Chapter 18

I was walking on the street when 'accidentally' bumped into a girl and fell on the sidewalk

Girl: "Are you very young?"

Nikushimi: "Yes, I'm fine, onee-chan is just a little"

I could see the girl's worried tone soften and she gave me a gentle smile when she heard that I was fine.

Girl: "So relieved, sorry to bump into you and make you fall"

Nikushimi: "You don't have to apologize to onee-chan, I'm the one who didn't notice"

The girl raised her hand to help me up and continued our conversation.

Nikushimi: "This....onee-chan, can you tell me where the mall is?"

Girl: "Mall?"

Nikushimi: "That's right, you see.... I'm new to the city and I want to go to the mall to buy some clothes"

Girl: "But... what about your parents?"

Nikushimi: "W-Well.... I lost my parents when I was a kid, the only thing I have is a home in this world."

The girl made a complicated expression when she heard me say, although part lie but also part truth, I have a house or rather a mansion.

Girl: "S-Sorry for asking that question."

Nikushimi: "Onee-chan don't worry, it's okay in the end."

I put on a somewhat nostalgic expression that made her feel a bit sorry for me.

Girl: "It has been decided, may I know your name?"

Nikushimi: "My name is Nikushimi, may I know your name? Onee-chan"

Girl: "My name is Cleria, nice to meet you Nikushimi-kun"

(It's 'coincidence' isn't it that the MC was walking around 'accidentally' bumping into Cleria, that's if you know what I mean)

Nikushimi: "I speak like Cleria onee-chan, but what has been decided?"

Cleria: "I'll be your guide around Nikushimi-kun, so would you like to go with this onee-chan?"

I gave Cleria a gentle smile and nodded amusedly at Cleria, so that I could walk with Cleria through the city of Kuoh..

We ended up touring part of the city, both me and Cleria had a lot of fun for the day, but unfortunately she had to go.

However, she promised to take me around the city when she had time, so I gave her my phone number and she did the same.

My "dating" is over, I go back to the mansion and spend time with the girls.

The next day, I went to see Cleria again at the agreed time and to my surprise she was already waiting with a slight smile.


Skip time:

A month has passed, my relationship with Cleria has grown rapidly and I am also able to communicate with my sword spirit and to my surprise my sword spirit is Est from the Blade Dance series.

(Author: I won't write about how he met her, you can think of it like how Masato met her and I might do more chapters later, who knows?)

According to Amanda, the system summoned her as my sword spirit, which left me with a question in mind.

'Then where is my real sword spirit?' because Zanpakuto are swords created from the soul of their master.

I also quickly put that aside because I might find something in the future anyway. Another thing is that Est refuses to teach me Bankai, she says she is the only weapon I need and won't let me ask for anything else. Even though I spoiled her with lots of sweets, the answer was still no.

Besides, the highest level demons sent by the old men of the Bael tribe have arrived, so let the show begin.



This shouldn't have happened, my research into the King's Piece annoyed the Bael elders, I was betrayed by some members of my Peerage and they leaked all the information they had .

The old men sent high level demons to kill me and the Peerage members were loyal to me.

But not only that, all of these work for a criminal organization and..... Masaomi is one of the participants in this atrocity.

Masaomi: "You know's exhausting, acting like I fell in love with you."

"Though I have to do something if I want to get information from you that starts to annoy my superiors."

"But in the end, your Peerage members betrayed you and now we can finally complete this nasty mission."

I felt really bad hearing that, thinking that someone would act in love with me just to get information about me at the behest of my superiors.

Cleria: " it a lie?"

Masaomi: "Of course yes, would one fall in love with a demon?"

Cleria: "I-I see..."

Although I'm sad because of what he said but it's not too painful, I don't feel my heart breaking, maybe I...

In it the image of a guy flashed through my mind, a guy I met a month ago, with that guy I had a lot of fun, he always made me smile, then there I realized .. my heart already belongs to someone else.

Masaomi: "Well, if that's all you mean, it's time for you to die.... Cleria."

Damn... my tears started to flow knowing that I would never see him again, see his beautiful smile or I would no longer feel the warmth of his small hands.

Nikushimi-kun ..... i don't want to die ..... i don't want to die without being able to see you again, i don't want to die without telling you that my heart is constantly thinking about happiness with you.

I don't want to die without telling you that in the short month that has passed since I met you... I fell in love with you.

At that moment, I looked up and could see the sky, completely clear with stars and moon shining at night while my heart ached like never before.

Ha ... how beautiful, maybe the Moon can send you my feelings, maybe the stars can send you my thoughts about you.

I'm sorry Nikushimi-kun... I closed my eyes when I saw Masaomi put his blade into my body with the intention of using his weapon to pierce my body.

But... the hit I've been waiting for so long, never comes, no matter how long I wait and hope, I never feel the pain.

So I opened my eyes and I was horrified to see the scene before me, this shouldn't have happened..... no, no, why? Why? Why you're here...?.

Cleria: "..... Nikushimi-kun....."

The sword was stabbing through Nikushimi-kun's small body, blood gushed out and quickly beneath him, a large pool of blood formed.

Nikushimi: "Are you okay..... Cleria ..... onee-chan?"

Cleria: "! Nikushimi-kun!"

Masaomi: "Tsk tsk, damn boy, don't interfere!"

I'm shocked, this ..... hurts more than death, I can't believe the man who made my heart skip a beat got hurt again.

Masaomi: "Damn it, why can't I get the sword out of your body? Damn kid!"

Hearing Masaomi's scream, I couldn't help but be surprised and indeed, he was trying to pull the sword out of Nikushimi-kun's body, but couldn't.

Nikushimi-kun is silent, it looks like he's dead, just thinking about that choice makes my power start to lose control.

Even if I get hurt, even if I have to fight many top youkai, I don't care, I will kill them, I will kill them for daring to injure and kill my precious Nikushimi-kun.

Nikushimi: "Calm down..... Cleria."

I heard a voice coming from Nikushimi-kun's small body, that voice indicated that I was regaining control of my powers... but something was very strange.

His voice, his voice... it was cold, but I could feel the heat radiating from him when he called my name.

In it, I see 20 pairs of black wings flying out from Nikushimi-kun's back, they are similar to that of a dragon.....but at the same time very different.

[(?????????) be activated]

Nikushimi: "I won't let you hurt Cleria."

Nikushimi broke Masaomi's holy sword with one hand causing it to fall to the ground.

Nikushimi: "You will pay the price, for daring to play with Cleria's heart and feelings, you will pay the price, for trying to kill her."

Once again, my heart leapt for joy when I heard those words, I felt like a girl with first love.

Cleria: "N-Nikushimi-kun..."

Nikushimi-kun, manifesting a strange black energy in his hand and with overwhelming power, he simply pierced Masaomi and several high level youkai with ease.

Demon 1: "Hiiih....the demon killed him!"

Demon 2: "No use, let's go."

Sadly, they were killed before they could move, while Nikushimi-kun finished pulling the part of Masaomi's sword that was still in his body.

Nikushimi: "Are you okay, Cleria"

What? .... what happened to that look, his eyes, his face, he's not like the innocent boy I used to know, he's sharper, more serious. ...

Before I could ask what happened, Nikushimi-kun approached and kissed me.....

The kiss took me by surprise, I felt an electric current run through my body, the kiss was passionate, passionate, like he was marking me as his.

Nikushimi-kun started playing with my breasts, causing a feeling I've never had before, if I occasionally masturbate to relieve stress then this is something different.

The kiss, the pleasure I felt when he squeezed my nipples and breasts, and the feeling of electric shock running through my brain made me come.

Nikushimi: "I will never let anyone hurt you again, I will never let you go and you will be mine for life."

With a deep and serious voice, Nikushimi-kun whispered in my ear, my body started to heat up, and when he finished he bit my ear and kissed me again.

Once again the kiss destroyed my brain, my whole body shivered when Nikushimi-kun touched me.

Look how Nikushimi-kun dominates and does what he wants with my body and see how it reacts..... I know that I will become a pervert in the future.



Another month has passed since the Cleria incident, and I took the pieces of her Evil and the 5 girls in her Peerage and now they are with me. A lot happened when Cleria learned that I wasn't alone, but everything was fine.

Now, he's trying to assuage some loli in his mind.

'Expect… are you still mad at your employer?' he didn't know how many times he asked the same question to his loli sword spirit, who got mad at him for using the sword Yamato and not her during the Cleria incident.

'Master promised to use only me... but master used another sword, master is a liar'

Nikushimi sighed, 'you should know I used it to move, right, Est?'


Ignoring her silence, he continued, 'There are times when I can't use a sword, Est. I used Yamato at the time because I wanted to come and save Cleria quickly. You should understand it too, right? '

'Then... you used that sword because you wanted to hurry to save her, not because you hated me?'

"Huh?" Nikushimi paused, stunned as he asked, "Why do you think I hate you?"

'...Amanda says master uses Yamato because he hates me for not letting him learn Bankai.'

Nikushimi massaged the bridge of her nose... 'Why do you say that, Amanda?'

[Who knows she'll believe me, don't blame me,] Amanda said with a thin smile as if enjoying the situation.

Nikushimi widened her eyes before summoning Est in front of him.

"Remember Est, master will never hate Est even if the whole world falls apart, okay? Master loves Est more than his life, so never say that master hates Est."

"Really?" Est looked at him so much that Nikushimi wanted to eat her (in a good sense).

"Of course it is." Nikushimi smiled and kissed her lightly on the cheek before he asked, "So, will Est let you learn Bankai now?"

"..." Both Amanda and Est looked at Nikushimi speechless before Est nodded, "If that's what master wants."

"Huh?" Both Amanda and Nikushimi looked at Est in surprise when she learned that she didn't like the idea of him using another sword, so what would happen with this sudden change of mind?

"...Because Master said he loves even if you use another weapon, you'll still love Est, right?"

"Oh..." Nikushimi opened her mouth in surprise before smiling, "Of course! Even if master uses another weapon, master still loves Est the most!"

"Let's go, Est. Master is walking around the city, let's go eat some of the delicious food they have to offer."

Est nodded and quietly walked beside him with her hand in his.

After walking around the city and eating what Est wanted, we went into the inner world to practice our Bankai. I can customize the time inside as I want, not wanting to miss anything out there. I also plan to build a castle here so my future wife can live.