{ i edited this chapter Just a bit chapters 1 from 8 are a bit shorter and less detailed but from chapters 9 and onward I've improved it so there are minimum 2000 words and Good detailing This series has Three volume First one consist All the Canon part which is concluded in 17 chapters }
???: "hey wake up, wake up"
me: "where am I, last thing I remember is that I was in I.C.U due An Unknown illness For last 7 years."
God: "I am god and you are in the cycle of reincarnation because you died at the age of 17" i game him a confused look as he said this
Me: "cycle of reincarnation, God i don't believe in such trash, tell me who you really are.''
God: '' Believe me'' as he pointed his finger towards many people who were who were dead even before my birth like hitler, bruce lee etc. as i watced in exclamation.
Me: ''So you are saying the truth, but why me
i didn't do anything good in my past life ''
God: ''''''''But you were sincere That is why you
are here You may have cursed me times and times But never did complain for having nothing there are only a few people who accept their own incompetence and since you accepted your incompetence not fate in your past life i will give you 5 wishes and the power to choose in which world, as whom with what background you will born with.''
Me: '''''So I can choose as whom I live as, huh I still can't believe it but if you say so then I guess I'll just do that, then let's see I want be born in world of dragon ball as a sayain other than Goku who came to earth and his parents died like goku's parents. and my name will be Karma.''''''
God: ''''''So now that you have choosen your life now you may state your five wishes you can ask for anything.'''''' I started thinking after he said that I thought for what I could wish for and I quickly decided what I was gonna wish for then I stated my five wishes.
My First wish was to give me the Mastered legendary SSJ Form like Super's Version of broly but without having any side effects and anger issues of the form that Broly had since it is more purer that Normal SSJ my overall power will also increase.
My Second wish was to give me The Mastered Ultra instinct but without any after effects and strain on my body because ULTRA INSTINCT is an technique not an transformation and is more on defensive side then it will be more beneficial than ULTRA EGO.
My Third wish was to give me The potential higher than of frieza, in Just four months Frieza went to SSJ level To SSJ BLUE level with minimum effort if he would've seriously trained then even Beerus wouldn't have held a candle to him.
My Fourth wish was give me Power of Instant & Infinite KI Generation power so I could instantly produce any amount of Ki I want and it will also Overall improve my power Greatly.
My Fifth and final wish was to Give me Full control of God KI and power to manipulate any type of Ki from birth so it will be impossible to hakai me.
God: aren't your wishes a bit broken kid.
Me: Yeah they are I died miserably last time but this time I will be better than anybody.
and with my life decided and my wishes stated God Said okay and gave me my new life as Karma.
When I opened my eyes I was already five years old. I woke up in a cabin on an island as I got down from the bed memories of past five years got on my mind as I found that this the very same island where Android 17 was gonna live eventually, I also found out that I was raised by an old man who was the last native human of this island.
I got of my bed and started feeling ki and send it to my different body parts as I realized that Frieza's potential and Mastery of God ki was a brokenly overpowered combo because I felt that in my base even without any type oftrasformation and training I am still strong enough to face Buu saga SSJ 3 Goku and beat the crap out of him pretty easily and it was just start of the dragon ball it even wasn't near
time of Dragon ball Z.
I made up my mind that until the time sayains arrive I was gonna train like a madman completely getting adjusted to LSSJ and UI and unlocking other transformations like SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ GOD, SSJ BLUE AND so on. but I thought that if I have real God ki then maybe I would get SSJ ROSE not BLUE and imagine SSJ ROSE EVOLUTION it would be majestic and because of the God ki no one will be able to sense my power
and I began my years of training till the dat Vegeta and nappa arrive
( Forgot to mention age of birth was 730 two years prior of Vegeta)