Karma: it's finally upon us tomorrow nappa and Vegeta Finally arrive
In these last 27 years i gained hard and got and mastered every SSJ FORM like SSJ GOD and I was correct due to me having original God ki I got SSJ ROSE which is way stronger than SSJ BLUE EVOLUTION
and I mastered various techniques like Ki blasts, Ki beams, Kiei, and even harder techniques like instant transmission and Fly I Mastered my LEGENDARY SSJ AND ULTRA INSTINCT. My base power is around 3 trillion thanks to Frieza's potential and even in my i could easily defeat T.O.P. Gohan (base) in my base form single handedly. To avoid getting noticed by supreme Kai I learned to suppress my power enough to not cause suspicion. And due to Infinite KI I can't get tired in any fight. most of the time in these past 27 years slacked off on the training but I trained more in the techniques department and travelled through space eventually finding namek and yardrat. I gather more knowledge about universe from zuno himself. learned many techniques from various planets. and eventually with help of zuno I was able to go to the sacred world of kais and met shin and told him to not worry about me and instead focus on raising mortal level of universe 7. and I broke the Z sword too to make sure that if sayains need some help elder kai would be able to help them and was able to pick out some techniques from kais for my own as well. And I even managed to get quardinates of vampa and beerus' planet. I was satisfied with the techniques that I learned.
Next day
Vegeta and nappa arrive on earth nappa single handedly took out almost everyone then Goku arrived on the scene and instantly took out nappa, I was watching it all while hiding my pressens, but when Goku was heading out I released my killing intent while unsuppressing my power I let out a power level of 10 billion and started to walk towards two sayains they after they sensed my overwhelming pressens they crumbled in fear and Goku said
Goku: '''' W-who a-a-a-are y-.'''' as Vegeta due to fear was unable to speak anything
I smirked and while concealing my pressens again I said that
Karma: '''' So prince of sayains you want to destroy this planet which gave ''ME'' shelter.''''
Vegeta crumbled and faintly mumbled that: ''''Against this power even frieza is nothing but a speck of dust although I can't sense his ki or power but the pressure he is exhibiting is enough enough to drive anyone crazy'''' after that he apologized to me and begged me for help as Goku was watching he told me and goku about frieza as Goku said
Goku: ''''who are you really I've never seen you before'''' unfazed by me this is so like Goku i thought
after that I told Goku that I am also a sayain and my parents were peace loving sayains so they sent me to earth in age 732 when I was only two years old and here on earth an old man raised me as I said th is Goku got sad and nostalgic as he remembered grandpa gohan.
after that Vegeta said that he would do any thing if I would help him to kill frieza.
I said that I rather would not directly get involved in your matters but you could takedown frieza but for that you have to work together. and remember my friendly advice that a person who doesn't get swayed by his emotions is strong but a sayain who gets swayed by his emotions is stronger.
as both looked at me sadly, I said
karma: '''''my name is karma, whenever trouble is big, I will be there to help you, oh and yeah you can revive your friends on namek with help of their dragon balls.''''
as I teleported away the two nodded at each
other and said together let's head to namek.