Chapter 28

This could be the last chapter for Shiro to develop his relationship, from the next chapter the plot will increase rapidly


Saya: "What?!!!"

Saya forgot everything and walked quickly towards me. She opened her eyes wide when she saw the scene and didn't bother to take a picture of the falling towel, she pointed at me.

Saya: "You! ... You have an affair with her?"

'Well, they'll know anyway'. I put my arm around Amanda and hugged her tightly.

Ah, her breasts feel so good.

"Amanda is my woman." I grinned at Saya and pointed at her chest. "Besides, are you sure about showing me those big things? However, I don't mind."

She looked down at her bosom swaying in the open air, and her face flushed red.

I gave her a thumbs up. "No need to feel ashamed. Be proud of your possessions, girl."

She quickly picked up the towel and wrapped it around her body. Her fiery eyes glared at me.

Saya: "Damn it..."

She got upset and walked out of the room. I shivered from the cold feeling on my cock. I looked down and saw Amanda wiping me. Truly a good girl.

Tsundere had already left, so I turned my attention to Shizuka who was hugging me defensively.

Nikushimi: "Amanda..."

She struggled out of my arms and I stood up unashamedly. My erection stopped, but it was enough to get the attention of the four of them.

Nikushimi: "Hey sister, I'm offering to wash each other's bodies"

Her eyebrows rose and her mouth opened wide. "Okay, Shi-kun. Be nice to me."

I made her sit down on the wooden chair and yanked the towel over her. She covers her breasts with one hand and covers her crotch with the other.

Nikushimi: "I can't wash you like this, right?"

I put on my truest smile. She responds with a smile and nods, glancing at my cock from time to time.

Shizuka: "Mm... Shi-kun has really grown up."

I did, in many ways. Smiling, I walked up behind her and poured a bucket of water over her head. She shivered from the cold water.

Then, with a kind smile, I grumbled *Cough* wiping every part of her warm and vibrant body. My extraordinary dexterity caused my fingers to glide over her body.

She tried to withdraw, but I spoke sweetly to her. Her voluptuous body made it hard to keep an erection, but I managed to do it.

Suddenly, her body began to convulse. I flicked her nipple and pulled my hand away.

"Nnghhh ~" She moaned softly. "Shi-kun~"

She lowered her head and breathed heavily. Then a sweet scent wafted from somewhere.

'She just climaxed from her breasts... So lewd...'

Nikushimi: "Nee-san, are you okay?"

She gave a nod despite her body heaving furiously.

Chikage, Shiori, and Saeko also passed me and plopped down on a chair (Mikoto had already gone out from embarrassment). They took off their scarves, revealing their bare backs.

I rested my chin on Shizuka's shoulder, enjoying her sweet scent while admiring the three of them's sexy backs. Slightly broader and defined than an average woman, which only served to increase their charm.

On Saeko's back, I noticed something.

"Saeko-san... Does it hurt?" Shizuka asked, pointing at the cross scar on Saeko's back. The scar was caused by a blade, with a single straight line from her shoulder down to her waist.

I frowned a bit because it wasn't in the original. 'What happened to give her that scar, I'll remove it later'

Saeko shook her head without looking in our direction.

"It's a wound I got in a fight." Saeko replied curtly and started to wash up.

Shiori turned her head towards me and showed a helpless smile. I nodded with a wink.

'I know what to do.' My mouth just said those words to her, and then I showed a kind smile.

She stared at me for a moment before nodding and turning away. I will talk to Saeko the next morning.

Nikushimi: "Shizuka nee-san, let's go. Don't bother them anymore."

Shizuka: "...Okay Shi-kun.... Carry me to the bedroom"

I smirked at her request, which she couldn't see, and whispered. "Why? Nee-san, are you sick?"

Shizuka: "Y-Yes, my legs feel weak."

I moved and squatted in front of her. As expected, the smell of sparkling nectar oozing from her slit became sharper as I approached. She quickly closed her legs to hide it.

Nikushimi: "Nee-san, what is it?"

Shizuka: "T-That, you know... that's..." She stammered and couldn't answer. I opened the system with my mind and bought 9 simple nightgowns.

The fluttering silk dresses quickly appeared in my hands. Shizuka marveled at where the dresses came from.

Nikushimi: "That's just one of my abilities."

Shizuka took one and put it on, before she was able to erase all traces of her climax.

I threw one to Amanda, who caught it with a smile and dressed.

I put on my favorite panda pajamas, put my hands under her thighs and back, and carried Shizuka in the princess carry.

Shizuka: "Eeee!"

Nikushimi: "Shut up"

"Um." She nodded with a slightly mischievous and satisfied expression and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Shi-kun is getting more and more evil."

Am I missing out on anything? Why is she smiling like everything is going according to her plan?

Along the way, Shizuka surreptitiously sniffed at me, which I easily noticed with my senses.

'It means. She was already a bro-con for me.'

With those thoughts in mind, I headed to the room where the girls would sleep.

Nikushimi: "Amanda, you know what to do now."

She nodded and left. I walked into the room and put Shizuka on the bed, she pulled me over and made me lie down beside her.

With a serious expression on her face, she forced me to answer one question after another.

After half an hour, her eyes drooped and she fell asleep. Seeing that, I snuggled into her, placed a kiss on her lips and forehead, and said. "Have a good night."

After saying that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


While Shiro was enjoying time with Shizuka, a certain pink haired girl was walking towards the bathroom after she hid somewhere Shiro had just passed.

Saya: "Why am I hiding when I see him..."

She mumbled as she walked, but then decided not to think about it anymore. However, the image of Shiro and Amanda having sex in the bathroom kept bothering her mind. The more she denied it, the wilder it became.

Saya: "Pervert..."

Mumbling, she stepped into the bath and was confused to see sisters Busujima and Chikage wearing a nightgown that was not possible here before.

Saeko noticed her confusion and with a slight smile she asked "Takagi-san, are you okay?"

The gentle smile on Saeko's face surprised Saya.

Saya: "I-I'm alright."

Saeko: "Don't be in a hurry in these decisions."

Saya: "Okay..."

Shiori: "Saeko, go cook. I'll join you later."

Saeko: "Definitely."

Shiori watched Saeko and Chikage's backs (I don't know if she could cook) until they both stepped out of the bathroom, while Saya groaned from the cold water.

Saya: "Ah, heaven..."

Her wound had somehow healed before she knew it.

Shiori: "Hey Takagi-san, are you going to follow Shiro-kun or not?"

She turned to face Shiori's sharp gaze.

Saya: "What!"

Shiori: "Because I will definitely follow him."

Saya never thought that the Shiori-senpai she respected would run into Shiro. Shiori's tone made it clear that she wanted to fight, but she wouldn't back down.

Saya: "Then why are you telling me this?"

"I can see you're hesitant about your feelings." Shiori smiled lightly. "He may be a giant pervert who has no shame in groping his sister, but there's no denying He's someone I can trust with all my heart. Tell me. know. Are you confident enough to leave the academy without Shiro's help?"

Saya silently glared, looking for words to rebuke. Despite her supernatural powers, she will surely die after the battle with the undead.

Shiori: "I'll take that as if you agree with my statement. We'll even have trouble exiting the academy grounds."

Saya nodded in agreement, although she was reluctant.

Shiori: "Then, did you see the way Miku Yuuki looked at Shiro?"

Another nod.

"Shiro-kun isn't the type to crave a girl's beauty. Most men his age can be seduced by her charms, but you know her personality. That's something a traditional woman like me can never agree to."

Saya: "I know."

Shiori: "You know, people's hearts can be fragile, especially women. In times of crisis, they tend to lean on the strong. Whether it's a man, a woman, or a weapon, they are. will cling to anything that gives me a sense of security."

"Yes" Saya whispered as she recalled her mother's condition after her father divorced her.

Shiori smiled and crossed her arms over her chest. "So a strong and handsome man like Shiro-kun will definitely attract a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Many men and women will cling to him just to survive. Perhaps there are some people who are much better than the two of us.. Are you confident that you won't regret your decision?"

Saya shook her head. Perhaps many people will surpass her in beauty, intelligence or strength.

Shiori: "I mean please don't make any decisions that might hurt you or Shiro-kun."

Saya raised her head to meet Shiori's cheerful gaze. Her competitive half burns like never before.

"I'll do as I please," Saya whispered. "Also, Saeko-senpai too?"

"Saeko... She likes him but can't accept those feelings." Shiori shook her head. "I'll leave this to Shiro-kun. Saeko will listen to him...."

"How can you trust him so much?" Saya grumbled.

"I do what my heart tells me to do and it never disappoints me...except once." Shiori took a deep breath and looked at Saya with a serious expression. "Every big decision in life has a risk and I think I'm prepared to face it."

Saya nodded, full of admiration. "I'll try again..."

Shiori: "Now that's the famous 'genius' of Fujimi academy~"

Normally, she would be happy to receive a compliment. But this time only made her blush. She was seen looking away and wearing new clothes. a light blue short shirt that barely covers her belly button and black tights.

Shiori: "Then, please call Shiro-kun to dinner or he might be busy with Marikawa-sensei."

Saya: "A-Aren't they brothers? Is that even allowed?"

Shiori shook her head. "It's up to them. We ladies should support him to the end, right~?"

Saya: "You seem to have become his lover?"

Shiori: "Call it a woman's intuition, but I'm sure Shiro-kun won't reject me~"

"I'll go call that pervert," she grumbled and ignoring the giggles from behind, she dashed toward the door.

now, standing in the room reserved for girls, Saya frowned.

"They're very close."

Shiro and Shizuka looked more like an entwined couple than brothers.

"Sis-con perv." She whispered before realizing the white nightgown was lying on the bed. It suits Shizuka perfectly.

'Should I?'

Her current outfit is rather revealing. She might not have cared before, but now...

Patting Shiro's cheek, she breathed a sigh of relief and took off her current clothes and put on her nightgown.

"Very pleasant..."

She sat beside Shiro and poked his cheek.

"Wow, this perv looks cute."

After 10 minutes of teasing the sleeping Shiro, her head became hazy. She rolled over and lay down beside him.

'I do not care anymore.'

She thought as her consciousness flashed through.


What is the softness that is covering my sides?

In my confusion, I opened my eyes and saw Shizuka and Saya sleeping beside me, each holding one of my arms. 'Wait, who's holding my waist'

I looked down and it was Shiori

'Why was she here? I slept with them all in my sleep? Ah, never mind, their clothes are still there. Saya is also wearing the dress that I bought her!

How much I appreciate this paradise. I quickly took a picture of this scene.

Then I yawned and went to the kitchen. Someone has started cooking. She wears an apron and black thigh socks.

'Butt and thighs, hmmm. It's Amanda'

I dozed off and hugged Amanda.

Nikushimi: "Amanda, feed me~"

No reply. I reach up and squeeze the plump breasts wrapped in a cloth.

"Mmgh...." She groaned and tried to pull my hand away.

Nikushimi: "She's naughty, she normally does so much, now she's embarrassed in front of her husband. I need to educate her properly."

I grabbed her waist and forced her to turn and press my lips to her pink lips. I kissed her deeply but her clenched teeth prevented my penetration.

At the end of the kiss, I looked at Amanda and was shocked. Purple hair, slightly smaller chest than Amanda and shorter.

Nikushimi: "...Saeko?"

I mistook Saeko for Amanda and forcibly kissed her, even groping her breasts.

Nikushimi: "I'm sorry. It was a shameful mistake."

She shook her head. "It's okay. I'm still sleepy after all."

Nikushimi: "Aren't you mad at me?"

Saeko: "No."

Nikushimi: "Really?"

Saeko: "...Yes."

"Well then, can I touch you more?" I tilted my head and asked in my most innocent voice.

Saeko blushed and looked away. Can't lose this opportunity, I said quickly.

Nikushimi: "Saeko, do you like anyone?"

"No" she replied without looking me in the eye.

Nikushimi: "Then let's go on a date."

Saeko: "Huh???"

She looked at me with her mouth slightly open before taking a deep breath and her expression returned to normal.

Saeko: "...What?"

She is trying to get away. 'That won't happen!'

I held her hand and looked deeply into her blue eyes.

Nikushimi: "Be my woman."

My response is silence.

Nikushimi: "What are you waiting for? I like you and you like me too. Isn't that reason enough for us to date?"

She did not answer.

Nikushimi: "Or am I delusional here?"

She lowered her head and avoided my gaze. I touched her chin and lifted it, forcing her to look at me.

Nikushimi: "Tell me, does it have something to do with the smile you flash when you kill a zombie?"

She stared at me for a long moment before sighing and turning off the stove.

Saeko: "Are you sure about this? I'm a woman messed up in many ways."

A chuckle escaped my lips. "So hit me with your best shot."

She took my hand and pulled me towards the balcony. I quickly grabbed an apple and clamped it down with my teeth. (He likes to eat apples, which is understandable since I made him based on Adam)

It was still dark outside because the sun had not yet risen. This is the perfect time to make Saeko my woman.

I leaned against the balcony while Saeko stood beside me, her eyes darting around the street.

Saeko: "Do you see the scar on my back?"

Nikushimi: "Yes"

She flashed a tasteless smile. "It looks hideous."

Nikushimi: "For me, it doesn't take away your beauty."

Look at me as if checking my words for lies before she nods and continues.

(Simplified summary: Shiori runs away from home accidentally meeting gangsters, Saeko hits them and they take revenge. Saeko gets slashed in the back causing a scar and it accidentally turns out to be a murder.)

It's worse than I expected. Her sister's existence had changed so much. Instead of violence, it becomes a murder.

I put my arm around her shoulder and asked. "What then?"

"The case was closed because of my age, and criminals used guns without a license. My father also took advantage of his connection with the Takagi family. After that day, Shiori practiced swordsmanship. every day. She still blames herself for this. If only I hadn't hit him so hard-"

Nikushimi: "What about you? Do you feel guilty about this?"

She comfortably rested her head on my shoulder. "When I heard they passed away that day, I swear I didn't feel anything. It made me realize I was a monster, feeling joy from other people's misery without feeling guilty and embarrassing."

"I won't say sweet words like I understand you, that would offend you." I squeezed her shoulder. "Did you see me killing those guys on the street?"

Saeko: "That's right."

Nikushimi: "I don't feel anything either. Maybe it's because this apocalypse made me realize that I don't intend to live a boring life." 'Not because of the apocalypse, but because it's ingrained in my subconscious'

Saeko: "I know, your rhythm after you kill them is the same. Without any guilt, that's why I thought maybe..."

Nikushimi: "Yes, that's why I said, we can make a perfect couple!"

Saeko: "And Shiori?"

Nikushimi: "You want me to take you both?"

She nodded in response. "Um. Didn't you think of flirting with us before?"

She is a wonderful woman. I want to take her away now!

"I'll be honest here. Both sisters are wonderful and a gentleman won't overlook any beautiful woman."

"You think we didn't know that. I can tell from the way you look at us and the other girls. Are you going to marry all women?"

Nikushimi: "At least those with lovable personalities."

Saeko: "You know another woman who might have slapped you for this. Tell your harem plans right after confessing her feelings."

I grin as my hand slips into her apron to directly feel her breasts.

Nikushimi: "You won't?"

She giggled at my question. "Should I?"

Nikushimi: "No, I don't feel pleasure from pain."

Saeko: "Mmm... Maybe you'll wake it up."

Nikushimi: "Definitely not."

She pushed my hand away and smiled. "It's not that I hate it, but we still have a lot of work to do, don't we, Shiori?"

Nikushimi: "Huh?"

I turned around and saw Shiori still wearing her white nightgown. Noticing me, she tilted her head and a teasing smile appeared on her face.

Shiori: "She's already ahead of me. What should I do~?"

Her presence completely surpassed my sights. Well, I've been focusing on Saeko the whole time.

Saeko: "Shiori, did you hear everything?"

Shiori: "I certainly did and thank Asahi-kun, for accepting this trapped little sister of mine." Her gaze went from Saeko to me. "And I~"

Shiori rushed at me. Her large breasts pressed against mine.

Shiori: "You're so warm~"

I stopped groping Saeko's breasts and pulled her into my lap.

"Saeko, I told you he would accept us."

Saeko giggled. "Yeah, that nude apron did the trick."

Maybe they conquered me instead of the other way around

I remembered something and asked.

"Shiori, did anything happen last night?"

I went to bed earlier than I thought. I want to know if Amanda will be able to save Alice and her father?

Shiori frowned and looked up. "No, I won't let you touch that girl!"

Saeko also nodded. "Alice-chan is too... young."

Their answer left me speechless, but it also let me know that Alice was safe.

Nikushimi: "Hey, what the hell are you doing with me? I'm not a pedophile."

"A perverted name." Saeko and Shiori answered in unison. "But a charmer."

How can I scold them if they act like that? I can make other claims like sneaking my hand towards their ass and stroking them. The twins groaned but my honest hand felt the long sensation of tight but wrinkled butts.

"Shiro-kun, not here. The students can wake up at any time." Saeko begged with puppy dog eyes. A gesture that I never expected from her.

"Keep going~ I don't mind." Shiori opposes Saeko's request.

Nikushimi: "Okay, I'll stop. Go get dressed."

I squeeze one last and let them go.

To let the twins change, I went into the bedroom. Tsundere Saya's expression is so precious and I really want to see her face when she wakes up.

On the way, I met the sleepy Nao and her sister.

Nao tilted her head. "Mari... kawa-kun?"

She was an airhead… just like my sister. No wonder, she was captured by goons.

I squatted down and patted Aiki's head. "Hello, Ai-chan. How are you now?"

Aiki squinted her eyes and smiled. "Aiki is fine, desu~"

I pinched loli's cheeks. "Tell me if you need anything."

Aiki: "Thank you, onii-chan~"

Nikushimi: "Haha, no need to worry."

Leaving the sisters, I finally entered the bedroom and sat quietly between Shizuka and Saya.

The two women showed no sign of waking up. Harassing them in their sleep is impossible.