Chapter 29

The two women showed no sign of waking up. Harassing them in their sleep is not possible. And because sitting doesn't make me bored

Nikushimi: "I should try something interesting..."

After that, I started as a shadow soldier like Sung jiwon, but since I had no experience and it was my first time, most of them failed.

Although I failed many times, I did not give up and finally succeeded, I looked at the fruits of my labor. A shadow soldier was kneeling in front of me and began to speak.

"My King, please give me a name"

Nikushimi: "From now on you will be called Diablo and will serve me forever"

(Author: Sorry name, don't know what to name the devil)

Diablo: "I give my sincere thanks to my master."

[Named Shadow Soldier]

I was going to be more creative, but something stopped me. Saya lay beside me rolling over and clinging to my legs.

Saya: "Mom..."

Seeing that, I extended my hand and Diablo stepped into my shadow.

Nikushimi: "Your mother isn't here. Though I can become your father if you want~."

She opened her eyes and stared at me. While I stroke her cheek.

Nikushimi: "You woke up earlier than I thought."

She closed her eyes and her lips curled up. Her brain must be perceiving it as a dream. Well done, give her a memorable dream.

With one hand I pulled her cheek, with the other I gently pinched her nipple.

Saya: "Mm~"

Her eyes suddenly opened. I grinned and squeezed her breasts even bigger than Saeko's.

Saya: "S-Stop."

Nikushimi: "Why should I? You come and stalk me at night. What do you mean? Tell me."

She rolled her eyes at my question. "I don't remember it... You must have brought me here. Yes, that's it!"

"Should I call Shiori? She was her this morning too."

She pushed my hand away and stood up. "Okay, I'll tell the truth. I came to invite you to dinner but you two are asleep. I somehow passed out here."

Her answer sounded believable. She remained calm in the face of my harassment. Tsundere is no longer a tsundere?

She stepped off the bed. But before she could go, I took her hand.

Nikushimi: "What?!"

Ignoring her cute cry, I pulled her back and pressed my lips to hers. I tried to put my tongue inside but she pushed me away with red face.

Saya: "Why do you-"

Nikushimi: "It was compensation for making me horny. Also, you look so cute in this dress."

She froze for a moment before turning and running for the door.

Shizuka: "Shi-kun, what's wrong?"

I turned around to see Shizuka pouting.

Shizuka: "Do you like her?"

I nodded at her sharp question and approached her.

Nikushimi: "But I also like you."

My answer made her smile. "I also like Shi-kun... as a family."

As a family, huh. It breaks my heart, but that will change soon.

Nikushimi: "Nee-san. Give me your hand."

Shizuka tilted her head and extended her hand towards me. "What now?"

I took her delicate hand and put a ring on her ring finger. The ring is made of precious metal, I forged it for my ladies, Shizuka's has a yellow gem.

Her eyes lit up before gloom took over her face. "Shi-kun... what is the meaning of this ring?"

"It's a magic ring capable of protecting its owner from danger, it also has a subspace for storage." I pretended to be bewildered while looking at her while grinning internally. "What does Nee-san think it is? An engagement ring? "

Shizuka shook her head repeatedly. "Of course I knew it was something important. I never thought Shi-kun would give it to me with that intention. "

I got closer to her face and held her shoulder to stop her from running. "What if that was really my intention? What you will do? "

She closed her eyes and suddenly, her body fell forward. I grabbed her and examined her body.

Nikushimi: 'She's fine, so she passed out?'

Shaking my head, I pulled her back into the blanket. Then start walking down the stairs to the ground floor, where Arashi, Komuro, Kohta and Kazu supervise the students. These four have become better at managing.

"Better this way, right?" Saeko commented from my left. "Now we can leave without any worries."

Nikushimi: 'Well, I certainly wouldn't worry about them.'

Shiori: "Even so, Saeko was wrong. More than 99% of Shiro-kun's heart belongs to women. "

Shiori definitely nailed it. I pulled out two purple rings, turned around and grabbed Shiori's left hand.

"Shiro-kun?" She noticed the ring and her eyes widened. "Serious?!"

I smiled at her question and pushed the ring on her ring finger.

She brought her hand close to her face and flipped it over, examining the ring with a beaming smile.

Saeko held out her hand with a calm smile that contrasted with her expected twinkling eyes. I smiled and slipped the ring onto her ring finger.


Saeko exclaimed and moved closer, she placed a kiss on my lips. She is quite daring. I could clearly hear the gasps coming from the students.

Saeko stepped back and turned her face away. Shiori patted my shoulder. When I turned around, her soft lips attacked me. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth and tickled me. She is quite skillful for a virgin girl. I didn't back down, but attacked with my tongue causing her to jump on top of me.

Before I could get deeper into her tongue, Saeko forced me away from Shiori. However, saliva still connects our lips.

"Sheesh! Try to pay attention to other people. "Saeko scolded us.

Shiori ignored her sister's words and dragged me upstairs. "This ring looks so beautiful. But where do you get them? "

"I created it. It is no ordinary ring. "I pointed at the wooden sword hanging from her waist." Think about keeping it inside the ring. "

The two of them looked at me with wide eyes before closing and trying to do as I said - for a second, the sword turned into blobs of white light.

Shiori and Saeko opened their eyes and searched but found nothing.

Nikushimi: "Now try to summon the sword."

When they do, the sword materializes in your hand.

Shiori: "Oh!"

Saeko: "It's amazing..."

Shiori exclaimed while Saeko whispered in surprise.

"You give it to us now. Does that mean we're leaving soon? '' Saeko asked.

She is sharper than ever.

Nikushimi: "That's right. Isn't it boring here?"

Saeko's face twisted as the gentle aura around her disappeared. "I know. It won't be fun if I don't smash a skull or two."

That's my sadistic girl.

A series of hurried footsteps came from below, followed by Saya.

"What the hell is going on here?! Why are you three kissing?! ' Saya said through gritted teeth.

Her betrayed expression forced me to step closer and wrap my arms around her small body.

Saya: "You bastard, let go of me..."

She squirmed in my arms. Then there was a tickling sensation from my chest. This girl bit me. It's not like she can do anything to hurt me.

She will use magic if she really wants to get out. So she just wants to talk right now.

Nikushimi: "Listen to me, Saya."

Saya: "No, I didn't hear anything. You are a traitor! You took my first kiss and this is how you repay me. "

Nikushimi: "I'm sorry, okay? But a genius like you should have known from the start that I was a horrible person. A woman will never be able to satisfy me."

She responded with another bite before looking up - with a fire in her eyes.

Saya: "Can't a woman like me satisfy you? Is that what you're trying to say? "

Nikushimi: "I told the truth."

Saya: "... You annoying bastard."

I bet she is feeling competitive. It gave me another idea.

Nikushimi: "Why don't we bet you can? If you win, I'll never find another girl," I whisper and let go of her.

Saya hung her head while her body clung to me.

Saya: "Then I agree."

Sliding my hand over her back, I stopped on her lap, lifted it to my waist, and went into the bath because Shizuka was sleeping in the bedroom and the rest was already being used by the other girls.

Saya: "Stop right here! Where are you going to take me?! "

Nikushimi: "Somewhere I can eat you."

"I'm not prepared," she whispered.

Nikushimi: "Don't worry. I'll be gentle."

She responded with another bite on my chest. I said nothing and continued walking.

I stopped in front of the tub and smiled at Saya, who dared not open her eyes. I opened the door, stepped in, and closed it tightly.

No one can bother us.

Saya: "Shiro put me down!"

I created a sound barrier and bought a king size bed.

"Where did it come from?" Saya asked as the bed suddenly appeared.

Nikushimi: "I have my own magic, okay?"

Saya: "That's amazing... can you create anything?"

Nikushimi: "Not really."

I lowered her onto the bed. She rolls to create distance. I approached her with a grin. "Let's continue where we left off this morning."

She stepped back, a little too much, and fell off the bed.

Saya: "Kyaa!"

I grabbed her hand and pulled her before her head hit the ground. She looked back with wide eyes and red face.

"Girl, are you afraid of me?" A sigh crossed my lips as I released her hand. "Maybe I should go because my presence is bothering you."

Maybe I was too hasty. But a tsundere won't respond until I push her.

"Don't… I'm sorry." She whispered and lowered her head. "I was wrong... to not respond to your confession."

Nikushimi: 'My ears are ringing, or is she just admitting she's wrong?'

"I don't know how I feel about you...even though you're a nasty pervert who wants a bunch of pretty girls stalking you." She raised her head with a solemn expression. "But I know it's hard to live... without you."

'This Tsundere has finally admitted feelings?' I blinked and pinched my cheek.

'All right, this isn't a dream.' Hearing her admit it I couldn't help but ask, "Who are you?"

She fiercely glared at me. However, it just looks cute to me. She couldn't blame me though after all the confession came as a surprise.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her. This time she closed her eyes, locked her arms around my neck and tried to return the kiss awkwardly.

I couldn't hold back anymore. Taking her light body, I moved her to the side and pinned her down. She rested her head on the pillow, two braids lying on the bed while her eyes vaguely looked at me. I threw her glasses aside and kissed her plump lips. Her voluptuous breasts pressed beneath me while her hands slid over my breasts and cupped my back.

It was the first time she took the initiative. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth and covered me.

The fiery kiss continued until she pushed me away and her warmth grazed my face as she struggled to recover. I quickly toss her nightgown and my clothes into space - without waiting for a moment, my lips press against her neck tantalizingly then pull down, I don't forget to bite her shoulder to mark. Then I kept going down until my face was facing her breast.

"Idiot, don't look at them like that," she whispered shyly and tried to push my face away.

However, she couldn't hope to overpower me.

Nikushimi: "Your breasts are beautiful."

I grinned and buried my face between them. The soft flesh exuded a pleasant fragrance that enveloped my cheeks.

Nikushimi: 'Big boobs are the best!'

"Nghhh… stop, it tickles!" She spoke between low groans.

I froze at her unexpectedly cute reaction and raised my head. She quickly dodged away with her embarrassed face.

I chuckled softly and nibbled on her pale pink nipples, eliciting a moan from her. She covered her mouth to suppress them.

Biting, licking, caressing her breasts, I traced my fingers down her bare navel, stopping at the cloth cut deep into her fleshy thighs. Saya's seductive eyes showed a mixture of fear and expectation as she looked at me.

"Can I?" I grinned teasingly.

She could only sigh. Taking her silence as a cue, I slid my hand inside and felt her twitching clitoris.

Saya: "No... wait, no!."

I smirked as my hand slid deeper and pressed into her greasy pussy.

nikushimi: "You're already wet like this. Don't tell me you like being teased?"

She bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes, trying not to let out a moan - it only scared me more. Separating her folds, I plunged one finger into her hole and stimulated the fiery walls. Soon, the wet slit was stretched enough for two or three fingers

Her insides shivered and coiled around my fingers. Saya let loose a stream of sensual moans. Her fists balled up, crumpling the bedsheets while her chest heaved furiously.

Saya: "Hngh!"

My fingers fucked her harder and blocked her mouth with my lips, letting her experience what was probably her first orgasm. A short while later she stopped twitching. I took out my wet fingers from her pussy and squeezed her boobs.

She nibbled on my lips, pushed my chest, and sat up.

"Fuck, that was intense." She looked up — her usual orange eyes shone with a crimson hue. "Are we not gonna continue? You are going to lose. However our heart is big, thus we will let you keep Busujima sisters as mistresses."

Nikushimi: 'What the fuck?!'

My mind went blank at her sudden change. Did the first climax awaken something inside her?

"What are you so lost about?" She laid again with crossed legs and spread her lower lips with both hands, revealing the pink flesh inside. "C'mon fill me up with that throbbing rod now."

Trying my best to ignore the sexy gesture, I asked, "Who are you?"

She tilted her head. "What do you mean? I am Saya, the girl who loves you."

Because her personality suddenly changed, I used appraisal to test it. 'Oh damn, it looks like the fire seed I put in her changes her personality every time she gets agitated.'

Saya: "Shiro~ stop making me wait~!"

I never thought Saya would be the one to ask for it. That change left me speechless until she stood up and pushed her scowling face towards me.

"Are you still worried that this stick won't reach me?" She grabbed my cock stiff from irritation and started moving her hand up and down. "So sweet. Then I'll do this?"

Her hands were on my chest and pushed me back. I braced myself with both hands - she was soon shoving my dick into her strangely warm mouth and her five fingers were gliding up and down, igniting the lust inside me.

She pulled her mouth back and grinned at me, cute pointed teeth sticking out of her lips.

Saya: "I'll make Shiro happy with the boobs he loves so much~."

She took one breast in her hand and pressed my dick between them. My saliva-soaked breasts and her sweat constricted and swayed up and down in my shaft.

This girl used up the full power of her F-Cup breasts. Under her relentless teasing, minutes passed.

Saya: "Darling, cum for me~."

Nikushimi: 'Okay. I will give it to you because you asked for it.'

I leave everything at ease. Milky white semen sprayed on the face and breasts. She shamelessly wiped away the semen and tasted it.

"It tastes bittersweet." She licked her lips and jumped on top of me. "Now we're both ready."

She spread across my hips and grabbed my cock. With her hands on my chest, she inserted the stick into her vulva and lowered herself. I can only watch my dick disappear inside her hot hole - it meets a thin resistance.

Saya's face contorted, clearly not expecting the pain. However, she didn't stop but went down until her butt touched my thighs.

Saya: "Ah!"

She groaned as her back arched. Inside she wraps around my dick, trying to squeeze me dry. She regained consciousness and looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks as red as ripe tomatoes - her eyes reverted to their usual fiery orange color.

Nikushimi: 'Tsundere Saya is back?'

Saya returned to normal and her gaze roamed the room.

"Shiro… I… I'm sorry! I'm not ready for this!"

She covered her face and tried to pull out of position. I put my hands on the bed, lifted myself up and put my arms around her back.

"Hey, can you feel me inside of you?" I leaned close to her ear and whispered. "Are you going to leave me like this? What about our betting? "

Saya: "BB-But… what a shame! How can I do that? Even paizuri…"

Nikushimi: "So you already know about this. As expected of being a genius, you even have knowledge in that field."

Saya: "I… I have never read adult doujin. I swear!"

I run my fingers along her spine, making her shiver.

Nikushimi: "So girls, how do you know they're called doujins?"

"Because… I saw one in my dad's room!" She mustered up her courage and confessed.

Nikushimi: "Wait, you have a fa— never mind."

I've stopped since I found out her mother's divorce from her father

She looked up with determination. "Shiro, promise me that you'll never leave me..."

I chuckled at her reasonable request. "Do you think someone like me would do it?"

"I guess… not," she replied, smiling.

My hands reached down to grasp her round butt to easily lift her up.

"Uwah!" She screamed and hugged my back. "W-what are you doing?!"

Nikushimi: "Finish what we started."

She bit her teeth on my shoulder. "Urgh... Why is it so hard?"

I ignored her words and began my assault on her pussy while her sensual moans echoed near my ear, her teeth continuing to try to bite. It just tickled me a little, it didn't work. Her eyes also switch between orange and crimson, showing her excitement.

Saya bounced on my lap, suddenly patting my back.

Saya: "Mm~!"

I took the sign to thrust deep inside her and released my load. She arched backward as her body spasmed for a good few seconds before she collapsed on me and a stream of juices flowed out of her.

Saya pushed me and leaned towards me with angry eyes, her lips parted. "Shiro you idiot! Why are you doing that inside?! What if I get pregnant? Who will take care of the child in this apocalypse?! "

I pecked her lips. "No need to worry about that. I was prepared for it. "

Saya: "How can you be so sure, huh?"

Nikushimi: "It's one of my abilities, the one that allows me to control sperm."

Then, I took out a ring with a red gemstone and put it on her ring finger. She tilted her head and noticed the presence of the ring. She stared at the ring before her face turned red as usual

Saya: "W-Why?"

Nikushimi: "What do you think?"

"A p-proposal?" She blurted out as her face turned redder.

Nikushimi: 'She was less embarrassed during sex than receiving a ring.'

"You can take it like that."

"Wow Shiro. Thanks a bunch." Her eyes turned crimson — demon Saya returned with a feral grin. "Shiro will be rewarded for this sweet ring."

She twirled her hips and started to rock up and down, her breasts jiggling with every motion.

This time we kept going until we both fell and she jubilantly celebrated her victory - just kidding, Saya melted in two more rounds. Even that is through sheer willpower and her newly awakened naughty mode.

Since we were in the tub, I cleaned her up and dressed her in a short-sleeved shirt and shorts. After putting away the bed, I carried Saya out of the bath and let her rest in the bedroom with Shizuka.

After putting Saya there, I went into another room and I told them that I will sleep till night because I am tired so no one is allowed to disturb me.

They knew it was a lie but still nodded in agreement because my tone was different than usual, it was more serious than usual.

The reason I'm serious is because I just received a text message. Normally, I get texts from Elysia and Selena, but this time was different.

["You have received a message from Ubbo-Sathla, Source of Dimension and planes."]
