"If you can satisfy me with your answer to my riddle, I will let you have it."
Hearing this, Hestia and Orginech tensed up and silently hoped that the creature won't be satisfied.
However, if things worsen, they will just have to fight them. Not the creature, of course.
Despite being God, they did not think they could kill the creature. Well, of course, they can't, knowing that their Divine bodies had become flesh and blood.
"What lies at dawn which stays till sunset? All men sought of it. However, only a few knew what it really was."
Hearing it, the man in front of the creature thought hard. At the same time, the ones that are with him also thought.
There were at least five of them.
Two of them have guns strapped on their backs, while the other two are burly.
Looking at them, it seemed that they were a team that challenged the sphinx.
Meanwhile, the man looked up at the sphinx after a while and answered confidently.