Chapter 27

Author: From this chapter should I speed up to finish the arc early or should I slow down?

I'll give him a bit of an interactive scene for him to conquer Saeko and then skip.

I will create a random event for Mc to get the girls

I'm also thinking of merging the eyes into one to make them less messy


The twins and Saya stared at me for a moment, as if checking if my answer was correct. Saeko and Shiori smiled with gentle eyes.

'Does that cliché work?' I wondered but I soon got an answer as Saya's gaze softened.

Nikushimi: 'Do they really believe my silly answer? Well, the logic of anime is definitely confusing. '

"Shiro-kun can borrow my ch-"


The bus suddenly stopped. I glanced through the window, where a two-story house protected by a tall fence appeared. It's Rika's house.

The outside looks pretty bright. We arrived faster than I expected.

I let Shizuku comfort Nao in her arms. The sight of two buxom women hugging each other was a bit too much for the males. Some even get nosebleeds because of this.

It definitely makes something rise in me, but I can still easily control it. We got out of the car and started clearing the streets of the undead.

Nikushimi: "Amanda."

Amanda: "Understood."

Amanda quickly ran into the mansion and soon, the noise of furniture resounded throughout the house.

"Onee-san and you are definitely the violent type..." Komuro said scratching his head.

I shrugged at Komuro's helpless complaint. "Can say that."

"But she's so docile in bed." I whispered this part so the girls could hear and they quickly blushed.

Then Kohta came and said "Aniki! Golden Eagle M eight seventy, can I get it?" he examined the shotgun with a smug grin. "Please."

Nikushimi: "Sure. But don't use it now or the undead will gather here."

"Do the Mikoto, Chikage, Saeko and Shiori need one?"

I drop honorifics when I call them, it seems they like it when no one is displeased.

Mikoto and Chikage nodded and took pictures.

While Shiori refused and bowed her head. "No, this bokken is enough for now. Thank you very much for that offer~"

Saeko also shook her head and said. "We don't know how to use it."

Although guns will become useless later on, they currently have an advantage over any melee weapon.

(Author: why do I say guns will become useless in the future? Simply put, no stupid human would hold an ordinary gun to shoot a god"

"Really?! That Onee-san is really amazing!" Kohta exclaimed admiringly.

I giggled at Komuro's stiff expression. "Yes, she's one of the best weapon users I know."

After Amanda returned, we dumped the naked bodies in the trash and wiped away sweat and blood.

Then the girls toured the house while I was watching the boys fence the front door with chains and things like that.

Saya: "Shiro! Come here!"

What made Saya so excited, she just called me without honorifics?

I followed the direction of her voice to the Gara and saw Saya, Mikoto, Chikage, Shiori and Saeko standing in front of a Humvee.

Well, I completely forgot about it. 'Hm, traveling by Humvee sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?' I stood beside Saya and started patting her head.

Nikushimi: "Excellent in figuring this out."

She puffed out her chest proudly before widening her eyes and slapping my hand.

Saya: "Don't arbitrarily touch me anymore!"

Nikushimi: "Definitely."

Shiori giggled, which only made Saya glare. I shook my head and lifted the hood to examine the Humvee's condition and see that it was fine.

Shizuka: "Shi-kun, come over here."

When I heard a voice call me to turn around, I saw Shizuka standing outside the Gara. Place your hands on your chest, pressing hard on your breasts.

I walked up to her and asked. "What happened?"

Shizuka: "How should we arrange things in this house?"

Hearing the question, I quickly thought and spoke. "We'll discuss it at home."

They all nodded and said. "Okay"


(Author: written by me Mc saved a bunch of girls at the stairs, but I was too lazy to create characters and take pictures of them. Should that group of girls be Infection characters? That would be quite convenient. , save time creating new characters and personalities for them)

Now our group is sitting on the first floor, discussing the arrangements for everyone.

Except Kohta and Kazu. Kazu wants to learn marksmanship from Kohta. After experiencing the feeling of near death, it left a wound in his heart.

Rei raised his hand. "Can't we share a room in the house? That way we can all stay safe."

Saya shook her head. "You don't understand. If we've done all the missions, they'll get used to it and take it for granted. They'll rely on us for everything and think it's our duty to help them."

"That's why I won't help them from now on. If they need something, they'll have to team up and find it themselves."

"Isn't it-"

"Nee-san, she's right. We can't always be here to help them, so it's best if we make some rules." I glanced at the rest of the group. "This floor is dedicated to our group, Mainly Nee-san, Amanda, Me, Busujima sisters, Saya, Mikoto, Chikage, Rei, Kohta, Arashi, Kazu and... Komuro."

(I haven't added a girl group yet because I don't know if I should use that idea and I searched for Rika's house online, thinking it's still not enough =]])

Although my words may sound heartless, I don't care about that right now. Maybe I'll sleep with someone other than Amanda today? Anyone who dares to interrupt my respite is unforgivable.

In addition, the ground floor has enough room for them.

"Leave Nao and her sister here" Shizuka asked. "She may need medical treatment."

(Forgot to have enough room to change clothes, wife always takes priority.)

Hearing Shizuka's words, I looked over at the sexy Onee-san and her loli sister.

Nikushimi: "I seem to have forgotten them,' "Leaving the two of them with those students is like putting a sheep in a wolf's nest. I certainly won't let that happen.'

The worry in the brown haired girl's big round eyes as she looked at me made me chuckle

Nikushimi: "All right. You two can stay here."

Aiki: "Thanks, onii-chan!"

Ahh, how cute


The meeting with others ends by separating the student from our group. Right now I'm in the bathtub, resting my feet on the edge of the tub and staring at the ceiling before closing my eyes to relax.

Moments later, the door opened and someone walked in, I looked out and it was Amanda, nothing more than a white scarf wrapped around her sexy body.

Seeing her like that I just laughed and said. "Come on"

She nodded as she let go of the handkerchief. Revealing a beautiful body, smooth white skin and some tattoos. The breasts are large and round, with pale pink areola surrounding the raised nipples. The flat stomach with traces of muscle, the amazingly enlarged hips and the super slim thighs stole my eyes.

Amanda stood there with a grin. Then stepping over the towel she stepped forward and lifted her leg to reveal her slim legs and pink (bottom) lips sparkling with her juice and with a wild smile she leaned against the tub take a shower.

"I think anata likes it because your dick is erect," she said and looked down at my erect cock. "It's really big"

Of course, it would be so when seeing a naked body of a beautiful woman.

Amanda: "Let me comfort you with my mouth."

Her hands crept closer, cupping the base of my cock. She leaned in closer, sticking her tongue out to lick the tip before pressing her lips to my dick. Then she put the cock in her mouth causing her cheeks to swell as my cock filled her small mouth.

She reached for the shaft, massaged it with her hand, and then lowered her head. Thick saliva curled around her tongue and wet my cock and it wasn't long before a burning sensation enveloped my entire cock as her mouth reached the bottom of my cock.

Dropping myself into the tub, I stared at her head bobbing with every beat that made me shiver with joy.

I put my hand on her head and started playing with her white hair. She looked up as her hand grabbed my cock.

Nikushimi: "Pretty girl. You're doing great."

She grinned and continued to blow the trumpet, making steamy sounds with each beat. I enjoyed watching her rosy lips slide down my dick into her throat and her fingers playing with my ball.

I lost track of time while enjoying her pretty little mouth. When I sense something coming, I pull her head, push my dick as deep as I can and release everything. She gagged on the thick cum blast from my dick.

I gasp as she tries to swallow all of my sperm, collecting the excess on her palm.

"Anata..." She mumbled while running her tongue over her lips. "Very delicious"

Sweet girl! That's my lovely girl. My cock stiffened at her sweet gesture.

Nikushimi: "Want to work here?"

She nodded and rubbed her cheek against my cock.

Amanda: "Anywhere as long as with anata."

Nikushimi: "Well, ..."

I stopped when I heard the door open before I pushed Amanda's head down and turned towards the gate.

Shiori: "God, I can't believe that kid is in love."

Saya: "She's stupid anyway."

Saeko: "Shiori is right and Saya, do you expect a 6 year old girl to be a genius?"

Shiori and Saeko entered the bath, followed by Saya. The three of them were only wrapped in a towel.

I smile towards the girls. "Hey I'm here."

Saya stared at me for a moment "Haaah?!"

She squatted down and clutched her chest. "W-Why are you here?"

"Are you stupid?" I grinned. "Should I ask that? Three, no, Six barged in here without checking first."

I stared at Shizuka's breasts peeking out from behind her white scarf, her cream thighs creating the perfect balance between thin and slim.

Shizuka: "Shi-kun!"

She took the towel and ran towards me.

Nikushimi: 'Damn it! My pictures will be ruined! But never mind, who cares. ' There's no need to hide it.

Shizuka approached, Amanda was lying in the bathtub with her butt raised.

As she comes closer, Shizuka's mouth opened round and the ahoge on her head swayed in confusion.

"Shi-kun used to shower with Onee-san. But now he's bathing with that girl..." She covered her face with both hands. "Onee-san feels betrayed...."

Saya: "What?!!!!"

------------ to be continued -----------

I wish I had a computer, if I had, I would write faster. Writing on the phone for too long.

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