Chapter 20

(Author: For those who will ask, Mc didn't combine the eyes but just added, Mc can use different eyes he possesses, maybe one day I will let him merge all his eyes into a single eye but will have to wait until he recovers his old memories)


I spent some time in the inner world practicing with my new abilities. After training, I return to the outside world to spend time with the girls before traveling to another world, knowing that when I go, time here will be frozen. But before that an event happened.


At night

I just got back to my room after spending a day with the girls, it's a bit weird that Vivian isn't with me even though she's a super clingy person. but I put that aside because I think she has work to do.

I went into my room and read my book as usual, after a while I heard a knock on the door. Seeing that I said

Nikushimi: "Who's that?"

Gilgamesh: "I'm Gilgamesh, can I come in?"

Nikushimi: "Of course, come in"

Then, the door opened to reveal a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and red eyes wearing a panda pajama set. Then I asked her

Nikushimi: "Is something wrong, Gilgamesh?"

Gilgamesh: "You say you've been in the inner world for over 7 billion years, right?"

Nikushimi: "Yeah, what's wrong?" I nodded to her

Gilgamesh: "So you've grown up? ....So-so you..." At this point, I heard her stammer.

When I heard this, I had a puzzled expression because the Gilgamesh I knew was someone who was arrogant and looked down on others rather than someone like this.

Nikushimi: "Gilgamesh calm down, just say what you want to say" I said in a soft and caring voice to reassure her.

Gilgamesh took a deep breath and said "I want to make love to you!"

I froze in place and said, "What?"

Nikushimi: "Can you repeat that? I didn't hear well."

Gilgamesh: "I-like I said I want to make love to you!"

Now Nikushimi is sure, he can't believe Gilgamesh asked him for sex! In Nikushimi's opinion, she won't be.

Nikushimi: "..... Are you really sure? I mean..."

Gilgamesh interrupts Nikushimi's words and she screams "Yes! I'm sure! I want you to have my first!"

Nikushimi: "...This is the last time...if I say it again I'll regret it."

Gilgamesh: "Ha! Coward! Y-"

Nikushimi doesn't let Gilgamesh finish his words and he kisses her.

Gilgamesh didn't expect this but didn't stop Nikushimi from kissing her, after a few minutes their lips parted and Gilgamesh "Ha...ha.."

Nikushimi put his left hand on Gilgamesh's butt and his right hand on her chest and he kissed her again.

Gilgamesh softly groaned "Mmmhm~ ❤️"

After their lips parted, Nikushimi took off her pajamas and revealed her pink nipples because Gilgamesh wasn't wearing a bra.

Nikushimi stared at Gilgamesh's ruddy nipples and couldn't help but exclaim "That's great.."

Gilgamesh heard that and started blushing, her whole face was red and red like an apple or a tomato.

Nikushimi moved closer to Gilgamesh's pink breasts and sucked on her nipple, Gilgamesh couldn't help but moan "Ahhh~! ♥️ mMhmm ~ ♥ ️"

Nikushimi heard Gilgamesh groan and couldn't help thinking "So cute.." hearing him suck more skillfully, Gilgamesh moaned more "Ahhhh~! ❤️ ahhhh~! ❤️ muhmm~ ❤️ mgmmahh~ ?! ❤️"

Nikushimi then stopped sucking on her nipple and slowly removed her Gilgamesh pants to reveal her purple panties.

Nikushimi is groping, Gilgamesh's pussy with Gilgamesh panties is moaning louder "Yahhh~! ❤️ Mhme~ ❤️ hmmme~! ❤️"

After groping for a while, Nikushimi finally took off her clothes, revealing a perfectly muscular body, Gilgamesh saw his body and couldn't help swallowing it, making her even hotter. Nikushimi immediately took off her pants and panties.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened, she saw Nikushimi's giant dragon proudly standing in front of her, its cock 10 inches long and as wide as the fusion of three fingers.

Gilgamesh couldn't help but think 'Will, is it appropriate?' She begins to doubt her decision to have sex with Nikushimi without any prior preparation.

But, she couldn't stop the moment they had gone too far and only to stop now? Are not! She took a deep breath and said "I'm ready!" with a little determination in her eyes.

Nikushimi grinned upon hearing that and said "Regrets?"

Gilgamesh's body trembled a little and shook his head, "No!"

Nikushimi noticed that, she was a bit shaken but decided to let it go, he made Gilgamesh lie down on the bed and he approached and said "I'm coming"

He slowly inserted his huge cock inside Gilgamesh's wet pussy, Gilgamesh groaned painfully "Ah!"

Nikushimi's cock is ripping Gilgamesh's hymen and Gilgamesh screams in pain "Wow! Ah! It hurts!" Gilgamesh's pussy is bleeding and she has a small tear.

Nikushimi asked "Are you okay?"

Gilgamesh nodded and Nikushimi said "Shall we start moving?" as he spoke he started moving his cock slowly inside Gilgamesh's pussy and Gilgamesh groaned in pain.

After moving for a while, Gilgamesh started to hurt less and Nikushimi moved faster and Gilgamesh groaned but didn't hurt.

As Nikushimi moved faster on Gilgamesh's pussy, Gilgamesh moaned "Ahhh~! ❤️ ahh~! ❤️" she finally got amused.

Nikushimi was even moving twice as fast as before and Gilgamesh was enjoying his cock, as it was filling her pussy and it was getting wetter and tighter, she moaned with pleasure until she couldn't. She couldn't hold it anymore and let lust take over her, she yelled "Yesss~! ❤️ Faster~! ❤️ Fuck me more~! ❤️ RAVAGE IT ~!! ❤️"

Nikushimi couldn't believe it, Gilgamesh's words gave him goosebumps, he was faster and Gilgamesh groaned out loud, her face turned rougher and she looked annoyed.

They continued making love for hours and Gilgamesh enjoyed it and Nikushimi enjoyed it.

Nikushimi finally cum "Gilgamesh, I will cum!"

Gilgamesh groans "Ah~! ❤️ One more time~? ❤️ ejaculate inside me this time~! ❤️ I don't care if I'm pregnant, give it to me!! Cum inside me~! ❤️"

When he heard that, he moved faster and groaned a bit and shouted "Gilgamesh! I ejaculated!!!!!!"

Gilgamesh "Yess! Me too!!! SIGN UP!! I LOVE YOU!!"

When she said that, both of them ejaculated and Gilgamesh shouted with joy "Ahh~!! ❤️ Yess~!!! ❤️" her pussy is now filled with Nikushimi's hot semen, she she felt full and Nikushimi pulled her cock out of Gilgamesh's pussy. and Gilgamesh's vulva then secretes a thick fluid.

Gilgamesh had a happy face and fell asleep after that, she was really tired from their lovemaking and Nikushimi also slept beside her while cuddling creating a loving atmosphere.

The only thing Nikushimi didn't know was that he hadn't created a soundproof barrier so their actions and sounds could be heard and seen.










The first one to wake up was Gilgamesh and when she looked around she realized that they really did it, there was semen splashing all over the room and Gilgamesh looked at the sleeping Nikushimi, she blushed and smiled and she moved on. came to Nikushimi's face and kissed him then whispered "Last night, was really the best night.."

And she got up to take a shower, she herself has a lot of semen in her body, so she will wash and clean leaving Nikushimi.

Nikushimi knew what she was whispering, he smiled and said in a low voice, "Actually, it was really the best night."


It's been a week since Gilgamesh and Nikushimi made love for the first time and then Gilgamesh asks him to have sex again the next day, which he doesn't mind at all! it's really good! but that's still not enough to make him an asshole, unless the woman lets him do so he doesn't have a problem if she doesn't because he will respect her decision her about her woman.

But the problem was that the woman asked him to make love, which he didn't mind, after their first hot night together Gilgamesh kept asking for it every night, so they did it. . For 6 days in a row, Gilgamesh can't beat Nikushimi's stamina, Gilgamesh becomes addicted to sex! Since she got to taste it, she has craved it everyday and her pussy is wet.

How ironic it is to think that the king of heroes and the most enduring king is addicted to Sex!

After my first night with Gilgamesh, I also had sex with some other girls like Virgo, Vivian (she arrived on Monday morning after Gilgamesh left), Sakuya Izayoi and the girls from the Pleiades. etc. Shiro also wanted to have sex with me but I refused because she was young and told her when I was old enough I would do it with her. Although I am a pervert, I have my own principles.

It is midnight, everyone is still sleeping and today I decided to travel to another world. I delayed too long, then I put my hand in the system inventory and pulled out an empty ticket, because I don't know how to use it, I asked

Nikushimi: "Hey Amanda, how to use the ticket"

[You just need to think of the world you want to go to, the card will show the name of that world]

After Amanda spoke, I immediately thought of the world I wanted to go to and the card started to glow when an inscription appeared on it. High School of the Dead.

"What now, half Amanda?"

[Just close your eyes and tear off one side of the ticket.]

After listening to Amanda, I followed suit and suddenly I felt like I was teleported and when I opened my eyes I was in a different room from my own.

It's a simply designed Japanese-style bedroom, but the anime girls on the wall do so much more. I was observing the room when suddenly something ran through my brain, it was information about my identity in this world. After I watched all the memories, I giggled

"Looks like I'm pretty lucky"