Chương 19

*Skip practice time*

(Author: Sorry for this chapter, I just made an excuse to go to another world, sorry 🙏🙏)

(Author: I will edit the chapter when I have an idea and regret it)

I was in my inner world for a long time, to practice using Bankai with Est.

At the same time, I also found out that my Zanpakuto has two names, which means I have 2 Bankai. My second Sword Spirit is Eleanor, she has a rather childish personality and is also a tsundere.

When I asked her to teach me Bankai, she refused because I had communicated with Est before instead of her. It took me quite a while to convince her.

I also met two others, Restia Ashdoll in the same series as Est and Judecca from Trinity Seven.

Restia Ashdoll really liked flirting with me but when I replied she blushed and used busy excuses to leave, making me giggle, to be honest she blushed so cutely. Judecca is the opposite, she is very quiet and rarely shows emotions.

We spent a lot of time together and I showed them who they really are. Why do I say it's a real look? It's simply that all this time since I woke up from my evolutionary sleep, I've been using magic to change my appearance. Even Cleria doesn't know my true appearance, she only found out after moving in with me

They were amazed when they saw my true appearance, which proved me to be the most beautiful as even Judecca, who is known to be emotionless, blushed upon seeing my true form.

I also found out that Restia Ashdoll and Eleanor are a Gacha addict, ever since I gave them a test ride. They have been addicted since then, if I need something from them, just lure them with Gacha. Eleanor forgave me and taught me how to use Bankai when I promised her that I would let her shoot Gacha whenever she wanted.

They are also very lucky that they all pull out usable things while I always shoot trashy items like a rotten sock, somehow getting in there

The things they shoot are usually items like healing potions, god food, they can also pull out some cool stuff like: 2 Revolvers, Dragon Slayer Magic, Demon Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic .vv and many more others.

How long have I been practicing? Well, almost 1 billion years. Yes, you didn't hear me wrong, I have been cultivating for nearly 1 billion years.

Don't get me wrong, it only took me a few months to train my Bankai because when they connected the souls to me, their power increased a lot and it took almost a year to take full control of my Bankai.

That time is half for me to take control of my new forms, skills and practice martial arts, swordsmanship, ... as much as I can. The other half was due to… my little mistake.

My system unlocked a new skill called merge which, as the name suggests, has the ability to merge two or more skills together to form a new skill, and I allowed the system to automatically merge. consolidation action.

Since I have a lot of duplicate skills from the Gacha loops that Restia and Eleanor drew, the biggest mistake of my life was not saying which ones should merge and which shouldn't.

A status skill is a combination of skills like [Dragon, God, Assassin Magic] + [Shunko] + [Armed Haki] + [Observation Haki] + [Conquering Haki] and some skills. Another ability has created a powerful ability. Although it is very powerful, it is difficult to use because in the process [?????????] was added plus the skill [Berserker] which made it even more out of control.

The first time I used it, I lost control, resulting in me destroying my entire inner world, fortunately this is my inner world that I can regenerate thanks to energy mine. So I've been training for over half a billion years to control it.

I haven't fully mastered it yet, I just don't lose control using it. And according to the system, it's still an incomplete skill

What a joke, unfinished skills are difficult to control, so perfect skills are unknown.

Also, I'm currently sitting on Judecca's lap on the sofa in the house I've created in my inner world with Est sitting beside me eating sweets, Restia and Eleanor spinning Gacha as always.

Then suddenly I remembered something, 'Amanda, do I still have the mystery boxes I got from the quest'

[That's right Nikushimi, you still have 20 unopened mystery boxes]

'Cool' I think above all because according to Amanda these mysterious boxes can open great items. Just to be sure, I'll ask Restia and Eleanor to open it.

Nikushimi: "Hey Restia and Eleanor come over here"

Restia & Eleanor: "What's wrong Nikushimi"

Nikushimi: "Nothing much, I just have some mysterious boxes that I want you to open for me" and then I took out 20 boxes from my inventory.

Restia & Eleanor: "Okay, leave it to us" said the voice before seeing the mysterious boxes and approaching to open the first 5 boxes.

[Congratulations on receiving

x1 Longinuslanze Wish, x3 senzu beans, x1 skill Shadow Extraction]

"Ohhhh, you're so good," I said while patting the two girls on the head because they had just unlocked a great skill and an equally good weapon.

When I patted my head with praise, both girls were overjoyed and quickly opened 5 more mysterious boxes, but it seems this time is not as lucky as the last time.

[Congratulations on getting x2 Senzu beans, x3 mineral water bottles]

Both of them have sad faces when they say

"Sorry Nikushimi, we let you down" when I heard them say that to me, I could only smile and pat them on the head.

Nikushimi: "Don't apologize, it's not your fault, these boxes are lucky boxes so sometimes it comes out like that, it's not your fault so don't be sad. You two opened it. . Give me a great skill and weapon. I couldn't ask for more" I said while kissing their foreheads making both girls blush.

After a while, the two opened 5 more boxes again and this time seemed lucky.

[Congratulations on getting x1 Gura Gura nomi, x1 purified water bottle, x1 senzu magic bean, x2 round-the-world ticket]

"Oh, this looks interesting" said as I continued to pat the two little girls on the head making them both giggle.

"Hey Amanda"

[Yes, what's wrong Nikushimi]

"What is a round-trip airfare? Is it similar to my ability to travel?"

[It's different, Nikushimi]

"Oh, so what's the difference"

[Your ability to travel is so that you can go from one world to another but in another world your identity cannot be there. As for the pass, when using it in a specified world it will randomly generate an identity for you, which can be either a close friend of the protagonist or a public figure. when using it to go to another world, this world's time will stop.]

"That's it, both of you are doing well" I say and pat them on the head a lot.

Thought this was the end of the surprise, but no, both surprised me with the last 5 mysterious boxes.

[Congratulations on getting x1 Mystic Eye of Death, x1 Hand of Ero, x1 Eye of Sage, x1 Geass, x1 Eyes of the Lord ]

"Damned!" I couldn't help but blush when I found out that I just had 4 super Op eyes, especially the mystical eyes of death perception and Eyes of the Lord.

"Nikushimi, we-" the two said in a sad voice, maybe because I cursed earlier made them think I was disappointed, so I immediately covered their mouths with my hand and said.

Nikushimi: "Just now I picked it up not because you two drew crap, on the contrary it was very good."

"Really?" Both of them spoke with happier voices

Nikushimi: "yeah" I said as I hugged both girls, they both hugged me back and suddenly I felt two eyes staring at my back. Turning around, I saw Est and especially Judecca looking at me with those eyes. I could only smile and pull them into my lap and then all five of us were there together


*skip time*

It's been a few hours since we opened the mystery box, it's already dark and the moon has risen the other four have gone to bed.

I go out to merge with the eyes. I say go a long way

Nikushimi: "Amanda, let's start integrating the eyes I received"

[Confirmed, it will be a bit painful during installation so please be patient Nikushimi]

Nikushimi: "Yeah, let's do it, Amanda"

[confirmed, start integration]

After Amanda finished speaking suddenly my patient started to hurt like a thousand needles but I still endured and after an hour it was gone.

[Integration complete, is Nikushimi ok]

Nikushimi: "Yeah, I'm fine, Amanda." Then I took a mirror and looked into my eyes. Not much different, it is like the combination of the sky and the seven-color eye and is more beautiful. Leaving that aside when I get home and go to sleep.