Chapter 23

Saya watched in horror as a giant man appeared from the room. The body is larger than 2m and has a massive right arm while the other is shrunken. (Author: from left 4 people died whose names I don't remember)

'We can't win something like this without the right weapons'

"Ragahhh!!!" The abomination roared.

Saya glanced at Hisashi, who was frantically spewing blood on his knees and realized that they needed to fight or sacrifice him.

But when she turned around, her gaze fell on the crowd approaching from the same stairs they all came from.

'Think, think, think. Saya, you can do it! '

She racked her brain for any ideas in the moment, and she quickly discovered one that wouldn't leave a bad taste in her mouth.

"Rei! Komuro! Clear the way. I'll take Hisashi."

Rei wiped his tears before taking 'Spear' and standing up

"Do you understand!"

Komuro also stopped helping Hisashi and ran down the stairs, followed by Rei. The large hideous monster prowled the corridors, making considerable noise with its heavy legs.

Saya stared in disgust without her knowledge, her usual fiery orange eyes glowing like a genuine flame that no one could recognize.

She wrapped her arms around Hisashi's neck and lifted him up.

"Takagi...finish me...cough! I don't want to one of them..."

"Okay, I'll definitely do that after we get out of here."

Saya dragged her feet up the stairs. Carrying a tall man like Hasashi had a significant effect on her slender body. However, she still cursed in her head and dragged him downstairs. Her nose wrinkled, and the strong stench emanating from the corpse rose to her stomach.

But she didn't stop and continued to follow Komuro, even as her steps grew larger and larger.

'Don't look back, don't look back...'

She quietly repeated it like a mantra and went down the stairs. Farther ahead, Komuro and Rei smashed the skulls of abominations with teamwork like veteran warriors. Especially Rei, her movements became sharp and her whole body emitted a faint, almost imperceptible light.

Saya wanted to check her contacts if this was real.

'Is this a dream? First, the abomination, now this supernatural stuff ...'

Hisashi kept coughing blood as she approached Rei and Komuro

Suddenly, a chill ran down her spine. Her footsteps accelerated unconsciously, but...


A small crack rang in her ears and soon, her surroundings changed as she found herself flying through the air before falling and rolling onto the concrete floor. Red filled her vision and pain spread throughout her body.

Hisashi laid right ahead of her, his pitch-black eyes staring without blinking.

"Is this the end?"

She asked herself, sensing the abomination approaching ever so slowly. Rei and Komuro seemed busy fighting the others.

Her surroundings came to a halt and memories from her childhood until high school began to flash through her mind.

But she's not ready to die yet. She hadn't learned all these years to die like this, in this little corner of the world. In a place where her mother couldn't even find her intact body.

The stubbornness to survive was ingrained in her soul and when she pushed the ground to stand.


She felt as though something exploded inside her head, and an unexpected strength filled her body. Even the pain subsided to an extent as she stood, facing the giant abomination.

Her hands were a bit too hot right now, even her body's temperature rose as if she was on fire.

She stared in surprise when her hands literally blazed with fire that appeared out of nowhere. Even then, it didn't burn; instead, it was warm.

She instinctively raised her hands to block the punch from the abomination.



As if sensing her fear, the fire around her hands exploded. The minor explosion pushed back the abomination and burned from the ugly, twisted body.

The anonymous power accumulated in her body dwindled a bit, and she quickly realized her newfound power worked similarly to magic, where one's mana was limited to magic. .

'I can do that. I will kill this bastard and survive. '

Saya didn't know about the changes her mind went through in just 1 hour. From an arrogant but caring girl to someone determined to survive in this new world...

She ignored Komuro's surprised expression and aimed her hand at the enemy. The flames flared up violently and condensed into fiery red orbs, each of which drained her strength.

She reaches out her hand and shoots the orb - Aim to blow the head off. However, all of the orbs missed their target and landed on the back wall except for one that connected to the chest and burned a hole in the chest.

Even with magic power, her aim is worse than children. Instead, her legs trembled, making it hard for her to stay upright.

'I overestimated my strength.'

The abomination was coming while her vison got hazier with every moment.

'I'll leave the rest to these two'

She gathered the remains of her alien yet familiar powers into her hands and fired one final fireball.

She didn't know if it hit or not, her body fell back. However, the pain caused by the hard concrete did not hit her, but instead something stopped her.

"You did well, leave the rest to me."

Hearing the gentle voice, she barely opened her eyes to gaze at the familiar handsome face smiling.


She thought as her consciousness faded, pulling her into a deep slumber.


*Back to POV*

I checked Saya's pulse and breathed a sigh of relief.

Nikushimi: "Wow, just in time"

I whispered and watched the ugly zombie approaching despite the football-sized hole in its chest.

I was quite surprised when I saw that zombie since it was none other than The Charger from the deadly series left 4 dead, but more importantly it almost killed my beautiful tsundere.

It was lucky that I added an energy core to her otherwise she would definitely be killed by it. I also added an energy core to Rei and Shizuka.

It seems my existence has created a butterfly effect, when Saya is here with these two idiots instead of fat Kohta.

Nikushimi: "Amanda, busy for a while."

Amanda nodded and lunged for the undead while I admired the unconscious girl in my arms. Even in my sleep, I see the presence of a tsundere.

'Cute and sexy...'

Faced with death, she awakens ferocious magic that matches her fiery personality.

I shook my head because she was still trying to protect others while ignoring herself, I turned my gaze.

Hasashi Igou groaned as his undead body crawled toward us. This undead most likely crushed his spine. He got the ending he most feared, huh!

I slid my hands under Saya's kness and picked her up in the legendary princess carry!


The wooden sword crushed the skull of Hisashi

Nikushimi: "F."

I paid my respects to the friend-cum-enemy of Komuro and placed the sleeping princess into the trusted hands of Shiori.

"Takagi! x2"

Rei and Komuro rushed at their childhood friend, which I ignored.

Nikushimi: "Look after her and Shizu-nee san, treat her wounds. I'll go finish it off".

Without waiting for them to react, I dashed forward and stopped behind the zombie trying to hit Amanda.

Amanda can kill it even while she's sleeping, but I don't let her kill it because if she kills it, the chance of impressing the Busujima sisters will be lost.

The undead turned around, sensing my presence nearby, he swung down his large arm with the intention of crushing me.

I simply dodged to the side, lowered my right hand to Zanpakuto, and used the Breathing Style I created during my training.

Nikushimi: "Breath of Void - First Form - "

The undead was instantly cut in half to everyone's astonishment. Well, I reduced my power when I came to this world, otherwise the earth would be cut in half with just one hit.

Amanda: "Nikushimi"

I turned around and saw Amanda hand me a bottle of water and I took it because I was thirsty. When my thirst was quenched, I smiled at Amanda

Nikushimi: "Thanks Amanda, you understand me a lot."

Amanda just smiled back and we headed back.

Rei cried in Komuro's arms. Kohta and Kazu Ishii are chatting while peeping at me.

Guys, don't go that route. I wouldn't mind being friends with the two of you, but more than that I wouldn't!

Saeko smiled at me while Shiori helped Shizuka bandage Saya's wound. I will definitely turn my onee-san into an angel in the future.

"We'll go to the staff room and rest for a while." I glanced at Hisashi's corpse. "Now we don't have time to mourn the dead."

Rei reluctantly nodded. Haizzz, I never hated this girl.

Nikushimi: "Onee-san, I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask me but that's for later, right now what we need to do is get out of here and go to a safe place. Okay?"

I turned around, looked at Shizuka and she nodded. Then the group started running to the teacher's room, when we got there, we saw a group of zombies gathering in front of the door. Looks like it was blocked so the zombies couldn't get in, I quickly ran over followed by Amanda, Saeko and Shiori. The four of us quickly wiped them out with ease.

After dealing with the undead, I went to the front door and said.

Nikushimi: "Hey everyone inside, please open the door for us"

Then I heard a scream "don't open the door", probably because they were afraid of the zombies still outside.

Nikushimi: "The zombies have already been destroyed by us, so don't be afraid"

"How can we believe that?" a voice asked me

Nikushimi: "Well, if they're still here, how can I talk to you?"

Then there was a pause, then a voice said, "Okay, I'll open the door."

Then the door opened and I saw someone who surprised me.


*Change POV*

Damned! Ridiculous!

What the hell is going on?!

The past few days have been quite quiet, Black Label is being investigated by many organizations, so we have been more discreet by reducing the number of tasks.

I had time to relax in class while enjoying the peaceful life as a normal student, but now all that has gone to shit.

Aaaaahh this frustrates me!

I don't even have a suitable weapon for the situation, if I had my Smith Wesson m627-5 revolver this would be a lot easier. I have to aim for the eyes these things to kill them or I'm not sure if the bullet is enough to kill them.

For starters, are they still alive? They remind me of the zombies that appeared in the movies I watched with my brother. If my brother were alive, he would know what to do...

Focus on Mikoto! This is not the time to think about the past!

The situation is getting more and more dangerous, these things are constantly pouring in from the street, at this rate we will be flooded with undead. We had to hide from this place, but I didn't know what to do, I was very worried about my colleagues in the hospital, even though I knew they would be okay.

The priority is survival.

Yuu and Hinako will die if I don't protect them, it's hard for me to make friends because of my job as assassins in Black Label so the two of them are very important to me.

Asashi and Chikage are strong, but they focus too much on eliminating the enemy so they neglect the students and even expose themselves. Not only do I have to worry about my safety, but I must also keep an eye on those two so that they are not overwhelmed.

Asashi and Chikage are using chairs and shards of glass as weapons because neither of them bring equipment to school, only I carry a shotgun just in case, but the power of this direction is too weak.

I was running low on ammo so I took them all to the nearby teacher's room and sealed the door so the zombies couldn't get in. They kept banging on the door and after a while the knocking stopped and a voice called out to us. open door.

We argued for a while when I went to open the door, the person sitting on the other side of the door surprised me because he was a very popular person in this school.