you both share the same treasury, and you've arranged another time there.]

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that, thanks Amanda, you're my savior"

[It's okay honey]

After talking to Amanda, I raised my hand and summoned two pieces of Elsha and Draig's souls to revive them.

The two souls began to shine, and when the light went out, the shadows of the two beings appeared. A beautiful woman and a red dragon. After a while, they both woke up and opened their eyes to look around.

Nikushimi: "Good morning, did you two sleep well?"

When the two heard my voice from behind them, they immediately turned around only to petrify in front of me. Maybe it's because after evolutionary sleep, my appearance has changed, becoming more beautiful with shoulder length blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and snow white skin, petite body and face . the cute face is definitely a thousand times prettier than Rimuru's. I'm sure they'll believe me if I say I'm a girl.

*Bam * *Bam* I clapped my hands together to wake them up. After getting rid of the shock Draig asked

Ddraig: "Are you really Nikushimi? What happened to you unlike the last time I saw you."

Nikushimi: "Simply put, I evolved to become stronger in the same way that angels evolved, but instead of growing more wings, my appearance changed"

"I see" said Ddraig while thinking about something

While Elsha immediately ran over to hug me and rub her cheek against mine as her mouth kept saying "Kawaii..." honestly I could dodge it easily with my own strength but why would I do? .

Ddraig: "Hey Nikushimi, can I ask you one more question?"

Nikushimi: "Of course, you can ask as many questions as you like"

Ddraig: "Why can I sense the dragon Aura from you?"

Nikushimi: "Simply because I evolved into a dragon"

When both of them were shocked to hear my words, Elsha immediately hugged me tighter and said things like choosing me as the wisest choice of her life while Ddraig was thinking about something then nodded to me and said. (Author: Sorry the above part is a bit weird, I will edit it later when I have an idea for that part)

Ddraig: "N-Nikushimi.... Can I ask you something before leaving here?"

Nikushimi: "Tell me, what will Ddraig be?"

Ddraig: "Can I-Can I fight you?" when Elsha heard what Ddraig asked, she giggled.

Nikushimi: "Okay, that's not the point."

Saying that, she and I entered a fighting stance.

Ddraig: "T-Then, I'll take everything, you won't hold back either"

(Author: I'll skip the fight scene because I didn't write it very well, you just know it destroyed half the world and Nikushimi didn't use his full power because you already know the reason)

So me and Ddraig started fighting and of course the winner would be me. It was a good fight because Ddraig used up his full strength and I also transformed into my half-human half-dragon Void form.

In that form, my hair turns blue, two dragon horns grow on my head, my cheeks and arms grow dragon scales, on my back a pair of wings. When she saw my form, Elsha was interested and Ddraig decided on something.


The battle ended when I used a powerful dragon breath attack on her, an explosion and smoke made it impossible for me to see Ddraig. When the dust cleared, I could see Ddraig with some blood on the ground, I quickly flew towards her and used my magic to heal her.

Nikushimi: "I'm sorry, I didn't restrain myself."

Ddraig: "I-Okay.....don't worry, I'm glad you didn't hold back"

After I healed her, her body slowly started to glow. The giant red light gradually shrank, slowly taking on a human form, when the light stopped shining there, in front of me appeared a beautiful woman with large breasts, a beautiful figure.

The woman who just spoke had red braided hair, with honey-colored eyes and a full-length black dress that only accentuated her figure.

Ddraig: "D-Do you like how I look?"

Nikushimi: "That's more obvious, you are the beautiful Ddraig"

Ddraig blushed seeing me looking at her carefully and after a few seconds she landed on me causing me to fall to the ground while her chest pressed against my face.

Ddraig: "I-I'm glad to see that you like the way I know, our female dragons just mate with someone stronger than us"

"When told as a male, He can beat us, he activates our reproductive system and we will definitely be attracted to him"

"Also, females will generally be completely loyal to their mate, no matter how strong the other males are."

"They won't be able to trigger our sex drive or attract our interest, which is why female dragons only mate with a partner that will be theirs for life."

"That's why our virginity is so precious to us and we keep it and take care of it almost as if it were our own lives."

Ddraig started to pat my head as she spoke in a sexy voice that made me get an erection.

Ddraig: "You know… .No one in the world can see me in my human form, you are the first to do so and also…. No one can defeat me in war."

Nikushimi: "And let me guess, I'm the first one to do that, right?"

Ddraig: "H-hm... watch when you say you can free me from Boosted Gear, that I will no longer be a weapon and that I can see the sky and fly again, my heart started beating like crazy."

"Like Elsha, you were the first to say those things to me and when I saw that there was no lie in your words, I made up my mind."

Nikushimi: "What would you like to be my partner?"

Ddraig: ", H-hm....the battle we had, I know I'm going to lose... but that's fine with me, after all... I want to be your teammate."

A pink aura began to envelope Ddraig and me, creating an atmosphere of warmth and love, but this atmosphere was interrupted by one person.

Elsha: "*Cough* Isn't it rude to leave me out of the conversation?"

Elsha appeared in front of us with a smile on her face.

Elsha: "I'm so glad you finally found a partner Ddraig, I always have to hear you complain about how weak most men are."

Ddraig: "But it's true, anyway now I have a strong partner that doesn't count as a weapon, so I'm happy."

Ddraig came down to my neck and bit me, seeing this instinctively I also approached my neck and bit.

On my neck, a symbol started to form, this is a red dragon tattoo, while in Ddraig, on her neck is a 2 color dragon tattoo.

Ddraig: "It's over, you're my life partner now fufu~."

Saying that, Ddraig stood up from me and it was Elsha who approached me, swinging her hips seductively.

Elsha: "I hope you don't forget me~".

Nikushimi: "That's impossible, Elsha"

And that's why I ended up with Ddraig, the ruling dragon, and Elsha, the strongest former Sekiryuute as a woman and my future wife.

The next afternoon, I went out to see Kuoh city, Ddraig and Elsha had stayed at the villa so I was alone. When I brought two new girls in, they were not surprised but surprised to see my new appearance. They asked me what happened and I explained what happened to me, when I said I slept for over 7 billion years instead of being upset they were happy, making me wonder why.


See you again

(Author: Mc will die in the last chapter so there will be no Happy ending ((: )

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