Chapter 26

Author: I thought I'd include this chapter with chapter 25 because it's pretty short.


I clenched mỹ fists hard at the brutality ongoing more than a hundred meters. Three cars blocked the road ahead, before it stood a group of imbeciles, cackling as they beat the woman kneeling with their guns; her posture seemed like she was protecting someone.

A pile of corpses lay near them, possibly the undead they killed with their guns.

Things like this prompted me to attach magic cores to women to make them stronger than men. In almost every post-apocalyptic novel I read, women serve a purpose no different from slavery.

(Author: Mc gave the magic core integration system to all the women in this world, it's up to them to wake up.)

Yes, there are also places where women hold all the power in the world and protect it from various calamities but those are far away.

I can't turn my back on a beautiful girl. It was like the end of the world for me.

I pat Shizuka's shoulder

Nikushimi: "Stop by the side..."

"Shiro-kun, what happened?" Shiori's voice came from behind.

I turned around and spotted a worried expression on the twins' faces

Nikushimi: "Please protect the bus with Amanda. I'll be back after cleaning up some trash."

I got out of the car and kicked the body that wanted to bite me. My eyes met the frantic gaze of the muscular man, who pursed his lips and flashed a ferocious smile as he approached me.

"A nice guy to me."

My footsteps stopped when I heard what he said and I thought 'Is he gay? I'm not homophobic but if he targets me, I'll kill him. '

The other men stopped hitting the woman and glanced at me. Finding nothing interesting in me, they stared at the bus and their eyes lit up.

"A sexy Blondie!"

"Wait, guys. Let's check up the bus first. The high school girl are crazy nowdays."

"This teacher and that Blondie. I hope there are more on the bus. Today is gonna be fun. God bless the one who released this virus on us, ahahahaha!"

How in the fucking world was the second guy so smart? And my presence is completely ignored here. The woman seemed to have only suffered minor injuries.

These seven sickos were equipped with a pump-action shotgun and hunting rifle. None of them looked like a veteran soldier, so they must have robbed an armory or gun shop.

Now, how should I kill them? They contaminated my sister with their dirty eyes. So a quick death was crossed off the list.

Smiling, I walked over to them and all seven guns were pointed at me.

Pump action shotgun max range is 50m unless they use a slug that can shoot 100 to 200m and if I'm a normal person that shotgun can blow my head off 1km if used by Veterans, not losers.

I need to finish it sooner, lest my Yandere go crazy and destroy everything in sight.

I started sprinting and drew my sword. They became agitated at my stupid actions, only reacting when I was close to finishing the 50m.

Unfortunately for them, today is never for losers. I took a medical scalpel and threw it into his hand just before he pulled the trigger.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

The pistol slipped from his hand and he screamed in pain. This frightened the others, giving me enough time to grab the man's body and hide.

* Bang! * * Bang! * Bang! ** Bang...

Six bullets pierced my cover and his anguished screams grew louder, stopping shortly after. These bastards are busy reloading and as a beginner would expect, their shaky hands can't even reload their guns.

I shoved him out of the way and kicked the ground. As I entered the group, my katana slashed again and again, from leg to arms and incapacitated them.

They lay sprawled on the ground as blood spilled, slowly ending their lives. They groaned and begged for mercy.

Nikushimi: "Anything desired in the end except death?"

No answer. But of course I won't let it go so easily when they dare to look at those girls with those dirty eyes.

'Since they want to rape others, I will help them in the opposite direction'. Immediately, my upper eyes opened and sent them into a Genjutsu, where they would be taken care of by the Mil-tans.

Then I turned to the brunette. Her brown eyes behind her glasses showed surprise. She is holding a 5, 6 year old girl.

Her appearance surprised me for a moment. The damsel I saved turned out to be a wonderful glasses Onee-san with a bosom not smaller than Shizuka.

If I remember correctly, her name is Nao Sakurada. Is this the infamous protagonist's Aura?

I stretched my hand, which she grabbed clumsily.

Nikushimi: "Please save your questions for later and get on the bus."

Nao: "Thank you very much."

Just a thank you line and a grateful smile. However, saving her was worth all the effort.

Nao got up and ran towards the bus. The rhythm of her luscious ass wrapped in a tight skirt almost made me drool.

Nikushimi: 'No, no. I must not let her go astray. Does anyone know if she is married or not? '

{My love, she doesn't.}

Nikushimi: 'Excellent. Any woman who protects a child with her body shows that she has the potential to be a great mother. '

Amanda: "Honey, should we deal with them?"

Nikushimi: "There's no need to dirty our hands with these scum. Better to leave them to the undead."

Amanda: "Yes, although I would love to hear their screams as the undead chew their flesh and bones, we have to leave."

Her smile was as gentle as always in contrast to her rough words.

We moved the interceptor, scavenged ammo from their clothes, and brought the guns back to the bus.

I will have plenty of time to sharpen their feelings later.

The twins will definitely follow me if I ask. The amusement in Shiori's eyes said it all.

Back on the bus, Shizuka is worried about Nao's injury, so Amanda takes on driving duties. She can even pilot a spaceship even though she has never touched it. Maybe the rule of thumb never worked for the creature called Yandere or because she was the soul of the system.

I stashed the guns in the seat beside Amanda and noticed a smartphone showing a navigation menu. That blue point must be Rika's house.

Using the map, Amanda started driving. I walked over and sat down on the chair across from Shiori.

The students looked at me in fear, I simply ignored them.

"Does Shiro-kun need something from us~?" Shiori playfully teased.

Saeko shook her head and a small smile appeared on her lips. "There's no need to hesitate."

Nikushimi: "No, I just want..."

A pair of familiar melons appeared right in my face. Covered in a tight while top, they swayed and jiggled from the shocks.

The owner of those boobs was none other Saya, who frowned as she looked down on me, wearing a pair of frameless specs instead of her contact lenses.

Saya: "Stop gawking, you idio—"

The bus suddenly jerked, causing Saya to fall on top of me and her chest naturally pressed against my face.

Oh my God. Is this a lucky pervert skill used by the main characters in the harem?

Whatever it is, the softness of the breasts surrounding my face is unforgettable. Not willing to waste such a god-sent opportunity, I bit on the flesh through the cloth, inciting a moan from the pink-haired tsundere. She pushed me and took the empty seat on my left

"Pervert." She cursed under her breath.

Nikushimi: "Oi! You were the one who shoved your boobs in my face."

She glared at me, her cheeks blushing a little. "T-That wasn't my fault. This crazy bus did it. Why did you....?"

I tilted my head and feigned an innocent look. "What? Did something happen?"

"You!" She harrumphed and turned her head. "Fucking asshole"

I laughed lightly at her tsundere antics. These baseless curses couldn't even penetrate the first layer of my thick skin.

I turned my attention to the twins. Shiori showed a sarcastic smile, in contrast to the calm smile on Saeko's face.


Shiori leaned over and whispered something in Saeko's ear, who absentmindedly nodded in response before a bright smile appeared on her lips.

Even my senses can't catch a word. I don't know what these twins are planning.

During the time I sat here, Miku's sharp gaze never left me. Why is she stuck with me? I have never pursued a woman based solely on her looks. Personality is much more important in my decision.

Sure, I could tame her and make her my bitch, but does it matter? (Author: should I get Miku)

Nikushimi: "Who's the older one between the two of you?"

Shiori: "Saeko."

Saeko: "Shiori."

They pointed at each other before they giggled.

"We were born on the same day," Saeko replied. "Though Shiori arrived a few minutes earlier."

That was a bit of a surprise. I consider Saeko to be the older one while Shiori appears as a mischievous little sister.

Shiori: "Shiro-kun, was the goddess hot?"

I nodded at the Shiori question. "Yep, she was an absolute beauty."

"Shiro-kun, why are you always so quiet during class?" Saeko asked, eyes full of curiosity.

It's a conundrum and I can't tell the truth that the former 'me' was just system-generated. Thankfully, I figured out the answer before coming here.

Saya looked out the window, but I bet she wanted to know too.

"I do not know." I laugh. "The goddess said that part of my soul had rested in my consciousness, which cut off most of my emotions."

After explaining with the plot I read in some fanfiction, I wait for their response.

And their answer surprised me...
