last time: while bonds between karma and bulma were getting stronger and stronger karma sensed a strong ki and so he decided to inspect the matter so he went to scene where he saw king cold lying on the ground dead and in front of him was someone.
As i arrived at the scene I saw adult goten with a sword(similar to future trunks) and there was a man besides him in a black cloak covering his face.
soon Goku, Vegeta, broly and other Z fighters arrived. as they asked who are those two people are in front of him and one's ki was somewhat familiar.
As future goten saw Goku he started crying as tears fell from his eyes he hugged Goku and said
Future goten: d-dad *sob* I missed you *sob*
everyone in shock: what! dad?
Goku: Gohan? no you are not Gohan, you are the the other one. as Goku tightly hugged him
Krillin: the other one?
Goku: yeah chi-chi told me today that she is pregnant.
everyone is shocked to hear this.
Karma(thought): my plan worked
soon man in cloak removed the cloak and revealed himself as Karma of future. everyone was equally shocked too see this as he said
Future Karma: sorry myself from past I am a disappointment can you help me out with '''''''HIM'''''''
Karma(present): even I didn't think of '''''THAT'''''
it's thanks to you that I managed to avoid that trouble.
[ Flashback AGE 740]
I was doing my daily training when a time machine appeared at my cabin, in that machine came out a man who introduced himself to be my future timeline self he told me to remove every remnant of my D.N.A. because he forgot about cell and with mine and Frieza's D.N.A. he was able to came out even stronger he was defeated eventually but at cost of 9 universes a every destroyer he was even able to fight grand priest somewhat but without Grand priest (daikaishin) it would have been impossible to stop cell so my future self created a technique which removes my D.N.A signature by a barrier of incinerator ki which incinerates my Dead cells [pun not intended] all of this so this timeline goes normal, every one in his timeline from universes 1,2,3,4,6,7,10,11,12 died only he and goten survived.
[Flashback ended]
Future Karma: Thanks to you, we were able to
take some namekiens to out timeline and create dragon balls to restore all kais and destroyer and with help from grand priest and namekians we were able to restore Super dragon balls and returned everything to normal. He telepathically told me this
Future Goten: We are here to warn you about an android name cell our timeline was destroyed by him, he was made grime our DNA so he became very strong. we have warned your Karma about this before he must've prepared you for this and taught you that technique as well. after hearing that Goku said.
Goku: So that's why he taught us about that weird technique.
Future Karma : it is near, cell has awoken early in this timeline and surprisingly he has absorbed 17 and is absorbing 18.
Tien: 17 & 18? huh?
Future Goten: 17 & 18 are androids that dr. gero of Red Ribbon army made who is also creator of cell. cell was created to enact revenge on goku who destroyed red ribbon army, cell has three forms first form is imperfect, when he absorbes 17 he attains his semi-perfect form and after absorbing 18 he gains his perfect form.
For Z fighters this is too much to swallow they think what is happening androids, cell, time travel.
karma: looks like he is perfect now, 16 is out too now we should head there.
everyone agrees and flies there, when they arrive they see cell for humans cell is above everything they saw. but for sayains he like a bug.
Cell: uh! look who we have here now I don't need to find you Goku.
Karma: Broly take him out.
Cell: you think you could defea-,
as cell was going to finish his words broly punched him across the globe.
Cell: Impossible! I am the perfect being how, how could I lose to you weaklings.
I teleported to cell and said
Karma: you are strong indeed but not perfect, no one is. but for me this the perfect opportunity to free 17 & 18 with a single kick to stomach cell spits out both androids, and as I hate bugs so you are a perfect bug to crush and the pun is very well intended. I said as i charged an attack at tips of my two fingers while holding my hand upwards and attacked him with a spinning ki ball like attack saying "INFINITY STRIKER".
after 17 and 18 gained consciousness they asked
17/18: why did you help us. (in a harsh tone)
Karma: because I believe you two could change. as i handed them some quardinates and a rusty key and said
Karma: take these I trust that you two could change these are quardinates of my old cabin you could live there as long as you like but don't hurt anyone from now on or I will ***COME FOR YOUR HEADS***. I said it in very dark tone with releasing a massive pressure of ki.
humans were a bit scared from the fact that let androids go but they ultimately trusted me.
everyone took a breath to relax and thanked time travelers for their help as they said goodbye to them.
[ Thank you everyone for reading this I hope that you enjoyed it please support me till tournament of power because after it I am gonna do something special ]