Chapter 25

School buses move through the streets with chaos.

Anywhere in Japan. No, worldwide.

People flooded the streets, shouting, begging God to have mercy on them.

This earns them nothing. No one dared to fight the overwhelming odds.

Of them, only a few are concerned with protecting their families; otherwise, no one cares about their loved ones being eaten alive by them. Zombies, ferocious creatures destined to cause carnage everywhere.

This carnage was within my expectations, looking at the chaos unfolding before my eyes, I felt nothing. For me it's normal, it seems to have been imprinted in my subconscious.

Ignoring it, I turned to Shizuka, who was driving rather shaky. The sight of her knockers jiggling with every turn of steering made me smile.

"Shi-kun, why are you grinning like an idiot?" She glanced at me and asked.

Nikushimi: "If admiring my beautiful older sister makes me look like a fool, then I can become the biggest idiot in the world.

"Mou, don't sweet-talk your older sister." She scolded softly, but the corners of her lips curled up.

Nikushimi: "But I'm just telling the truth. You're the most beautiful woman in the world."


I managed to hold the wheel before the bus fell.

Shizuka: "Shi-kun, stop it. Let me drive in peace."

She restarted the bus.

Nikushimi: "Okay. Nee-san, let me know if you find any powerful undead in the way." I stepped down from the chair and hit her cheek. "I know you're worried about your parents and Rika. So let's drive to her house first."

Shizuka: "But Rika is on duty at the airport."

Nikushimi: "We can check it so we can rest assured."

Her eyes still seemed unconvinced. "What about other people's parents?"

Nikushimi: "For me, my sister's wishes will always come first. Got it?"

Shizuka: "Shi-kun..."

I pinched her soft cheeks and turned around. All of them had shocked expressions except for Kaz Ishii, Komuro, Kohta, Saya and the Busujima sisters sitting in front. On the other hand, Rei was staring at Shidou with disgust.

While Shiro was talking to Rei without anyone noticing (Author: Shiro comforted Rei, causing his figure to start appearing in her heart), Shidou stood up and walked over to the students. .

"Thank goodness" Shidou exclaimed, "So the one at the top is Miss Busujima?" He asks.

"It's not like that, we're just trying to live together anyway." Saeko said half-heartedly.

"Well, not good… .In order to survive, we definitely need a leader, a leader who carries everything" Shidou started his speech about the need for a leader. , who will lead the survivors to a better future, it is silly to manage to move most of the students by putting them on their side.

Shidou is not content with tricking a bunch of idiots and tries to pressure us to follow him, his eyes never leaving the teachers and nurses at the school.

I wanted to torture him even more when he dared to look at my women with those filthy eyes.

When they finally reached the city, I told Shizuka to stop near the nearest store or market. And just around the corner, they saw a convincing shop and stopped the bus. I stood up and started talking.

"We are all stopping to stock up on food and other necessities and everyone will get off the bus to bring their belongings" I announced and took the bus key just in case and told Shizuka to rest.

"Saeko, Shiori you two will guard the bus, Amanda will stay and shoot anyone who comes near, Shizu-nee san rest, Rei and Mikoto will organize a storage on the bus and the others will bring all we can take. "I said it loud enough for everyone to hear.

Shidou agreed with that opinion and decided to follow Shiro's words. Everything went smoothly Shiro took everything from the shop that others couldn't get and put those items in his inventory.

When they turned around and started driving back the blonde boy started to wonder how dangerous it would be to keep going and how he didn't like being with Komuro and Kohta.

"You guys have decided to go to the city, maybe we can find a safe place inside the school!" The blonde shouted and several others agreed.

I saw that they were irritating Shizuka with their nonsense, I reassured her and told her that I would take care of everything and that she should focus on driving.

"And who is that blonde kid who thinks he has the right to command those around him, you should go back to breastfeeding" the blonde said and started laughing.

I calmly stood up from my seat while reassuring Shizuka then looked in their direction and started approaching.

"Kid, you shouldn't take drugs, it's not worth it. I know from your face you can tell I'm an addict but who knows what." I said with a mocking smile.

The blonde girl for some reason got mad when she heard this and he face was red with anger "Looks like he's really mad about something" I thought.

He lunged at me and was immediately kicked in the stomach by me and fell to the floor of the bus, coughing while clutching his stomach.

"Is that it, jeez at least put up a fight if you're going to start one" I commented offhandedly.

"Clap clap clap Bravo!" Shido commented while clapping "

You are really strong but a conflict like this just proves my point, we need a leader," he continued.

Nikushimi: "And you're nominating, I presume?"

"But of course I'm a teacher and you're all students, which makes it clear who's more qualified." Shidou looked at the girls with lustful eyes while licking his lips and continued his speech.

I noticed the way he looked at the girls, I was about to draw my sword and kill him but before I could.

*Bang Bang*

Two shots rang out and hit shido's knee.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Shidou shouted and fell to the floor.

I looked back and saw that the one who shot was Amanda with a disgusted look at Shidou, when Amanda noticed my gaze she said

Amanda: "Sorry honey, I just can't stand the disgusted look from someone as disgusting as him"

Nikushimi: "It's okay Amanda, I'll kill him anyway"

I approached Shidou and then I took out a black pistol and pointed it at his head and it was a pair with the one that Amanda used. he looked up with scared eyes and said "why...don't kill me"

"Well because you dare to look at women with those loathsome eyes." I then pulled the trigger but didn't forget to put him in Genjutsu to torture him before. When I'm done, I kick him out the window like a garbage bag and soon the blonde joins him.

When I finished with Shidou, I turned around and noticed that the students who were scared of me were mostly Shidou's group and the boys. Rei was looking at me and smiling, Saeko was looking at me and blushed a little maybe because of the killing intent I gave off with my evil smile. The other girls blushed a bit too, it's strange.

"Listen, anyone who wants to go can leave, I won't stop you, I'll even give you food and water but you'll be on your own" I said loudly.

Seeing no reaction, I nodded and sat down beside Saya

Nikushimi: "How is your wound now?"

My question earned "hmph!" from tsundere. I sighed before shaking my head.

Nikushimi: "Never thought that Takagi's daughter would be so ungrateful."

"W-Who's ungrateful to this bastard?" She turned to the window. "Thanks..." A small heart flew above her head.

I grinned where she couldn't see. It's really nice to meet tsundere, although sometimes their swear words make me nervous.

Nikushimi: "Now, is it that hard to thank someone who saved your life?"

She faced me again, her sharp fiery orange eyes staring at me.

Saya: "What do you want? My power or my family's influence..."

"Looks like I made a mistake here. I don't want the Takagi girl, not the girl who uses irrational powers." I reached out and patted her head. "What I want is you, the girl known as Saya."

Saya: "What!!"

Saya's confused voice resounded on the bus. I kept patting her head as she sunk in confusion. Her face turned red, making them red like a radish.

"S-You stupid bastard, people are dying out there and you're trying to… propose to a woman here?!" the voice came from one of Shidou's party members.

Stopping Saya's head, I leaned back in the comfy chair and crossed my arms.

"Then it gives me more of a reason to confess to the girl I like, doesn't it? You never know what will happen tomorrow, so am I wrong to achieve a little happiness first? when something bad happens in this post-apocalyptic world?" ? "

Only buses and groans in the distance answered me.

Saya would most likely reject me, but I went ahead and did it. After all, she fell in love with Komuro in the series.

Nikushimi: "You can take your time if you want... But I only have two or three days before we part."

Saya: "... What do you mean?"

"I will go around the world to wipe out the undead. That's what the Goddess told me." 'More precisely the system told me and I also explained about this event and more to everyone of course it was a lie, there was also a bit of truth. '

I turned to her and smiled. "Please reply sooner, if you can."

Looks like I forced her to accept my confession. But that's the only way to interact with a tsundere like her.

I have to be more frank or it will take forever for her to resolve her feelings.

"Shi-kun!!!! someone's in the way!"

Nikushimi: "Coming!"

I dashed to the driver's seat and through the front windshield, the true face of humanity came into my view ...

_________ to be continued _______

Sorry for the short chapter