chapter 24

After the door was opened, we all took shelter in the staff room, where there were books, chairs, desks, and a plasma television mounted on the wall. There were quite a few students and teachers in the room, probably the ones Mikoto had saved.

Komuro and Kohta blocked the door. Nice! After all, both are not useless.

I looked at the people in Mikoto's group, mostly female and pretty, and the boys hiding under the table while trembling.

Shaking my head at the sight, I walked over to the window and examined the scenery outside. Smoke rose in the distance, zombies roamed the school grounds and eventually a parking lot filled with buses and cars.

I shook my head again and picked up the book on the center table, then sat on Amanda lap and read it, surprising the ladies while the boys envied. 'Oh my boys, please don't look at me with those eyes, or I'll pull them out by mistake'.

"Marikawa-san?" A voice came out, I turned around and saw that the person who spoke was Mikoto.

Nikushimi: "Yes, what's wrong and can I ask your name?" I asked even though I already knew her name because it would be strange if someone you didn't know called your name.

"Ah Yes, sorry for the rudeness, my name is Mikoto Kiba." Mikoto said as she realized her mistake.

Nikushimi: "Okay Mikoto-san, what do you want?"

"May I ask what you're going to do next?" Mikoto asked what I was going to do next and it seemed like everyone else was too.

Nikushimi: "What should I do next... Well, we'll wait for Takagi to wake up first, then get to a safe place."

"I see..." Mikoto fell into thought and after a while she said "Can we go with your group?"

"Ah, that..." I turned to my group and asked, "What do you guys think?"

"The decision is yours so don't ask us, right guys" Shiori said and the others nodded.

"Hm then that's fine, you're welcome to join" I said and gave my hand to Mikoto and she caught it.

After some discussion, I went back to reading and Mikoto returned to her group to discuss. Shizu-nee, Kyoko and chizuru are comforting women who are desperate because their boyfriends died to protect them.

"Hey, what do you think is going on?" Shiori approached and asked me, followed by Saeko.

Nikushimi: "Well, it's very simple for anyone to know that this is a pandemic"

"Yeah, I think so too" the sisters nodded after hearing my question and then Rei grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. It shows a beautiful female reporter relaying information about the 'Riot' happening everywhere in Japan and the leaders giving a speech on the matter.

This was all bullshit! I bet they were busy saving their asses.

Bodies lying behind reporters rose before the gunfire reached them, silenced them. The reporters panicked and the blank screen then went blank.

"Don't be surprised. Like I said earlier, these outbreaks are happening around the world." I could see panic in everyone's eyes, except for the Busujima sisters. "I know you're feeling scared but don't lose hope because of that remember you still have family and friends. And those who have lost someone important to them in the recent event need to try harder. try to survive so as not to betray their expectations."

I said and looked at everyone, they regained their will and nodded with determination. ' I think I might go as a speaker '.

"Then I think we should first be sure of our family's safety." Saeko talked about everyone's worries here. Shiori also nodded.

From what I remember from the manga, Shizuka's parents and I went abroad to visit. Komuro lives near Takagi Estate. Rei's house is located somewhere around the East police station, while Saeko's father is abroad to attend a Self-Defense conference.

My first goal is to leave the boys and any other survivors I meet at Rika's house.

(Author: Sorry for this part, I just wanted to get out of school quickly. I am also thinking of writing another novel about Mc's past life. This would explain why he can absorb two energies and [?????????]. but I'll leave it for later because I'm preparing for the exam)

"Sure, we'll need a school shuttle bus to accommodate this many people." I smiled at Shizuka. "Shizu nee-san can drive, right?"

Shizuka: "Yes, I can."

Nikushimi: "Then we'll have to wait for Takagi to wake up."

My body melted on the sofa. People might think I'm reluctant to leave because I'm being massaged by Amanda.

I opened my eyes when I noticed Saya's fingers were twitching. She recovered very quickly.

Her eyes opened as she sat up and looked around, confused by her situation. Suddenly, she grimaced and clutched her head in the ice.

I put my hand on her back to support her.

Nikushimi: "Hey, are you okay?"

Saya: "...Marakiwa-san? I...I'm fine. Where is this? Why is my head bandaged?"

Nikushimi: "Calm your head and think about what happened before you passed out."

She followed my advice and closed her eyes, trying to recall her last memories.

Then she turned to me and smiled. "Thanks for saving me."

'!!! What? Did my ears mishear? Tsundere just thanked me! '

She also had a smile that could touch any woman's heart.

Nikushimi: "Are you ready to walk, or should I carry you?"

Saya: "N-No, I can walk."

She squirmed on the table, feeling uncomfortable from my hand. I smiled and called it a day, or she might go all baka on me.

Nikushimi: "Then let's move out."

No response.

I glanced at the rest and noticed the horror on the men's faces, a look of approval from Shiori and a look of calm from Saeko. While the other girls have opposite looks and they are blushing, that seems to be my smile.

I didn't bother to resolve this misunderstanding and went out while holding Shizuka's hand. After all, the weak Onee-san must be protected.


I and others killed our way to the school building. For the better or worse part, we don't encounter any powerful undead. That thing might be an anomaly among them.

Rei seems to have awakened magic that enhances her physical strength and speed. Now, what power will the Busujima sisters have? And you didn't hear me wrong, I added magic cores to them while we were in the management room. But by the way I also added magic cores for the other girls.

On the way, Saya glanced at Amanda and me with curious eyes and a frown etched on her face.

Amanda never introduced herself, nor did I mind. The mystery increasingly attracts the other boys, except for Komuro, who is traumatized by Amanda's brutality. When we reached the stairs, another familiar scene occurred.

A bunch of undead were trying to attack a group of surviving students, I let go of Shizuka and threw a kick to the undead who were about to attack a white haired girl.


The undead flew and hit the wall with blood splattering on the stairs. Sorry, I need to take control of my permissions.

Ignoring the gaping students, Saeko's piercing gaze, and Shiori's puzzled smile, my Zanpakuto was drawn and quickly sliced the zombie in half.

This Saeko seems a bit different from the manga. This one has a more detached aura. Would the presence of a twin sister change her even more?

Well, that would be harder to win her heart. None of these students were bitten, if any then my katana is ready to sever them.

"Aniki! What should I do with these students?"

Wait, is that Kohta? Why does he call me Aniki?

Strangely, no one found it strange that they were all looking at me, waiting for my decision. So I'm considered a leader now.

Nikushimi: "We should get them," said Komuro. "The bus will have enough room for them."

"We won't leave any students behind." Shizuka affirmed with a stern expression.

I shrugged again. "Guaranteed"

Shizuka: "Thank you, Shi-kun"

Saya: "It's not like we can save everyone, you know."

Saya's whisper couldn't escape my senses. Did the battle with the undead change her, or did magic affect her thinking? You better get used to this.

Now, with the extra luggage of 8 students, we made our way to the changing rooms and it took only a few seconds to clear our way here before we left the school.

The undead have begun to surround us. "Saeko, Shiori lead the way! Amanda and I will guard the rear!"

Saeko: "That's an easy thing, Mari... Shiro-san, I'll call you that."

Shiori: "Leave it to us sisters~"

The twins rushed in and began slaughtering the undead. From attack to defense, their movements were in perfect sync. Instead of fighting, it was like a beautiful dance.

Dance of carnage.

The rest of them all glanced at me, no, the girl stood beside me before they followed the clear path carved by the twins' fierce attack.

Nikushimi: "I know I'm handsome, but saving your life should come first, right?"

She crossed her arms in front of her full breasts and an annoyed grimace. "...Should I help with my new powers?"

"Why ask me? That's yours to begin with." My eyes widened in horror. "Don't tell me the genius Saya Takagi asks for permission?"

"Stop acting so full of yourself, stupid!" She scowled and stomped away. "I'll figure it out myself."

Amanda: "Honey... are you into masochism?"


Amanda giggled then turned to me. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it. I know she is what people call tsundere."

I hit her hard on the butt. Amanda bit her lip to keep from moaning

Nikushimi: "I'm not M. Let's go."

I sped down a road littered with corpses, some with broken arms or legs, some with skull fractures like a watermelon.

Achieving this feat with a wooden sword, the Busujima twins are sure to have a punch in their slender arms. Saya accidentally sends small fireballs that can blow away a horde of undead and enters the bus.

"Hurry, or we'll leave your stupid ass behind!" Tsundere shouted.

Nikushimi: "Coming!"

"Help" Shouted a group of students and one teacher who was non-other but Shido.

As everyone else noticed them Rei had a different reaction to others you could see that her eyes hollowed for a moment, while everyone else started arguing if to help them or not.

"We wouldn't be able to drive past many of them if I waited"

Takashi: "Just wait for them to run over"

"Then bus will roll over if we do that" Saya reprimanded him.

As Takashi was going to jump off the bus to help Rei stopped him.

"We don't have to save him!" Rei exclaimed.

"Rei what's your problem?" Takashi told her.

"We should let him die!" Rei yelled angrily.

While they were arguing, Shidou's group was running to the bus when a student sprained his ankle and asked for Shidou's help while grabbing his leg.

"Oh, I see that one seems to be for you" While kicking the child in the face, Shidou said to him.

The undead approached the boy and started eating him while Shidou left.

When everyone finally got on the bus, I sat in the seat left for the driver.

Nikushimi: "Nee-chan, drive."

"Shi-kun, I" Shizuka hesitated before forming a grim expression. "Okay, but the controls are a bit different from my car."

After tinkering for a moment to see if Amanda and Saeko had repelled the undead, Shizuka was able to start the bus.

Crushing, trampling and smashing the undead, our bus exited the main gate of Fujimi academy.

_______ to be continued _______

Author: I seem to have added some characters.

A small information is that at the end of this season, Mc will be shown his memory by Sarly and he will be king of England before Artoria. Does it sound familiar :))) I came up with it based on Masato but the reason is because I want to marry Medea and Scathach and it will be easier if you are their lover and student.

Note: It is only part of the memory, not the whole thing.